Work Out Your Own Salvation

by Terry Wane Benton Paul encouraged the brethren at Philippi to continue obeying as they had in the past to work out their own salvation (Philippians 2:12). This did not mean that they were to work it out on their own, earning or meriting their way to heaven without provisions of grace from the Lord.…

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Own It

by Wilson Adams Jesus’ brother writes, “Each person is tempted when ____ …” (James 2:14). Fill in the blank of people, circumstances, and culture you can blame. “Hey, it’s not really my fault!” Well, James says it is. Keep reading. “Each person is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust…

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His Blood Be Upon Us

by Jefferson David Tant The expression in the title came from Matthew 27:25 during the trial of Jesus, as Governor Pilate was in a sense “between a rock and a hard place.” He seemed to realize that Jesus had committed no crime, and his wife had cautioned him against doing anything against Christ. Pilate’s wife…

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How can God judge sin upon later generations?

Question: Good day, There are a few occasions in Scripture where God pronounces judgment on later generations (for example, I Kings 21:29). How do we explain this if sin is not judged upon another? Thanks. Answer: When Israel was sent off into captivity, the captives told themselves that they were there because of their ancestor’s…

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Turning Forgiveness Around

by Greg Gwin We hear it frequently in the news these days.  It has been a common defense in some high-profile criminal cases.  The basic argument is that people can be excused for committing even hideous crimes if they can demonstrate that something awful happened in their past.  Unfortunately, this approach has proven successful in…

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Right Message, Wrong Audience

by Matthew W. Bassford At first glance, the narrative of Exodus 2:11-14 appears to be one of impulsiveness and immaturity. Moses, a 40-year-old resident of Pharaoh’s household, decided to visit his Hebrew kinfolk. He sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, strikes the tormentor dead, and hides the body. The next day, he tries to break…

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Man Up

by Doy Moyer I’d like to talk again with the men here. Men blaming women for their own sins is as old as Adam and Eve. Literally. You remember what Adam did when confronted by the Lord: “the woman you gave me…” It didn’t work then and it doesn’t work now. That blame game gets…

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Am I lost because I passed up an opportunity to teach?

Question: Since being baptized, I have been interested and active in soul winning. I taught Bible classes for children, worked with VBS, worked with a bus ministry, showed the Jule Miller Film Strips, and sent out Bible correspondence course lessons. I attend worship and Bible study three times a week. When my husband was in…

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Should I stay with my husband or my children?

Question: Good morning brother Hamilton I don’t want to say I am a fan, but I learned a lot from the lessons, sermons, and questions and answers on the La Vista Church of Christ website, and I am still learning. Glory to God for such initiative. I am grateful for having such a platform where,…

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How to Ruin Your Influence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 14:34-35   I.         Your reputation, your ability to influence others is valuable             A.        Ecclesiastes 7:1 – Better than expensive perfume             B.        Proverbs 22:1 – Better than great wealth             C.        Christians are expected to influence the world – Matthew 5:13-16             D.        But if we ruin our ability to influence others, what good are we?…

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What If the Lord’s Church Was up to You?

by Terry Wane Benton What if a local church of Christ in your area was totally up to you? What if the Lord was counting on you to make sure there is a sound, biblical and encouraging church that existed and continued to hold up the truth of the gospel? If it weakens or dies,…

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When I Grow Up by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Lamentations 3:19-38   I.         Have you noticed how the world sets up different standards for children and adults?             A.        You can’t smoke until you’re a certain age             B.        You can’t drink until you have reached 21             C.        In some ways it makes sense, we want to protect our children while they are young…

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I want to move out but I’m scared to tell my parents

Question: My parents are Christians and refuse to accept that drinking is wrong. I live with them and I want to leave because of this, but I’m terrified to tell them. I’m more than old enough, but they’re my parents and I’m afraid they’ll make me lose my nerve and I’ll stay. I’m sick to…

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What about people who play the victim card?

Question: Hi, I was wondering what the Bible has to say about those who play the victim card to deceive people. Answer: All lying is wrong, regardless of the motivation behind the lies (Proverbs 6:16-19; Revelation 21:8). Thus, to do something with the intent of deceiving people is sinful. There are various reasons people play…

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Does my parents’ adultery affect me?

Question: Hello, I am a faithful Christian and try to the best of my ability to follow the teachings of Christ. But unfortunately, my parents are atheists, and they had me while committing the sin of adultery. Does their sin have any repercussions on me, and if yes, what should I do? Answer: When Israel…

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Am I to Blame for a Wayward Child?

by W. Frank Walton Introduction One of the most heartbreaking parts of life is for a parent to lose a child to the world (II Samuel 18:33). Guilt probes the sensitive conscience of a loving parent, “Am I to blame?” The Bible clearly teaches a balance of parental duty to influence a child (Proverbs 23:26),…

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Why is sin still our fault?

Question: Hello, I have something to ask that’s been a big question for me. I don’t understand things the way I ought to. All have sinned. Can you help me reconcile the fact that it’s impossible to never sin, but sin is still our fault? I know factually that God is not to blame, but…

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I got a girl pregnant twice and now I have no life

Question: I impregnated a girl over ten years ago. I told her that I couldn’t marry her. I went to university and tried to assist her to develop academically too, but all effort was abortive. I was taking care of the baby and paying all the bills. After some time, she has another baby with…

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Presumptions by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 19:7-14   I.         Parents of teenagers are often exasperated trying to buy clothing for their children             A.        You find a great bargain and you just know your child will like it – up until they see it and they say “Yuck!”             B.        I remember not liking many of the things my…

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Those Who Will Give an Account

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you” (Hebrews 13:17). Most recognize the quote from Hebrews 13:17 as referring to the…

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Who Is Accountable? by Andrew Long

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If I Have to Sin by Raymond Warfel

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What does it mean that everyone has to give an account to God?

Question: What does it mean that everyone has to give an account to God (Christ)? Answer: See: What Will Happen on Judgment Day? “But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written: “As I…

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Parenting Grade-School Children — Responsibility Training by Jeffrey W Hamilton Text: Lamentations 3:25-36   I.         How quickly our children grow             A.        The years between five and nine seem to quickly fly by             B.        The children enter school.             C.        Relationships with people outside family develops                         1.         Teachers                         2.         Friends – usually strongly attached to same sex             D.        Sibling rivalry common especially with those of the opposite sex             E.        Growth…

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Am I responsible for my boyfriend turning from Christ?

Question: When I was about 17, I moved congregations with my family, and shortly thereafter their gospel meeting was upcoming. During that week a boy was invited and a few weeks later he obeyed the gospel. Honestly, over time I knew he was trouble, but I guess I just ignored it– but then about a…

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Kidnapper Upset Being Seen as a Bad Guy

Source: The New York Times, “Iran bankrolling its own version of ‘Argo’,” Omaha World-Herald, 12 January 2013. The film Argo is “about the CIA’s extraction of six American diplomats from revolutionary Tehran.” Not surprisingly, the Iranian government doesn’t like the movie. “‘Argo’ was condemned by Iranian officials as anti-Iranian.” Imagine that! More amusing, however, was…

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Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

by Steven Harper You may be familiar with the story in which the title for today’s article was spoken, and probably just as familiar with its popular usage today. In the Bible story, Cain had killed his brother Abel and God said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” (Genesis 4:9). Cain’s reply was this familiar statement and question: “I…

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And Just Whose Fault Is It? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 9:14-24   I.         I received a note that I found disgusting             A.        A woman complained that her husband wasn’t giving her the affection she deserved, so she kicked her husband out and brought in a boyfriend.                         1.         That sin doesn’t justify sin apparently doesn’t matter to her – Romans 3:8             B.        What…

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Will God judge the husband by the actions of his wife?

Question: I would like to know if God judges us through our spouse. When the day of judgment comes for me, will I be judged by my wife’s actions?  Will my position as head of household be in question for the decisions she made in her life? Please answer as it has been said we…

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Your Parents Can’t Make You Go to Heaven!

by Ted J. Clarke One of the greatest miseries of being a child is being made to do things that a child does not want to do. Eating vegetables, brushing teeth, taking a bath, cleaning one’s room, going to Aunt June’s, going to school, attending worship and Bible study — these all rate high on…

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