Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

by Doy Moyer Most are familiar with Paul’s argument in I Corinthians 15, that if Jesus was not raised, and there is no resurrection, then our faith is vain, preaching is vain, and we are to be pitied for believing it all. Another argument that we often make has to do with how pointless life…

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How do you handle a Bible class teacher who is teaching false doctrine?

Question: Hello, I’ve just read your answer to a person who was asking for advice because his Sunday school teacher told him that Cain was the result of Satan having sexual relations with Eve.  You suggested that he find a different Sunday school teacher.  However, in many churches you don’t choose your teacher; rather, depending on your…

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We have a new preacher teaching unity in a diversity of beliefs

Question: Our congregation recently has a new preacher. He is related to half the church members and is well-known in the community. But he is very liberal and has admitted to me that he wants to change things at our congregation. He told me “he is about a relationship with Christ, and I am about…

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We appreciate the clarity of your message about Oprah’s spiritual crusade

Question: Dear Sir, My fiancee and I were reading one of your articles covering Oprah’s spiritual crusade in America. We really appreciated the clarity of your message as well as your church’s mission.  Thank you for being willing to write the truth about who Jesus was and what He came for.  I just wanted to encourage…

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Beware! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Peter 2:1-3   I.         As the children were growing up, I felt that I was constantly reminding them to watch where they were going.             A.        They just assumed that most things around them were safe and rarely gave thought to the fact that it was people around them who were…

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Should a preacher say, “I break all generational curses on you”?

Question: Why do so many preachers pray over people by saying “I break all generational curses on you”? I read what you wrote about God visiting the iniquities of the fathers on their children, but I still need biblical verses to disprove these preachers and convince myself. Answer: “For the time will come when they will…

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Why are all the guys I date bums?

Question: Good day minister, A man of God met me and introduced me to his brother saying God said he will be my husband. I met the guy. We talked, but I found out there was no compatibility between us. I don’t love him, perhaps “like” I will say. But along the way, we sinned…

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The False Prophets Who Cry “Wolf!” by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text:: Ezekiel 13:3-9   I.         It was 6pm on May 21 and thousands learned that they were duped into believing that Judgment Day had come.             A.        So many were saying before the day                         1.         Well, I’m certain it will happen, but even if it doesn’t, I rather be prepared just in case.                         2.         Well,…

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Did God have a wife?

Question: Look at this article, “Did God have a wife? Scholar says that he did,” I discovered. Can you refute it? Answer: I saw this article when it was first published. It is a prime example that people will just about believe anything they are told. The article is really a promotion of Francesca Stavrakopoulou…

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How can you teach that Revelation has already happened?

Question: I read your article against Jack Van Impe. I am so amazed that you can teach that Revelation has already happened. Are you unable to read? John starts right out being told these visions are of what was, is, and is to come! But what I really want to know is who was this great…

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When Is One Bidding Godspeed to Another’s Error?

by Kenneth E. Thomas One may be prone to say, “Why, that’s a silly question, everyone knows the answer.”  Not so fast my good friend and or my brother in Christ; the answer may not be quite as easy as you first thought. I will take a stab at a partial answer by citing some…

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The “Jesus Was Born Under the Law” Argument

by Terry W. Benton The Argument Stated: Jesus was “born” under the law (Galatians 4:4) and he died on the cross to “end” the Old Testament law of Moses (Romans 10:4; Colossians 2:14). This means that everything Jesus said and taught was under the authority of the Old Testament law of Moses. The Argument Answered:…

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Can We Know? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 24:36-44   I.         A massive advertising campaign has started claiming that Jesus’ second coming and the Judgment Day will be on May 21, 2011.             A.        Different billboard proclaim slogans, such as “The wise men knew, we can know” or “Noah knew, we can know.”             B.        Most of us understand that this…

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The Church of Oprah

by Dan Gatlin For decades, Oprah Winfrey has proclaimed faith in Jesus Christ. Yet, when one examines Oprah’s Jesus, he is not the same Jesus found in the New Testament. Oprah’s Jesus is not God in the flesh, but merely a “good man.” He is non-condemning and tolerant of “alternative lifestyles.” In short, her Jesus…

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False Teachers and Lying Prophets by Jeffrey W. Hamilton   I.         As long as God has had teachers and prophets in the world there have been those who taught falsely.             A.        Jeremiah complained about the false prophets – Jeremiah 5:30-31             B.        Paul had problems with teachers binding the Old Law – Acts 15:1-2             C.        Paul warned the Ephesian elders that false teachers would…

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How could the spirit Paul cast out be not from God when it told the truth?

Question: The Bible teaches how to recognize the spirits. It says that every spirit who denies Jesus Christ isn’t from God. But what about Acts 16:16-18? The spirit in this girl wasn’t from God, and it still said that Paul was saying the truth about salvation. Answer: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test…

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That prophet you called false was right!

Question: I read your response to the gentlman who was claiming to be a prophet and telling you of the judgement looming over you. I wanted to state first of all that he is correct. Judgement is looming over the head of every man because the blood of 50 million babies cries out to Jesus much the…

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The Jerusalem Conference by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 11:1-18   I.         The meeting in Jerusalem, recorded in Acts 15, is used to justify many things             A.        The gathering of denominational bodies to consider issues is justified by this passage.             B.        Many go a step further to justify decisions of what rules the denomination will support             C.        Messianic Jews believe that…

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Is it wrong to question your pastor about what is in the Bible?

Question: If your pastor is wrong about what’s in the Bible, is it wrong to question him about it or openly disagree with him? Answer: A part of the answer to this question must be how you approach the disagreement. “Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on…

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Do you realize that you quoted from a false teacher?

Question: I have just come across your sermon “What is God’s will for me?” I was disturbed by one thing. You have used a quote from a David Jay Jordan article. David is an avowed anti-church “missionary” whose goal is to basically bring all believers out of churches. He believes that all churches are evil…

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Is it proper to grieve over someone who is deluded by false teachers?

Question: It’s been some time since I’ve written. I’m the fellow whose wife joined a charismatic group and said that God told her to divorce me and this was supported by her Christian friends because I was not Christ-like and had an issue with the charismatic stuff. Although I’ve given up any hope of ever reconciling,…

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What does it mean to contend for the faith?

Question: I am reading the book of Jude and he said in verse 3, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort [you] that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” What…

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What do you know about Jack Van Impe?

Question: My grandma is always talking about Jack Van Impe and how he is the man to listen to on TV.  I know that he talks about the rapture and he uses Scripture to back it like when Elijah was taken up. He talks about the tribulation period and whatnot. Also, he talks about Revelation…

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Why do so many teach that baptism is unnecessary?

Question: Hello.  I have spent some time on the Internet this evening looking at baptism.  In the search engine, I typed in the question:  “Is baptism necessary for salvation?”  Naturally, several hits came up.  I’ve only looked at a few and for the most part, all seem to say no it is not necessary. I…

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A prophet told my fiance not to marry me. What do I do?

Question: Sir, I am a Christian and I am passing through hell. I had a fiancee whom I’m planning to marry, but recently her prophet called her to tell her to quit the seven-year relationship. He said the marriage is not safe because I’m going to die very soon as a result of a covenant…

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Of Prophecy and Football

I.         We all know that there are fairly wild predictions concerning the future.             A.        The prophecies in the Bible are often used to support these off the wall claims.             B.        One of the reasons why we have been studying Revelation is so you know what the Bible actually says. II.        Consider this page from a web page by Jack…

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