What If the Lord’s Church Was up to You?

by Terry Wane Benton

What if a local church of Christ in your area was totally up to you? What if the Lord was counting on you to make sure there is a sound, biblical and encouraging church that existed and continued to hold up the truth of the gospel? If it weakens or dies, it is blood on your hands for not taking responsibility. What if God is expecting you to nourish and cherish the church because Jesus spilled His precious blood for her (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:25ff).

The will of God is clear. The success or failure of having such a church in your area does indeed fall on you. Think about what God expects of you! In every area where Christians exist, there should be a church that meets according to the Scriptures, God’s word. Take your hands to that plow and never look back at worthless endeavors of this world.