Posts Tagged ‘rebellion’
Quit Horsing Around by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 32 I. The Bible is filled with reminders to look at the world around us and learn from the examples we find. A. The ant is an example of industry and not procrastinating – Proverbs 6:6-11 B. Job recommended – Job 12:7-10 C. There is wisdom to be learned in observation…
Read MoreGrooming Hearts
by Bryant Bailles For whatever it may be worth: On the matter of grooming attitudes, unfairly generalizing brethren, and creating an imaginary group to despise… “And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way to the gate; and when any man had a case to come to the king for judgment, Absalom would…
Read MoreBlessed in What He Does by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: James 1:21-25 I. Sin is the breaking of law – I John 3:4 A. Sin is universally found in mankind – Romans 5:12 B. Thus, we cannot be surprised that rebellion (going against authority) is also widespread C. Obedience then is submitting to authority. It is subjecting your will to the will…
Read MoreTo Affect Change by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 2:13-17 I. Peter talked about our relationship to the government – I Peter 2:13-17 A. Submission to the government is an involuntary action. Most of us do not have opportunities to chose which government we wish to live under. Even with choice, we will always be under some…
Read MoreIf I disagree with a brother or a leader, am I being rebellious?
Question: If a brother gives me a challenge do I have to take that challenge? If I choose not to, am I being rebellious? Or what if I disagree with a leader? Answer: It probably depends on what the brother is challenging you to do, but the general answer is “no.” We help each other…
Read MoreI’m rebellious but I want to follow God and I don’t know what to do
Question: I have been dealing with a medical condition and going through a lot since the year 2006; even prior to the year 2006. First and foremost I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son Of God; that’s what I want to believe. I was baptized several years ago. Currently, I no longer attend church. …
Read MoreWho is God to decide my life?
Question: So who is God to decide and what mechanism do I have to protest that He is wrong? Being male is not enough to suggest He is all-knowing. Why put me on this earth with an overwhelming sense that I don’t belong here. Why keep dragging me back to now when He knows I…
Read MoreHis Parents Were Too Strict
by Boyd Sellers Have you ever heard that statement? You’ll see some scraggly kid who cares about nothing and nobody, who has long ago left the Lord (though he may have been faithfully “going to church”), and who has literally broken his parents’ hearts. You ask a friend, “What happened to him?” And he answers,…
Read MoreIsn’t long hair on men a sign of rebellion only since the 1960s?
Question: In regards to “Why do even non-Christians look down on men with long hair?”, your quote associating long hair with a rebellious attitude is only a post 60’s statement, only. I don’t know of another time when long hair was a sign of ‘rebellion’ outside of the era of the ’60s. Many of the…
Read MoreHow do I deal with a rebellious attitude in a nine-year-old?
Question: When asking my nine-year-old daughter to do various chores she always obeys, but sometimes with a “humph,” a little puff of air which blows her hair up, sometimes with eye-rolling, and on rare occasions with stomping. I wonder if this is rebellion biblically? How do I get happy obedience? I find myself putting up…
Read MoreThe Rebel’s Cause
Text: II Thessalonians 3:6-15 I. Israel – the name means “one who wrestles with God” A. Jacob received the name when he wrestled with an angel, asking for a blessing – Genesis 32:24-28 B. It became the trademark of his descendants – Deuteronomy 9:7, 24 C. One that lasted their entire existence as a nation – Ezekiel 2:3-5…
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