Love Is … by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 13:1-8   I.         Many passages are used for needlepoint samplers. A popular choice is I Corinthians 13:1-8             A.        Have you considered the meaning of the many phrases?             B.        We often associate this passage with weddings, but Paul was writing about what love between brethren is like             C.        However, it can be applied to…

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Giving Respect by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Malachi 1:6-14   I.         The word translated as “respect” in our Bibles comes from an interesting Greek word, entrepo.             A.        The word has two, seemingly conflicting, definitions.                         1.         It can mean showing respect or honor – Hebrews 12:9                         2.         It can mean having shame – Titus 2:6-8             B.        Even our English word “respect” as…

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What Is This Thing Called Love? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Song of Solomon 8:6-7   I.         We use the word “love” freely today. Perhaps too freely.             A.        I love to have another piece of cake.             B.        Mama loves her baby.             C.        He fell in love with her at first sight.             D.        He loved her through fifty yeas of marriage.             E.        I love my country. II.        The…

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How Do You Show Love? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 5:6-21   I.         It seems that today, showing another person love means never telling them they are wrong or criticizing them any way             A.        People claim to be offended if other person disagrees with them or points out a flaw in their behavior                         1.         Islamaphob! Homophob! Etc.                         2.         To take a…

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How Could a Loving God Send Me to Hell?

by Tanner Campbell The very thought of Hell is terrifying. Such a thought is an intense provoker for many to repent of their sins and revere the word of the Lord. However, others think little of Hell. For example, you may have heard someone say something like “how could a loving, kind, and merciful God…

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Brotherly Love by Raymond Warfel

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Redeemed by a Loving God by Raymond Warfel

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Using Love as an Excuse by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 13:4-7   I.         Love is a wonderful attitude             A.        God is love and we should imitate our Father – I John 4:16             B.        But people pervert what love ought to be and use a claim of “love” as a cover for permitting sin II.        Love as an excuse to do wrong…

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These Are Our Times

by Doy Moyer Abusive. Heartless. Brutal. Slanderous. Reckless (read II Timothy 3:1-5). These are our times. These are times in which people will brutally kill a child in the womb, then slander and curse those who would oppose it. These are times in which people will be reckless in behavior, crude toward those who differ,…

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You Can Be Loved But Not Yet Accepted

by Terry Wane Benton God loves the lost and seeks to save them. They are not saved and accepted just because God loves them. Love longs for reconciliation, but just because God loves us it does not mean we are reconciled to God. God demonstrated His love by giving His only Son for us (John…

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For Those Who Love God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 8:28-30   I.         Jesus said that the greatest command is to love God – Matthew 22:37-38             A.        It is the greatest command because it is the foundation for all other commands                         1.         It opposes all idolatry, the complete rejection of God (atheism), and sins directly against God                         2.         But it also demands…

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When God Washed Men’s Feet by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 13:1-17 I.         Jesus’ mission was drawing to a conclusion             A.        It was the night that Jesus would be betrayed             B.        Judas had already made a deal with the Jewish leaders to betray Jesus             C.        Jesus had gathered with his disciples to eat one last Passover meal and to give them final instructions…

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Church Issues and Love

by Edward O. Bragwell Throughout church history, divisive issues have arisen among Christians, even to this present day. While this should concern us, it should not cause excessive alarm. They are to be expected. After all, the apostle Paul wrote in the First Century: “For, in the first place, when you assemble as a church,…

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What does the Bible teach about soul mates?

Question: Good evening, I’m trying to understand what the Bible teaches on the matter of “soul mates.” Could you offer some guidance? A coworker of mine asked me today if I believe in soul mates. She’s been married before and divorced for what I understand are unscriptural reasons. She is now dating a man she…

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Is It Love or Lust?

by Robert H. Farish Gospel Guardian – October 19, 1967 The English word “love” is one of the most used and worst abused words in the language. For many people, love is identified with lust. People who do have not the remotest idea of what love is according to God are heard speaking enthusiastically of…

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Perfected in Unity by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 17:13-26   I.         In Jesus’ final prayer to the Father before his arrest, Jesus expressed his desire that his followers be united, just as he and the Father were one – John 17:22-23             A.        That “one” is not numerical, but a unity in purpose and action. II.        Through this unity we…

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To me, love proves there is free will

Question: Dear Mr. Hamilton, Thank you for your lessons in reference to the determinist or Calvinist’s point of view vs. the view of choice or free will: There Is No Partiality With God The Role of Obedience in Salvation Is Our Fate Predetermined? If one takes the Calvinist’s view that only the elect are called…

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What Is the Hardest Command?

by Jefferson David Tant From time to time, we see articles written about love. We remember a lawyer asking Jesus a question, “trying him: Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? And he said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and…

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Do I have to be nice to liars and the profane?

Question: Hey Jeffrey, I have a question: I try to be a friendly person all the time, but some people’s personalities I don’t mesh with, or I’m not a big fan of how they do things or treat people. Some people lie all the time and make light of it and one guy constantly curses…

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Let Love of the Brethren Continue

by Jefferson Davis Tant Gospel Guardian – June 1, 1967 The most enduring quality in this world is that of love. The great apostle who suffered so much at the hands of false brethren, who was repeatedly imperiled by the elements, who was savagely persecuted by misguided zealots, who was forsaken by fellow workers, who…

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I thought I loved a man, but I don’t. How do I break up?

Question: Sir, Unknowingly I fell in love with a guy who is divorced. He is more than ten years older than I am. He divorced his ex because she was an unbeliever. She wanted to separate from him. The guy is near my home. He has struggled a lot in his life. I was attracted…

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A Father’s Reply

by Dave Beckley Long ago, my husband wrote the following to one of our sons. To our many sons and daughters today, please read, for he longs the same for each of you. Joanne Beckley Dear son, Your letter was very revealing and open, a reflection of your honesty and confidence in us. We are…

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How Have You Loved Us? by Alan Feaster

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Love Your Neighbor by Joe Works Studying Leviticus

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The Love of God by Raymond Warfel

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Love Finds a Way

by Sewell Hall All Christians want to bring the lost to Christ. But each of us has some handicap that causes us to feel limited in our ability to do so. It may be a weakness of knowledge or difficulty in expressing ourselves. Perhaps it is a personality deficiency or even a lack of transportation.…

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Loving the Brethren by Raymond Warfel

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Will God understand that I have trouble loving people?

Question: I am really messed up. I was subjected to severe sexual, emotional, and physical abuse as a child. I do not love myself, do not really like myself. As I age, I keep more and more to myself, only doing shopping as needed, and going to church. I was baptized about 36 years ago…

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Jesus Loves Me by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 10:13-16   I.         “Jesus Loves Me” is a tune known the world over             A.        It was written in 1860 by Anna Bartlett Warner as a poem for her sister’s book, Say and Seal. In the story the poem is recited by Mr. Linden, one of the characters, as he comforts…

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Open My Eyes That I Might See by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 5:11-14   I.         Discerning good – Hebrews 5:11-14             A.        I can understand a person not recognizing evil, but how does a person miss good?             B.        The topic under discussion was seeing that Jesus was like Melchizedek                         1.         This was something needful and good                         2.         But the audience could not see it because their…

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God’s Amazing Love

by Dennis Stackhouse God’s love for mankind; what does that mean to you?  How has God’s love for you affected the choices you have made and the way you have chosen to live your life?  Many will respond in obedient faithfulness as they seek to please God in all they do.  For others, God’s love…

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Can we love as much as God loves?

Question: Can humans love others as much as God loves humans? Answer: “A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). We learn love from God. “We love, because He first loved us” (I John 4:19); thus, we can grow to love…

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True Love by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Song of Solomon 8:6-7   I.         A common question that I receive from teenagers and young adults is “How will I know that I’m in love? How will I know that this person is the right one?”             A.        It is a difficult question. How does a person with no experience in…

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Brotherly Love

by Doy Moyer In our modern-day, “love” has many faces. A man may see a woman for the first time and say, “I’m in love.” What he means is, “I have a strong attraction.” To some, “love” implies lust. Basically, “love” means anything we want it to mean in whatever given circumstance. Some parents think…

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