My son recently underwent puberty but has suddenly stopped

Question: My son has recently undergone puberty but his growth has suddenly stopped. He has both facial and body acne, hair on his upper lip, and a consistent deep voice. He is of Asian descent. What stage do you think he is at, based on those few details? I’m too embarrassed to ask for more…

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How do I get my daughter to obey the first time?

Question: I am having an issue with my eight-year-old.  I can ask, or tell, her to clean her room, do her homework, take a shower, or anything for that matter and it takes me being right on top of her and hounding her to do it, and when it does finally get done (if it…

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Our 18-year-old step-daughter is into sex and alcohol. What do we do?

Question: Hello, I have a stepchild who was living with her mother’s side of the family until age 13 until we got full custody of her.  She is now 18.  She has been exposed to seeing her mother (my husband’s ex-wife) doing drugs and seeing her mother having sex with multiple guys at once. She…

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I’m concerned that my 15-year-old still doesn’t want to be baptized

Question: My husband and I both attended Christian colleges and are life-long members of the church of Christ.  We have two children, ages 12 and 15, who we have faithfully taken to church since they were babies.  They are now both very involved in the church youth group.   I am concerned about my 15-year-old…

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You Need Standards and Guidance to Reduce Risky Behavior

Source: “Research Finds Parallels Between Sexual Risk Avoidance Approach and Successful Public Health Campaigns to Prevent Teenage Drinking, Smoking, and Reckless Driving,” House Energy and Commerce Health Committee, 06 July 2012. Source: “A Better Approach to Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: Sexual Risk Avoidance,” U.S. House of Representative Committee on Energy and Commerce, July 2012. The Energy and Commerce Health…

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Doesn’t telling children to obey their parents enable abusers?

Question: I completely disagree that you would teach obeying parents to children or people at your church.  Honor does not mean “obey” and if a child or adult is being abused by their parent, they should not obey. You may want to rephrase your messages on your website unless you are enabling abusers within your congregation. Answer: See: Do…

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How do you explain “countenance” to small children?

Question: Pardon my ignorance. How do I explain what “countenance” is to my 5 and 7-year-olds? We are studying Genesis and came to Genesis 4:5 and my 7-year-old asked what is “countenance?” What does that mean? How do I explain? Honestly, I don’t know myself. Answer: “Countenance” is the expression on a person’s face: happy,…

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I want to compliment you on your answers on spanking

Question: Sir, I wanted to compliment you on your answers on spanking. I am not a believer in any faith, but I have my own feeling about morality and social beliefs. I keep hearing about “all these religious people who beat their kids.” Well, I was spanked as a boy, and I spanked my daughter…

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Does a mother have a role in the development of her son?

Question: I was wondering if a mother has a role in the sexual development of her son like the father. Answer: What the Bible indicates is that mothers are important to moral standards that a child grows up to accept. “Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness,…

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Establishing Good Habits by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Peter 1:2-12   I.         We spend a lot of time and money on education             A.        We learn fundamental skills and search for information that makes us stand out in the job market             B.        We teach our children, even when they whine and moan about school work, so that they are prepared…

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Parents by Robert Speer The Home

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Boys Do Better When Raised by a Traditional Family

Source: Graeme Paton, “Boys raised by traditional families ‘do better at school’,” The Telegraph, 3 January 2012 Source: Marianne Bertrand and Jessica Pan, “The Trouble with Boys: Social Influences and the Gender Gap in Disruptive Behavior,” National Bureau of Economic Research, No.17541, October 2011 A study has found that how a boy’s family is structured has a significant impact…

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Can someone there talk to my son?

Question: I am a single mom with a 14-year-old son who is starting to become curious about sex. I caught him masturbating, which was awkward for both of us, to say the least.  I decided this was a perfect opportunity to have “the talk” with him, but he doesn’t want to talk with mom about…

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Can I spank my 10-month-old?

Question: Can I spank my 10-month-old? Answer: Discipline starts as soon as a child starts to reach for things he should not touch. A firm but calm “No” followed by a flick on the back of the hand is usually enough to discourage a child. The key is consistency. You need to have your child…

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Are cartoons dangerous?

Question: Now I have a question concerning cartoons. I know the eye is a window into the soul and you should only do what is just, what is pure, and what is worthy; I know that. My question is if watching cartoons such as Dragonball Z or Pokemon really a sin? There are people who…

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How do I explain spontaneous erections and masturbation to my stepson?

Question: During some research, I found on your site, which was named “Growing up in the Lord: A Study for Teenage Boys.” My stepson is beginning a new stage in life, puberty, and he has been getting spontaneous erections. Now, I realize that this can happen at any time and also any place. He’s been…

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How do I keep from giving in to my five-year-old?

Question: I have a five-year-old, soon to be six. Her whole life I have pretty much gave in to her, and I see that this has only hurt our relationship. She is a very good kid but all too often throws a fit to get her way. My biggest problem is I show my anger.…

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What Keeps a Man Sexually Pure?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I ran across several interesting studies the other day dealing with the factors that lead teenage boys to engage in sex prior to marriage. One study is titled “The Transition of Adolescent Males to First Sexual Intercourse: Anticipated or Delayed?”  The reason for the title is that the surveyed youths were divided into…

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What can I do about my boyfriend’s daughter, whom I can’t stand?

Question: My boyfriend and I are both scripturally divorced Christians. He has a daughter who is in her twenties, married, and pregnant with her second child. Her husband travels for his job, and because they are building a house, she and her daughter live with my boyfriend. I try to mind my own business, but…

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What is the blueness of a wound?

Question: In Proverbs 20:30, it reads, “The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so [do] stripes the inward parts of the belly.”  What does blueness mean? Answer: This is the older way of say “bruise.” We still keep the memory of it when we say a person was beaten black and blue. Bruises look ugly and…

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How do I deal with a misbehaving boy who is being mean to my son?

Question: I am having a hard time lately with the way my preteen son is treated by his long time friend at church. One week the friend will be his buddy, the next week he will purposely exclude him and make an issue over leaving him out of a conversation by saying something like “I…

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How can you live with yourself?

Question: I came across your site on accident, and to be honest, I am absolutely appalled. I am currently a third-year student, working towards my B.A. in Social Work, and I am astounded at your ignorance. I work with abused children every day, and to see you condoning behavior that destroys a child makes me…

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What Boys, Girls, and Their Parents Need To Know

by Wendi Capehart The following is adapted from an old post the good blogger at Wit-nit wrote. He wished to illustrate just how heady and disorienting a brew lust can be, how dangerous in the hands of the immature, but he is not a believer and he wrote an R-rated post. He allowed me to…

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Am I spoiling my youngest children?

Question: I am nearly sixty and a widower. My wife gave birth early to a set of twins, but she didn’t survive the delivery. I was left with children ranging from 10 years of age to sickly premeies. The twins survived and will be 13 soon. They are intelligent; spoiled brats to be honest! I…

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How does a parent prepare himself for the need to punish?

Question: I have read many of the answers you have given about spanking and while I disagree or am uncomfortable with using anything other than a hand for it, I have seen the positive effects of spanking being part of several punishment options for parents with my friends and their children. I now have my…

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Do I have to live near my ex-wife for my son’s sake?

Question: My wife had an affair and would not come back to me. We got a divorce. We have a child together. I am not a people-person in general, and all I want is to be by myself. I don’t want anyone around me or even calling me. I just want to be left alone,…

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Emphasizing the Physical

Text: Matthew 12:1-14   I.         Schools have been placed in tough positions in the recent years             A.        They are told to keep religion out of schools. Almost every direct form of discipline has been forbidden to them.                         1.         The natural result is the steady decline in the moral standards of their students.                         2.         In response the community demands the…

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Thoughts on Parenting

Adapted from a study by Ralph Walker via The Exhorter, Bulletin for the Henderson Blvd. church of Christ in Tampa, FL June 2009. Parenting has never been easy. But ask yourself this question. Do you really think your parents had as tough a time rearing you as you have with your own children? Maybe my parents…

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The Bible is not meant to be read literally!

Question: Jesus never once hit a child to teach his lessons about love. The absence of true love for your child is the reason you hit them! Open your eyes to the fact that most Christians don’t know how to read the Holy Bible correctly. The Bible is not meant to be read literally! The…

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Like Arrows

by Steve Higginbotham via Bulletin Briefs, Vol. 12, No. 4, April 2009. In Psalms 127:4, the inspired text has a fascinating comparison. Here it is written, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are children of one’s youth.” From this simple simile, several significant and sobering truths shine forth. Like arrows, children need…

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