The Rebel’s Cause

Text: II Thessalonians 3:6-15


I.         Israel – the name means “one who wrestles with God”

            A.        Jacob received the name when he wrestled with an angel, asking for a blessing - Genesis 32:24-28

            B.        It became the trademark of his descendants - Deuteronomy 9:7, 24

            C.        One that lasted their entire existence as a nation - Ezekiel 2:3-5

            D.        Rebellion, the rejection of authority, is a mark of the wicked - Proverbs 17:11

                        1.         It is the rejection of righteousness - Job 24:13-17

                        2.         It is a sin of pride because it puts “I” before all others, including God.

                        3.         God finds rebellion irritating - Isaiah 65:2-5

II.        Rebellion strikes at more than just God

            A.        Rebellion can be seen in the rejection of any authority

            B.        This includes rejecting God - Luke 19:14, 27

            C.        Not heeding religious authority - Deuteronomy 17:12

                        1.         False teachers - II Peter 2:10; Jude 8

            D.        Rejection of government - Ezra 7:26; Romans 13:1-2

            E.        Rejection of parents - Deuteronomy 21:18-21

III.       Many find the punishment of rebellion harsh. “Death for rebelling against your parents?”

            A.        Rebellion is not a sin that is easily stopped - Deuteronomy 31:26-27

                        1.         A child who rejects that authority of a parent will reject other forms of authority when it suits him.

                        2.         It intertwines itself with other sins - Isaiah 59:12-13

                        3.         Works of the flesh - Galatians 5:19-21

            B.        This is why Paul urged brethren to note those who cause offenses - Romans 16:17

                        1.         Any those who cause division only receive a few warnings - Titus 3:10-11

            C.        God gave no sympathy to the rebellious in the past - Zechariah 7:11-14

            D.        Nor will they receive better treatment at Judgment - Ephesians 5:6

IV.      Rebellion is displayed in many ways

            A.        Passive resistence - Psalms 81:10-16

                        1.         Pretending to follow, but preceding to do things their own way

            B.        Outright disobedience and a refusal to change - Zephaniah 3:2

            C.        A refusal to seek God’s wisdom - Isaiah 30:1

            D.        A refusal to listen or acknowledge reality - Ezekiel 12:2

            E.        Even laziness, a refusal to work, is a sign of rebellion - II Thessalonians 3:6-9

                        1.         The word translated “disorderly” was commonly used in Greek to refer to an army in disarray, soldiers not following commands (insubordinate).

                        2.         God commands that men work for their living. Breaking that command is insubordination or being unruly - I Thessalonians 5:14

            F.        Backtalk is insubordination - Numbers 16:3, 41; 17:1-10

                        1.         The clay does not talk back to the potter - Isaiah 45:9-10

            G.        Even dress - I Timothy 2:9-10

                        1.         There are three words used here

                                    a.         Komios - orderly, of good behavior, respectable, modest

                                    b.         Aidos - with a sense of shame, bashfulness, reverence

                                    c.         Sophrosune - sobriety, soundness of mind, good sense, self-controlled, with moderation

                        2.         We usually go to this verse to discuss the lack of clothing and such is covered in the second word, aidos; but there is more here

                                    a.         Proper attire includes orderliness. Remember Paul’s command not to walk disorderly?

                                    b.         Society has rules of proper attire. Christians are expected to behave within those rules

                                    c.         The idea of good sense is seen in its antonym: a lack of self-restraint, overstepping of bounds. Good sense doesn’t go for the wild displays, the pushing of boundaries.

                                    d.         By the way, it is what women are to instill in their children - I Timothy 2:15

                        3.         I was asked why mohawk hair cuts, excessive body piercings fanciful hair tints, and the like were wrong. The answer is that it is not modest: it is not orderly, respectable, a showing of restraint, or of good sense.

V.        Instead of rebellion, Christians are to display submission

            A.        Children are to be obedient to parents - Ephesians 6:1-3; I Timothy 3:4

            B.        Wives to their husbands - Titus 2:5 (discreet or sensible that word for sober mindedness again)

            C.        Slaves to their masters - Titus 2:9-10

            D.        Christians to government - I Peter 2:13-16

            E.        Christians to each other - I Peter 5:5

            F.        Christians to their leaders - Hebrews 13:17

            G.        Christians to God - James 4:6-10