Does a Leader’s Appearance Matter Anymore?

by Max Dawson Daniel was a prophet of God who was among the first captives taken by Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem to Babylon in 605 BC. He, along with some other Hebrew captives, were highly spoken of (Daniel 1:4). They are described as “…young men in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking, gifted in all…

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What Does Your Clothing Say? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 22:2-14   I.         Take a look at these pictures and tell me what you think.             A.        Men                         1.         Who is the most rebellious?                         2.         Who works hard?                         3.         Who doesn’t care what others think?                         4.         Who is the most practical?                         5.         Who is the most studious?                         6.         Who is the most fun loving?                         7.         Who is most…

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Jamaica Patois Wisdom – Clothing

by Jefferson David Tant The Jamaican Patois dialect is colorful, unique, and humorous. It is my desire to share some of the philosophy shown in this mix of colorful phrases that are witty as well as thought-provoking. I hope the readers both profit and enjoy. In my quarter-century plus of teaching there, I have come…

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Shamefastness and Dress

by Jerry Fite In the context of holiness, Paul instructs women to ”adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefastness and sobriety; not with braided hair, and gold or pearls or costly raiment; but (which becometh women professing godliness) through good works” (I Timothy 2:9-10). We communicate many things about ourselves through dress. It should not…

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Is this appropriate clothing for worship?

Question: Good morning, Can you come to worship dressed like this? Over here it happens, but we are not in Africa. We are in Europe. This person has been a member of the congregation for decades and has his citizenship here in this country. His African tribal costume leaves a part of his chest completely…

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I decided to change my wardrobe

Question: Hello, I’m really grateful for the advice you gave to a lady battling with guilt and issues about whether to break up with her fiancé. I had the same thoughts today, even though we have been trusting God for our wedding next year. I felt the standards I had at first have diminished and from the…

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by Randi Roberts Sentry Magazine, September 2003 “Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel — rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God” (I…

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Whatever Happened to Modesty?

by Denise Bowman Biblical Insights, July 2007 Modesty has been an issue for man since the beginning of time (Genesis 3:6-7). Isn’t it amazing that Adam and Eve, who were husband and wife and alone in the Garden, understood the need to cover their nakedness, and yet it is sometimes such a stumbling block for…

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Prejudiced: Preconceived Opinions Text: James 2:1-9 I.         How many of you believe you are prejudice? How many of you believe you are the victim of prejudice?             A.        Prejudice is old, old problem that Christians have battled for centuries.                         1.         It means to have an opinion about something or someone before all the facts are weighed.                         2.         It is not wrong to…

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Should a husband have a say in what his wife wears?

Question: I read your response to someone asking about unmarried people touching and getting involved in foreplay. The response was very good, I think. Is there any real biblical evidence for women to cover their chests as the average guy does? Women seem to have less and less clothing on. It makes it difficult for…

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Is it a sin to own a luxury handbag?

Question: Hi, I’ve been reading your articles about modesty, and recently I got myself into some heated arguments with a few sisters about owning luxury handbags. Some felt that these are considered as things of the world, and we shouldn’t pursue it, while some felt that owning them will likely invite jealousy. However, the irony…

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The Real Issue in Modesty

by Doy Moyer I see a variety of discussions about modesty. Often they seem to devolve into disputes about issues like women’s empowerment, men’s lustful habits, and where exactly the lines on the body should be. I have no interest in starting another such dispute, so let’s not go there. What I do want to…

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Modest Dress

Modest Dress – Part 1Modest Dress – Part 2 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 2:9-10   I.         Some people seem to be resistant to the idea that God is concerned with matters in this physical life.             A.        They hold a nebulous idea that God only deals with spiritual matters — ideas such as love, joy,…

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Are yoga pants, bikinis, and short shorts immoral?

Question: Are yoga pants, bikinis, and short shorts immoral? Most women in my area wear these, even pastors’ wives, so it confuses me greatly because I feel sometimes like they’re immodest and that I should avert my eyes. Answer: They can be immoral. When clothing no longer hides a person’s nakedness, then it is wrong.…

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Come as You Are

by Dan Gatlin A popular notion of our generation is “attend the church of your choice.”  Sectarian bodies, promoting this concept, have tried to make themselves as attractive as possible to the general population in order to increase their membership.  There are some churches that focus on a particular group of people, i.e. there are…

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Is it possible to find modest swimwear?

Question: After reading many of your questions and answers on the subject of apparel, I am still confused a little bit. In one article, you stated, “Nakedness is the exposure of the sexual organs. Any clothing that allows a view of these parts is considered equivalent to being naked.” I agree with this on the basis of…

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What should I do when there are immodestly dressed women around me?

Question: What should I do when I’m in an environment where seeing immodestly dresses women isn’t possible to avoid? At college, for instance. Answer:   “I have made a covenant with my eyes; why then should I look upon a young woman?” (Job 31:1). When people don’t have the sense to be ashamed about the…

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Are men and women who dress immodestly urged toward promiscuity?

Question: Are men and women who dress immodestly urged toward promiscuity? Answer: Webster’s Dictionary defines immodest as: not modest; not decorous; indecent; not shy or humble; bold; forward. Immodesty doesn’t necessarily go hand in hand with promiscuity.  It can lead to promiscuity, but it is not a given.  A person can be fully clothed and still…

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Is it right to watch movies with poorly dressed people?

Question: Is it right to watch movies with badly dressed people? People seem to think that because it’s in a movie, it’s normal. I disagree. Most movies are sensual. Answer: What is being argued is that it is acceptable to look at scantily dressed people for entertainment. But if that is true, when does clothing become…

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Cover Up by PJ Anderson

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Is mixed swimming right or wrong?

Question: I was reading your sermons on modesty. What I want to know is why do you say mixed swimming is wrong, but in the article labeled “Emphasizing the Physical”, mixed bathing is not considered wrong, but people make it a rule? I’m a little confused. Answer: People love to make rules, but we don’t often think…

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Should my husband require his daughter to wear stockings and garters?

Question: My husband requires both me and our two daughters to dress in a conservative and feminine way. For me, tights are not allowed. It’s traditional stockings and a garter belt. I’m quite at ease with this, but he wants our daughter to follow suit, and I know there will be confrontation as she considers…

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What do you think about Christians watching cheerleaders at games?

Question: I read your article on dancing, and I was hopeful that you would have a complete sermon covering this topic.  Our class, last night, was on Christian Strategies for Social Life. Yes, pretty much dancing was discouraged.  But, and I knew it was coming, football games and cheerleading was not an issue. It was…

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Must a woman dress plainly or wear a covering at all times?

Question: I am a head-covering lady and a modest dresser. I see that you have links to different head covering sites for ordering them.  Do your ladies wear them all the time or just for church and praying? Also, about modesty: Are their dresses or skirts plain or with prints? Do they wear skirts? I have…

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Do you have more thoughts on the issue of dress in worship?

Question: Thank you for your sensible and persuasive essay on dress.  It is a nice contrast from some of the more stringent and pharisaical content that I’ve seen and heard, in that you are able to make a sound, scripture-based argument without beating anyone over the head with personal views.  Your reasoning shows little personal bias…

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Clothing Doesn’t Matter?

Joe R. Price The outcry over Britain’s Prince Harry wearing a Nazi uniform to a costume party has been loud and boisterous. No doubt the young prince has been reminded of the life and death struggle for freedom his countrymen and the world fought and prevailed 60 years ago. The stench of millions of innocent…

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Questions about spanking, privacy, and clothing choices.

Question: I have three boys who are actually not my stepsons yet.  Their mother, who is widowed, and I are going to be married in about two weeks. We are maintaining a biblical relationship. However, I am a teacher, so I am free to handle childcare over the summer, where she is not.  In order…

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How to Raise a Heartache

by Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. via The Auburn Beacon “The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother” (Proverbs 29:15). Though I have been a father for many years and a grandfather for a few years, I still do not claim to be an expert on child-rearing. I…

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Are pants, earrings, makeup, or Reggaeton music bad?

Question: Hi, Is it a sin for women to wear pants outside of the church but skirts and dresses inside the church? Are earrings and using makeup a sin? Finally, is Christian Reggaeton bad? I know it’s a lot of questions, but I was just wondering. Thanks! Answer: In regards to wearing pants, a similar…

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Can a man go shirtless to church?

Question: Is it acceptable biblically for a young man to attend church in just shorts? And if not, why not? Answer: I was asked a similar question a while back: What do you think about people wearing shorts to church? I don’t know if you are extending this to mean attending church without a shirt as…

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