How should prayer be done at a wedding when the in-laws are Muslims?

Question: Hello, I have a friend in our Bible study group whose son is getting married to a gal who converted to the Christian faith a couple of years ago and has been immersed, but her family is Muslim (except one brother). The couple, both in their early 30s, chose to have a garden wedding…

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Should a church have time in worship for members to pray quietly?

Question: I am a member of the Church of Christ in a local congregation. Of late, when we pray in the church, we do allow individual members some time to say their prayers adding that we should not speak loud. I am perplexed now. Answer: I don’t blame you for being perplexed. Such prayers would…

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Why did God make Hannah wait so long before having a child?

Question: Today we read about Hannah finally giving birth to Samuel. Why did it take so long? Why did God close her womb until Samuel? Answer: We aren’t told why God had Hannah wait. “Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!” (Psalms…

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Salome’s Request by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 20:17-28   I.         We don’t know much about Salome, other than that she was the wife of Zebedee and the mother of the apostles James and John.             A.        She made a request of Jesus that he turned down – Matthew 20:20-22             B.        Jesus later tells the disciples that they can ask…

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Have you ever heard of people using Psalms as a prayer book?

Question: Hello, I was out running errands one day, and as I was waiting in line I started a conversation with a woman who was also waiting, and she mentioned something that seemed very strange to me. She professed to be a Christian and we were talking about prayer and then she said that she…

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Why do I feel like God never answers our prayers?

Question: This is probably a stupid question, but anyway I will proceed. Sometimes I feel like God never answers our prayers; thus, why do we pray? How do we know if God answers our prayers? Are there signs that I should be looking for? I just don’t understand why we pray for things to get…

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Does Jesus hear our prayers before God hears them?

Question: How does Jesus send our prayers to God? Does he hear them before God hears them? How exactly does it work? Does Jesus listen, and then verbally repeat your prayers to God? Answer: Speaking of Jesus, the writer of Hebrews said, “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come…

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How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Question: When I got saved I always wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I have received two times in my life the touch of God and when He touched me some power went from my head and through all my body, but I wasn’t aware that it was the Holy Spirit who touched…

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Is it proper to bless God’s high and holy name?

Question: I had used the phrase “We bless your high and holy name.” I realize the word bless means basically to make happy. Is it scriptural to pray that phrase?  I figure the elders would have corrected me if it wasn’t, but all men are imperfect.  Just wanted to know so if I needed to,…

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Which is the correct Lord’s Prayer?

Question: The Lord’s Prayer:  Protestants say “for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever” but Catholics do not.  Why?  Which is correct? Thanks much. Answer: “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in…

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Your article helped clarify when to stop praying

Question: Good morning and praise the Lord! I have had a question burning inside for a while about praying for a man who says he wants to be a Christian. I am not to judge him. I am also not to give pearls to the swine. The situation got really confusing and ugly, as I am…

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Is Romans 8:26 proof that people still speak in tongues today?

Question: Kenneth Copeland uses Romans 8:26 as proof that people speak in tongues.  I understand that tongue-speaking has ceased (I Corinthians 13:8-10). I don’t know what Romans 8:26 is saying so I can’t denounce it to a friend who believes she can speak in tongues.  Separate from the question I want to say thank you…

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Is it useless to pray that society stops sinning?

Question: Am I praying in vain for the outlawing of homosexuality and abortion? I honestly never see these politicians and judges overturning these laws in this country. Also, is it vain to pray for society, in general, to stop casually accepting adultery, fornication, and other acts that God finds despicable? I pray for these things…

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The Holy Spirit’s Intercessory Prayer

by Tanner Campbell In this article, we will put Romans 8:26 under a full investigation. The text explains that “the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” This difficult…

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What do you do if a girl offers to lead a prayer?

Question: Some new friends I’ve begun spending time with recently are all religious people. Two or three times now, one of the girls has offered to pray before we eat. I have absolutely no idea how to handle that properly. I know I’m responsible for doing or saying something, but I don’t know when or…

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Do I stop praying for my husband to come home?

Question: My husband is not spiritually grounded and never really has been. I am a Christian, and I love him very much.  We are separated and I’ve been praying for my marriage to be restored. My question is should I stop praying? I don’t want to seem obnoxious, pushy, or impatient toward the Lord, but I…

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Will God give me my heart’s desire?

Question: I prayed to God to show me my future wife and he did. He showed me a dream. After a while, I asked Him to interpret the dream and He sent an angel to me in a dream. The angel looked like a normal human and had no wings or white clothes. He said,…

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Does God always hear our prayers?

Question: In John 11:42 it says God always hears you, but in the verse, you showed me in “Should we pray for Satan’s salvation?” it says that God said that if people were to pray for the extreme idolaters then He would not hear their cries out to him? Answer: “Then they took away the…

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What authority do we have to lead a prayer?

Question: What authority do we have to lead a prayer? Where in the Bible does it talk about this practice? Answer: I Corinthians 14:26-33 tells us the importance of church services being orderly. People are not to be talking at the same time. In that same discussion, there is mention of someone saying “Amen” when…

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Why should we pray for a corrupt ruler?

Question: Christians say that God’s word says to pray for those in authority.  What is the truth about praying for a leader who is against God’s word?  A leader who is a liar. Who makes fun of the Bible? Who is haughty and greedy. A killer and a homosexual who is leading a nation to…

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What prayer can I say to remove temptation?

Question: Hello, I have been reading your forum to try and live a better life, but I have a question to ask: My mind has been disturbing since my holidays. It’s always telling me to do sinful things, but I always fight back. I want to know what prayer to say so that my mind…

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Is it wrong to pray for non-believers?

Question: One thing I am noticing when I am praying is that I pray for non-believers to somehow find Jesus and God. Is it wrong to pray for them? Answer: Praying that nonbelievers might hear the gospel is a wonderful prayer. Paul offered similar prayers, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel…

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Is it bad to keep on praying the same prayer all over again?

Question: This is a question about prayer. Is it bad to keep on praying the same prayer all over again? It could be from desperation, or it can be another reason. For example, you have a problem or worry you share with the Lord and you think that you are not getting any answers. Does…

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Why didn’t God help me get my license?

Question: Hi! Currently, I am trying to get a motorbike license. I have prayed very hard and went for the test, but I failed three times. I feel so demoralized. All my friends, who are non-Christians, had passed but I couldn’t. I asked God why at times. And I have even doubted Him, which was…

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Is group prayer biblical?

Question: Hi, I attend a couple of churches of Christ, both of which practice group prayer. If we are so concerned with serving God strictly with biblical authority (e.g. no music in worship, etc.) then surely there must be some explicit mention of group prayer in the New Testament. Could you please point this out…

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How do I know if God answered my prayers?

Question: I have a question for you: I was reading an article regarding prayer and it stated how we should look for our answers to our prayers. What I don’t get or understand is how do we know when it has been answered? Of course, if it’s in the affirmative, we assume it was God.…

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Jabez’s Prayer by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Chronicles 4:9-10   I.         In a long list of names, under the family of Judah is brief mention of a person named Jabez.             A.        We learn that his name means “he will cause pain.” Though what kind of pain he caused, outside of childbirth we do not know.             B.        He is…

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Is it wrong to sit while praying?

Question: Believers in Orthodox churches have the biblical truth about body position during prayer. They stand, or kneel, but not sit, which I was taught is spiritual arrogance before the Almighty. Orthodoxy has lots of truth that evangelical protestants don’t. Remember that Jesus stood to pray. The apostolic church never sat to pray, except for…

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I have trouble remaining focused in my prayers. What should I do?

Question: I have a couple of questions regarding my prayer life that are bothering me.  I’ve searched for the answers to these myself, but the only places I’ve found them addressed is from the Catholic church, and I’d rather hear an opinion from a member of the church of Christ. First Question or Concern: When…

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Must you be baptized even after saying the prayer of salvation?

Question: I was wandering if you had to be baptized, even after saying the prayer of salvation to be completely saved. Answer: Just one small problem — there is no mention of salvation coming through prayer in the Bible. To claim to be saved by saying a prayer, then, is to make up your own…

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Why bother praying?

Question: If what you say is true, then why bother praying at all? You are more or less saying that God will do whatever He wants to do no matter what you pray for. If you are right, then please explain. Answer: I don’t know which page you are referring to. I suspect you either…

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Studying Prayers by Skip Sebree Communication Between God and Man

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Improving Our Prayers by Skip Sebree Communication Between God and Man

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Communication Between God and Man

by Skip Sebree, Fall Gospel Meeting, 2010 God Speaking to Us Becoming Better Readers Becoming Careful Readers The Learning Triangle Understanding the Word Our Speaking to God Improving Our Prayers Studying Prayers

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How do you make your prayer life better?

Question: What should you do if you have been baptized and trying to live the Christian life, but your prayer life is not as it should be? You go for weeks without praying and asking God to forgive your sins. Then when you do pray for forgiveness, you never feel like you’ve been forgiven because…

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Praying a Sinner’s Prayer

by Jarrod Jacobs via “Common Questions — Bible Answers” (Southside church of Christ, Owensboro, Kentucky) A while back, I received a sample packet of tracts from “The Tract League” (a.k.a. “Faith, Prayer, & Tract League”) out of Grand Rapids, MI. According to their form letter addressed to the “Pastor,” they have over 300 tracts in…

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