Own It

by Wilson Adams

Jesus’ brother writes, “Each person is tempted when ____ …” (James 2:14). Fill in the blank of people, circumstances, and culture you can blame. “Hey, it’s not really my fault!” Well, James says it is. Keep reading.

Each person is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust …” According to James, when it comes to giving in, we are our own worst enemy. It’s ... On ... Us.

Question: Why do we think we can get edgy-close and handle more than we can? After all, we are warned in both Testaments: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18) and “If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall” (I Corinthians 10:12).

Why such stern warnings?

Because we overestimate our ability to resist temptation and underestimate the energy resistance demands. Fighting temptation is fatiguing because warfare is fatiguing. By the way, the part of your brain that controls your willpower multitasks in other areas: coping with stress, regulating emotions, and making decisions. Your brain works overtime keeping your self-control controlled.

It’s why willpower wanes.

It’s like fuel for your car; the more you use, the less you have. That’s why you must refuel with Scripture, prayer, and association with those who will walk you closer to Jesus. Why is that important? Because we’re not that great in the moment.

The truth is we’re not as strong as we think we are. Thanks be to God for what He gives us to refuel, stay ready, and overcome. So, when you mess up, own it, learn from it, and stay away from the edge.

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