The Nature of Sin, Temptation, and Lust

I.         The pathway to death – James 1:13-16 (handout)             A.        Desire                         1.         Each of us is born with a normal, natural set of desires.                         2.         Those desires are the consequences of the operation of our bodies.                                     a.         What is the purpose of thirst? Hunger?                                     b.         Does sexual desire have a purpose?             B.        Temptation                         1.         Satan tries to place us in situations where it…

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Are same-sex relationships wrong if they are non-sexual?

Question: Does it make any difference at all if the girl – girl or boy -boy relationships are not sexual? What I am trying to ask is would being infatuated or “falling in love” with someone of the same sex be a sin? Answer: Oh, the mess our over-sexualized world has made of relationships between…

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What is Wrong with Mixed Swimming?

Text: Ephesians 4:17-24   I.        Let’s first define the issue.                         1.         It is not whether boys and girls can participate in the same activity.                                     a.         There are plenty of sports and other activities where both men and women participate.                                     b.         Often, as adolescence is reached, boys and girls will separate, mostly because men and women have different levels of…

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How do we distinguish between attraction and lust?

Question: Having read your article, “Is masturbation unacceptable?” I wish to commend you for tackling a subject many avoid. Sunday night I finished a series of lessons on human sexuality, so I feel we have this in common. I have a question that might help shed some light on this subject. Matthew 5:28 says,  “But I say to…

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Does pornography change a person?

Question: My ex-boyfriend told me when I shared with him that it hurt my feelings he was using pornography, “Well, good riddance to a woman like that!  Everybody does it!  Guys use it to get off.”  He would also say things like, “It took me two years to get over Asian skin.” I got out…

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What is the spiritual impact of online pornography?

Question: What is the spiritual impact of online pornography?  I dated a man who used it a lot and even though we are no longer dating, I feel icky about his choice to use this. Answer: Pornography’s impact is the same, whether we discuss pornography distributed over the Internet or found in “adult” stores or…

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What sexual acts should not be committed before marriage?

Question: What sexual acts should not be committed in a relationship before marriage? Answer: “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). From the time that God created the world, His intention was that sex would be freely expressed within marriages between a husband and…

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Is it okay for boys and girls to swim together?

Question: My friend wants to know if it is ok to go swimming where there are boys. I asked Daddy and he says he did not think that was right, and I do not do that. I told my friend, but she still does. Answer: To answer your question, we need to define exactly what…

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How does adultery start?

Question: How does adultery start? In what way then is it looked upon as adultery Answer: James describes the steps leading to death from sin as thus: “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each…

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A Look at Pornography

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Pornography: Material that deals with sex in a rude or offensive manner. Material designed to shock the viewer in how sex is depicted. Material that is sexually explicit and intended to arouse sexual passion. The depiction of sex has become increasingly common in our society. It is rare to find a…

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Dancing in the Bible

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton We will divide the discussion of dancing in the Bible into two sections. The first section will include those Scriptures where dancing is spoken of in a favorable setting. The second section is where dancing is associated with wickedness. We will note the things that are similar within each section and…

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