Should I tell my ex-wife I cheated on her?

Question: I feel really bad. I’m with my ex-wife whom I was married to for over ten years. I went out with some buddies and got drunk. I made a mistake and cheated on her with a one-night stand. Does the Bible say tell the Lord and repent or does it say I have to…

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I just found out my husband committed adultery while he was overseas

Question: I’ve been married for about five years. My husband just returned from another country after being there for a year. We had rough spots, and while he was there, he started drinking and partying a lot, which he said he did to pass the time. I stayed in my country with our kids and…

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Is it wrong to divorce my wife if she moves out?

Question: I found out less than six months ago that my wife of two years was seeing another man. My wife and I had been together for over five years before I asked her to marry me.  Before we were married she was in a short relationship with her boss who is married with kids. …

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Am I an exception to the rule? Has God forgiven me?

Question: I needed some guidance for a particular situation I have put myself in. To be blunt, it is on the hot topic of adultery. Now before anyone judges me for my horrible sin, let me give you some background. I have been raised in an amazing Christian family and grew up in a wonderful…

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How long do I try to make my marriage work?

Question: Hello, My husband and I have been separated off and on for over a year and a half now. We were still sexually involved, although he has been involved with other women during this time until I contracted a sexually transmitted disease from him. Each attempt to reconcile our marriage has been unsuccessful due…

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I can’t make up my mind between my husband and my lover

Question: Hi I hope you may be able to help. I’m a born-again Christian for the last 10 years. Here is my anguish: I met my husband when we were both near 20 years of age. At the time of meeting him, I was going through an awful time dealing with a nasty father and…

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The Awful Aftermath of Adultery

by Jonathan Perz How rampant is the sin of adultery? While an exact number is hard to pinpoint, on the low end of most surveys, approximately 25% of all married individuals will commit adultery during the course of their marriage. This is not just a minor problem, it qualifies as an epidemic, and Christians are…

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How do we deal with our son who committed adultery?

Question: I am a Christian. I try to follow the Bible best to my ability. I am a member of a conservative church of Christ. My question is about my son. He grew up in church and was baptized before he joined the service. He is no longer faithful. He married and has a child.…

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If a person is divorced because of adultery, can he remarry his ex-spouse?

Question: Can a spouse who has been put away for the cause of adultery, be reconciled to the innocent party if the innocent party so desires according to I Corinthians 7:11? Answer: Of course. Jesus’ statement in Matthew 19:9 is an allowance, not a requirement. A person dealing with a spouse who is committing adultery…

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Affair-Proofing Your Marriage

by Mark Broyles via Biblical Insights, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2007 The prevalence of infidelity in marriage is staggering. If it was only a problem in the lives of those apart from God it would still be discouraging, but the truth is that the amount of marriages among our brethren that have been rocked by…

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If I divorce my husband, can I marry my lover?

Question: Hi, I’m a Christian and I’m married, but my husband doesn’t love me. He ignores me, he verbally abuses me and does not like to make love before sex, so I’m always bruised and in pain afterward. He says if he shows me love he will have to show love outside too. My guess…

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How can I know that my husband has repented of his adulteries?

Question: Hello, I have been married for over ten years, and I just discovered last month that my husband has been visiting prostitutes and massage parlors the whole time. The news was quite devastating because I never saw it coming. I saw him as a totally different man and not able to carry out adultery…

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How can I save my marriage?

Question: I have been with my husband for several years and we have children together. Throughout our whole relationship, it has been nothing but an extremely rocky road. I recently found an old friend and was talking to him on the phone through text messages and also on the phone. I told my husband that…

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How can I get my mother to turn away from her sin?

Question: Hello, Your knowledge and answers to my questions have helped me so much. I can’t thank you enough, but I have another one to ask. My mother has been married and divorced five times, and I know most of them are not because of adultery. She is currently with a man who is still…

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Am I forgiven after being divorced for adultery?

Question: I always thought my husband had cheated on me while we were married but could not prove it. We didn’t have a great marriage. He always treated me like he was ashamed of me. He had a good job and made comments all the time about my lack of intelligence and not being well…

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What does it mean that a man is reduced to a piece of bread?

Question: In Proverbs 6:26, what does reducing a man to a piece of bread mean? Does this mean the appearance of a relationship, friendship, and love is so shallow that the reality is the man is viewed as nothing more than an object by which to make money? All thoughts of the man as a…

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What are all the types of sexual sins?

Question: What are all the types of sexual sins? Answer: “Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). One of the problems with coming up with lists of possible sins is that men are too inventive in coming up with new ways to…

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