Jesus, the Bridegroom

by Doy Moyer God created Adam and Eve to be husband and wife, cleaving to each other in faithfulness (Genesis 2:24). Here is the beginning of marriage, but marriage was not meant to be an end in itself. Marriage is intended to point to something even greater: God and His people in a covenant relationship…

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Does Love Sanctify?

by Adam Litmer The following question was submitted for consideration. “I was recently in a conversation where someone claimed that genuine love sanctifies homosexual relationships. I wasn’t sure how to respond to that in the moment. Would you mind offering some thoughts?” I’m happy to offer a few thoughts. The statement about genuine love “sanctifying”…

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God’s Relationship with His People

by Zeke Flores Marriage and its accouterments are often used in Scripture to describe God’s relationship with His people. “I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks…

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Love versus Trust

by Terry Wane Benton Jesus loved everyone, including the Pharisees, but Jesus did not entrust Himself to everyone He loved. Otherwise, He would not have exited their presence those several times they wanted to capture and kill Him. Dying was on Jesus’ schedule when the time and place were right. Therefore, He loved and wanted…

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What Christianity Is All About

Text: Ephesians 1 by Don Bunting One (or Two) Chapter Lessons

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Calling Attention to the Heart

by Doy Moyer One can work and not have faith, but one cannot have a living faith and not work. One can do for others and not have love, but one cannot love and not do for others. We may be prone to evaluating the outward works, the visible doing, “but the LORD looks on…

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Your First Love

by Terry Wane Benton “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love” (Revelation 2:4). The first love was the focused and enthusiastic love they had at the early stages of their conversion. As John in his epistle stated, “We love Him because He first loved us” (I John 4:19) and…

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The Christian’s Attributes

by Jefferson David Tant “Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. For if these qualities…

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45th Birthday

by Matthew W. Bassford Today is my 45th birthday, a time for reflection if ever there was one. From an earthly perspective, this is a grim milestone indeed. It is almost certainly the last birthday I will ever celebrate. When I was in elementary school, I learned about Huntingdon’s chorea, what they call Huntingdon’s disease…

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Love the Brethren by Raymond Warfel

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Love of God Poured Out in the Heart

by Terry Wane Benton You know the Holy Spirit has poured the love of God in your heart (Romans 5:5) when you have listened to what the Holy Spirit has revealed about it. When you read what the Spirit revealed to Paul (Ephesians 3:3-5), it spills over from Paul’s heart into your heart, and when…

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The Hound of Heaven

by Rick Lanning Do you remember this quote? “No one is good but God.” Most readers will immediately think of Jesus’ reply to the rich young ruler who had run to the Lord, fell on his knees, and asked, “Good teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” Christ jolted…

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Talking with Your Neighbor

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton (Short Talk) Text: Zechariah 8:16-17   I.         Undoubtedly there are evil people around us             A.        There are people who plot the harm of others, even though it disrupts the safety of those around them – Proverbs 3:29             B.        This was one of the many problems that led to Israel’s downfall – Micah 2:1-3             C.        Typically…

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Good Neighbors by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 12:16-21   I.         Putting off the old man             A.        When we become a Christian, we are supposed to become a new person – II Corinthians 5:17             B.        We are supposed to have the mind of Christ – Philippians 2:5             C.        That isn’t so hard when everything goes well             D.        But 19th century English…

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The Truth About God’s Love by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 5   I.         The world is filled with varying and confusing ideas about how God loves us.             A.        Typically the emphasis is placed so heavily on God’s love that many think that God is incapable of a negative thought against anyone.             B.        Others see God as so remote and unapproachable that…

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A Life Defined by Love by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 16:13-14   I.         The story of Ruth is a popular love story from the Bible             A.        It isn’t how most people see as a typical love story.                         1.         She doesn’t go out searching for love but she eventually finds it anyway             B.        Rather, we see the story of a woman whose…

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How can there be love in heaven when sinners are in hell?

Question: Good Evening, Thank you so much for all the resources included on the La Vista Church of Christ website.  My son and I have been using these articles for years. Unfortunately, my son is now a wayward Christian, and he asked me the following questions in a recent Bible study that we did together.  Can…

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Is Romans 8:35 about our love for Christ or Christ’s love for us?

Question: Hello, I am going over some studies on the Perseverance of the Saints. I came across one site that stated Romans 8:35 was talking of our love for God and not His love for us. Do you have any insights on this?   Answer: In the Greek text, “from the love of Christ” (apo…

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The Problem of People

by Doy Moyer While many turn away from God due to some perceived problem with God (e.g., allowing evil to exist), I have found that just as prominent is a problem that they have with those who call themselves Christians. Because Christians have been hypocritical, unloving, divisive, and abusive, some have walked away thinking that…

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Going Before and Following After by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 5:21-25   I.         The phrase “lay hands upon” in I Timothy 5:22 deals giving your blessing to another person             A.        Such as when Jacob blessed his grandchildren – Genesis 48:14             B.        Such as when someone is appointed to a duty – Acts 6:6; 13:2-3             C.        It can also be a sign…

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Consider the Lord’s Loving Kindness by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 107   I.         Whatever our life, we need to acknowledge God loving kindness toward us – Psalms 107:1-3             A.        Many talk of Psalms 107 as a song of God redeeming the nation of Israel from Babylonian captivity.                         1.         But this isn’t about a nation. It is about groups or categories of…

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Unconditional Love by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 136:1-26   I.         I was reading a book that began to speak of the love of God.             A.        As many denominational writers do, he referred to the unconditional love of God.             B.        By this, he and others believe that God loves all people, no matter how they behave.                         1.         Often a parallel…

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Love and Respect by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 5:25-33   I.         There are some topics that are joined such that you cannot have one without the other.             A.        Faith and obedience are two sides the same subject.                         1.         You can’t really have faith without obedience – James 2:14-18                         2.         And you can’t really have obedience without faith – Romans 4:2-5…

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Unconditional Love?

by Terry Benton in Answering Religious Error, April 15, 2015 That God’s love is “unconditional” means one thing to one person and a different thing to someone else. The Bible does not use the expression “unconditional love” but does imply it. God “so loved” the world (John 3:16). That would mean that love is what…

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Old Tricks From Satan’s Playbook

by Austin Hausner “Is there a thing of which it is said, ‘See, this is new’? It has been already in the ages before us” (Ecclesiastes 1:10). Solomon reminds us that there is nothing new. This is important to remember because many things that people say are new are actually the same old tricks repackaged…

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Love and Repentance

by Terry Wane Benton It is common these days to hear people use scriptures that say that God “loves” everyone and commands us to love everyone. But they use this to mean that God “accepts” everyone regardless of their sin and attitude toward sin. They often call this “unconditional love.” Often we are told that…

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Maintaining the Same Love by Raymond Warfel

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Identifying a New Testament Church

by Steve Dewhirst Sentry Magazine, December 2002 Traditionally, we gospel preachers have spoken of “identifying the New Testament church” in an effort to distinguish it from the sects roundabout. But in so doing, we have sometimes obscured the true nature of the body of Christ. We begin to preach about the church Jesus said He…

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God’s Mornin’

 by Whit Sasser Cameron S. Smith tells a wonderful story. It is about the only white person in the state of Georgia buried in a cemetery reserved exclusively for African-Americans. This man had lost his mother when he was just a baby. His father, who never married again, hired a black woman named Mandy to…

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Is it wrong to pray the Psalms?

Question: I have an urgent question that is generating heat in my congregation. This heat is created by my wife. She prays the Psalms, and I personally do not agree with her on this. But she insists that it is the word of God. I don’t agree because we are New Testament worshipers and the…

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Doctrinal Matters

by Doy Moyer When we think of “doctrinal” issues, we tend to think of matters like marriage and divorce, the work of the church, baptism, etc. We work hard to try to get these right, and there are often sharp disagreements over the nature of these “doctrinal” matters. “Doctrine” means teaching, and anything we teach…

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A Worker for the Lord by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 10:16-25   I.         God has not promised His children a life of ease.             A.        Christ warned his disciples that if men are willing to call him “Beelzebub” then we shouldn’t be surprised when they turn against us.             B.        Christianity is not easy because of the rejection we must face. It is…

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God Who Makes the Broken Beautiful by Wayne Fancher I. The Earth from Without Form and Void to Beautiful Genesis 1:2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:31 Then God saw everything that He had made,…

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Love in the Time of an Epidemic

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton A friend of mine recently posted a passage written by Eusebius, an early historian of the church, which I wish to share with you. At the peak of the Cyprian Plague, which ran from about A.D. 249 to 262, there were as many as 5,000 deaths per day throughout the Roman…

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I accidentally fell in love with a married man

Question: Hello, I just want to ask for some advice because I am struggling right now. I am a woman who is single. And I met a married man. We accidentally fell in love with each other. I tried everything to avoid him because I know he is married. But even as hard as I…

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Teaching Love by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 13:11-14   I.         I received a complaint several years ago. After reading an article on why sex outside of marriage is sin, the reader complained, “I wish you guys would pay more attention to the golden rule, ‘love thy neighbor,’ than all the homophobic and ‘sex is sin’ stuff.”…

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The Greatest Commandment by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 22:34-40   I.         From among the Pharisees, a lawyer came to Jesus to put him to the test.             A.        He asked, “Which is the greatest commandment?”             B.        A difficult question, given the large number of commands found in the Old Testament.                         1.         How do you decide which is greater than the others?…

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For God so Loved the World

by Matthew W. Bassford John 3:16 is surely the most well-known verse in the Bible, with even Matthew 7:1 running a close second. Most Christians are aware that the world’s understanding of the latter is dramatically off-base, but I think that even when it comes to the former, we miss the point a little bit.…

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Loving Enemies

by Doy Moyer The world can see whether or not we love one another (John 13:34-35). The world can see whether or not we are committed to unity (John 17:20-21). The world can also see whether or not we love our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48). Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash Loving enemies is one of…

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