Posts Tagged ‘modesty’
What about people leading studies while wearing t-shirts with inappropriate prints?
Question: Good day, sir, I don’t know if it’s just me, but it doesn’t sit right with me that brothers can lead a study on Wednesday wearing t-shirts with big spider prints in front and prints of the joker. What’s your take on it? Thanks. Answer: “But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become…
Read MoreIs it proper for a Christian to be sexy?
Question: Is it okay for a Christian to be sexy (both male and female)? How do you define the word “sexy”? Answer: The Oxford Dictionary defines “sexy” as “sexually attractive or exciting” when applied to others or “sexually aroused” when applied to yourself. Therefore, by definition, “sexy” is referring to sexual lust. “Likewise, I want…
Read MoreI appreciate your post about not drawing attention to ourselves based on the things we own
Question: Hello, Thank you so much for your post “Is it a sin to own a luxury handbag?” I am struggling with what the world says women should do to gain worth or look good vs. what God says. I am still learning. I prayed to God to teach me and searched on Google and…
Read MoreWhat Does Your Clothing Say? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 22:2-14 I. Take a look at these pictures and tell me what you think. A. Men 1. Who is the most rebellious? 2. Who works hard? 3. Who doesn’t care what others think? 4. Who is the most practical? 5. Who is the most studious? 6. Who is the most fun loving? 7. Who is most…
Read MoreJamaica Patois Wisdom – Clothing
by Jefferson David Tant The Jamaican Patois dialect is colorful, unique, and humorous. It is my desire to share some of the philosophy shown in this mix of colorful phrases that are witty as well as thought-provoking. I hope the readers both profit and enjoy. In my quarter-century plus of teaching there, I have come…
Read MoreWhat length pants or shorts should men wear?
Question: Hello, I attend a church of Christ here in a small town. I had a question regarding modesty. I’ve studied tremendously on this topic and am still left with questions. Your articles are very sound and accurate so I figured you could help: Are shorts ok to wear that don’t all the way hit…
Read MoreIs it wrong for women to wear some items of men’s clothing?
Question: Sometimes when I’m at home I’ll wear some of my husband’s clothes because they’re very comfortable for lounging (basketball shorts, t-shirts, things like that). I’ll also wear his basketball shorts outside in the yard when I’m playing with the kids, once again because they’re very comfortable and also much more modest and longer than…
Read MoreShamefastness and Dress
by Jerry Fite In the context of holiness, Paul instructs women to ”adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefastness and sobriety; not with braided hair, and gold or pearls or costly raiment; but (which becometh women professing godliness) through good works” (I Timothy 2:9-10). We communicate many things about ourselves through dress. It should not…
Read MoreIs this appropriate clothing for worship?
Question: Good morning, Can you come to worship dressed like this? Over here it happens, but we are not in Africa. We are in Europe. This person has been a member of the congregation for decades and has his citizenship here in this country. His African tribal costume leaves a part of his chest completely…
Read MoreShould I get rid of the crucifixes on my wall and my t-shirts with religious slogans?
Question: Hello, I am a recent convert. I was baptized for the remission of sins just a few days ago. Now I’m wondering. I have crucifixes hanging on the walls in my home, and I often wear shirts with religious sayings on them. For example, I wear a hat that reads “Jesus is Lord” and…
Read MoreGod doesn’t want you to change
Question: It’s not about wearing clothes its about doing everything in society so that you match your body in human form. God doesn’t care if you wear clothes or what clothes. He just wants you to be you. Don’t ever change. Just be yourself. Thanks for trying. Just so much wrong out there. Find your…
Read MoreChristlike Clothing
by Matthew W. Bassford One of the longest modesty texts in the Bible never mentions the word once. It appears in Colossians 3:12-17, a passage about the virtues in which Christians should clothe themselves. They are the things that others should see when they look at us. To many Christians today, this application might seem…
Read MoreYou need to really study the Catholic Church before making incorrect statements on your website
Question: I converted from the church of Christ over 40 years ago and have been a member of the Catholic Church since then. Your online article is totally incorrect in almost all areas. Examples are you say we worship statues and idols. Totally incorrect! They are only there for reminders of Christ’s sacrifice and his…
Read MoreI decided to change my wardrobe
Question: Hello, I’m really grateful for the advice you gave to a lady battling with guilt and issues about whether to break up with her fiancé. I had the same thoughts today, even though we have been trusting God for our wedding next year. I felt the standards I had at first have diminished and from the…
Read MoreIs it wrong for women to wear trousers when everyone doesn’t accept the practice?
Question: Is it wrong for a sister to wears trousers in an environment where it is yet to be acceptable by some of the residents? For instance, in my country, some people believe trouser wearing by women is sinful. What do you think? Answer: The idea of modesty is to not call attention to yourself…
Read MorePose Pretty
by Jefferson David Tant What do you usually do when someone points a camera at you? If you are like most, you immediately “straighten up” a bit, don’t you? Hair fixed, clothes in good order, and a nice smile on your face. Did you ever wonder why we are like that — why we go…
Read MoreModesty
by Randi Roberts Sentry Magazine, September 2003 “Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel — rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God” (I…
Read MoreCan a Christian use a sauna?
Question: Can a Christian use a sauna? If a Swede or Scandinavian becomes a Christian, should they stop going to the sauna, even in a case that it isn’t sexual? Answer: While saunas are popular in Sweden and Scandinavia, they are not limited to those countries so I will just focus on whether using a…
Read MoreWhatever Happened to Modesty?
by Denise Bowman Biblical Insights, July 2007 Modesty has been an issue for man since the beginning of time (Genesis 3:6-7). Isn’t it amazing that Adam and Eve, who were husband and wife and alone in the Garden, understood the need to cover their nakedness, and yet it is sometimes such a stumbling block for…
Read MoreShould a husband have a say in what his wife wears?
Question: I read your response to someone asking about unmarried people touching and getting involved in foreplay. The response was very good, I think. Is there any real biblical evidence for women to cover their chests as the average guy does? Women seem to have less and less clothing on. It makes it difficult for…
Read MoreAre you saying that some societies’ standards of dress are wrong?
Question: Hi Mr. Hamilton, I agree with you on modesty but was wondering what you would say in the case of societies like some in Africa where women are bare-chested as well as the men. Is this like the case similar to an ankle in the Victorian age or are we right in saying these…
Read MoreIs it a sin to own a luxury handbag?
Question: Hi, I’ve been reading your articles about modesty, and recently I got myself into some heated arguments with a few sisters about owning luxury handbags. Some felt that these are considered as things of the world, and we shouldn’t pursue it, while some felt that owning them will likely invite jealousy. However, the irony…
Read MoreHow do I talk to my wife about modesty?
Question: My wife struggles with modesty. I do my best to show and tell her that I support and love her regardless of her decisions, but it still makes me uncomfortable when she chooses to dress immodestly. It’s not that I don’t find her attractive, because she is. I feel uncomfortable because I believe that…
Read MoreIs it wrong for guys to wear leggings?
Question: The question I have may seem different, but I need some guidance. I wear leggings as a guy. They are comfortable, and I cover with a long tee when I wear them. It may be odd, but would it be considered sin l? I do not feel shameful about it. Nothing bad is showing.…
Read MoreThe Real Issue in Modesty
by Doy Moyer I see a variety of discussions about modesty. Often they seem to devolve into disputes about issues like women’s empowerment, men’s lustful habits, and where exactly the lines on the body should be. I have no interest in starting another such dispute, so let’s not go there. What I do want to…
Read MoreIs it all right to wear religious clothing, so long as we are not showing off?
Question: Luke 20:46 and Matthew 23:5 warns us about people wearing religious clothes just to show off. Yet, some groups claim a need to wear special clothing because they can’t be like the rest of the world. Are they okay as long as they don’t do it to show off as the Pharisees were doing?…
Read MoreIs it a sin for a woman to dye her hair colors such as red, blue, or green?
Question: Hi, Is it a sin for a woman to dye her hair from natural black to another color such as red, blue, green, etc? Answer: “Your adornment must not be merely external — braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart,…
Read MoreYour article on mixed swimming is just how my daddy taught me
Question: Your article on “What Is Wrong with Mixed Swimming?” is just how my daddy taught me and my twin! Awesome article! Answer: Glad you found the information useful.
Read MoreModest Dress
Modest Dress – Part 1Modest Dress – Part 2 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 2:9-10 I. Some people seem to be resistant to the idea that God is concerned with matters in this physical life. A. They hold a nebulous idea that God only deals with spiritual matters — ideas such as love, joy,…
Read MoreModesty in the Modern World by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreAre yoga pants, bikinis, and short shorts immoral?
Question: Are yoga pants, bikinis, and short shorts immoral? Most women in my area wear these, even pastors’ wives, so it confuses me greatly because I feel sometimes like they’re immodest and that I should avert my eyes. Answer: They can be immoral. When clothing no longer hides a person’s nakedness, then it is wrong.…
Read MoreCan female nurses touch a man’s genitals?
Question: Deuteronomy 25:11-12 says “This is what you must do when two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from the man who is beating him. If she tries to stop the fight by grabbing the other man’s genitals, cut off her hand. Have no pity on…
Read MoreAre music videos with half-naked women not sinful because they are so common?
Question: Most music videos have half-nude women. They are aired almost non-stop every day, and we can’t escape such, at least not when in a public place. Are they sinful in themselves? Answer: There is a marvelous gizmo on devices called a “power button.” Press it and you don’t have to watch what is on…
Read MoreIs it possible to find modest swimwear?
Question: After reading many of your questions and answers on the subject of apparel, I am still confused a little bit. In one article, you stated, “Nakedness is the exposure of the sexual organs. Any clothing that allows a view of these parts is considered equivalent to being naked.” I agree with this on the basis of…
Read MoreShould public breastfeeding be allowed?
Question: Hello, I have been pondering something for a few days now about public breastfeeding and modesty. There is a group of women I know who are “Pro public breastfeeding” They are not Christians at all, but I still feel like I should say something even though I don’t think it will do any good.…
Read MoreHow does a medical staff member deal with the needed examination of private areas?
Question: How do medical students, like me deal, with a private part examination of the opposite sex or same-sex sometimes? Answer: “And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, but our presentable parts have no need” (I…
Read MoreExcellent article on cheerleaders and modesty, brother
Question: Excellent article on cheerleaders and modesty, brother. Answer: I’m glad you found the article useful. I guess someone recently rediscovered it after it was originally posted in 2006. It has been read over 11,500 times in the last eight days.
Read MoreWhat should I do when there are immodestly dressed women around me?
Question: What should I do when I’m in an environment where seeing immodestly dresses women isn’t possible to avoid? At college, for instance. Answer: “I have made a covenant with my eyes; why then should I look upon a young woman?” (Job 31:1). When people don’t have the sense to be ashamed about the…
Read MoreIs a man immodestly dressed with his shirt off?
Question: Is a man immodestly dressed with his shirt off? Answer: “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing” (I…
Read MoreAre men and women who dress immodestly urged toward promiscuity?
Question: Are men and women who dress immodestly urged toward promiscuity? Answer: Webster’s Dictionary defines immodest as: not modest; not decorous; indecent; not shy or humble; bold; forward. Immodesty doesn’t necessarily go hand in hand with promiscuity. It can lead to promiscuity, but it is not a given. A person can be fully clothed and still…
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