Posts Tagged ‘authority’
Aids versus Additions
by Perry Hall Years ago, it was common to hear arguments concerning the difference between aids and additions in worshiping God. This involved hermeneutics. Let’s presume we all agree that adding to the word is unscriptural. How do we know when we are simply using an aid? Where does the Bible authorize aids? If additions…
Read MoreThe Authority of Jesus
by Zeke Flores Authority is defined slightly differently depending on the definer, but it’s usually considered to be “the right one has, by virtue of office, position, or relationship, to command obedience.” OK, that makes sense. We see it everywhere around us. Authority is invested in military commanders and police officers, yet soldiers go AWOL,…
Read MoreWho’s Leading Whom?
by Perry Hall After WWII, a new family unit was created—the teenager. Before that, “teens” didn’t exist as a celebrated age. Before that, “teens” were young adults. Since then, the trauma of war-torn youth has led to the coddling of teens. That has led to a verse you might be very familiar with: Fathers, don’t…
Read MoreGrace and Authority
by Doy Moyer Grace can only come from one with the power and authority to grant it. Some may pit emphasis on God’s authority over against emphasis on grace, but they go hand in hand. The only way that grace can mean anything to us is that it has been offered by the only One…
Read MoreAccording to the Pattern
by Jefferson David Tant An interesting passage in Hebrews 8 contains a statement that has an important message for us today, even as it did when it was written thousands of years ago. It mentions the fact that God has a “pattern” that is to be respected and followed. It points out that even Christ…
Read MoreJust What Exactly Are the Standards?
by Terry Wane Benton I got a notice from the powers that be that I would not be able to do anything for one hour because I did something (like publish a good post with biblical and godly standards) that did not comport with their “community standards.” They didn’t say exactly what I did wrong,…
Read MoreAre Translations Authorized?
by Doy Moyer Perhaps this seems like an odd question, but it is good to think about this. Since most people are not going to learn Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the only way they are going to hear God’s word at all will be through translations. But how do we show that translations can still…
Read MoreWere the apostles given authority to bind laws in heaven?
Question: Hello brother, Matthew 16:18ff is one of those many verses that we more frequently use. As I continue to read and study it, though, I realize I have not studied it as well as I thought. Matthew 16:19 is phrased as such: “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,…
Read MoreConstitution and the Bible
Author Unknown (SMH?) Want to know why, increasingly, the church is welcoming easy divorce, women in leadership roles, cohabiting couples, practicing homosexuals, and transgenderism? Perhaps surprisingly, just ask former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer—not that he is a theologian or commentator on church matters, but he might as well be. What he says about the…
Read MoreBy What Power? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 4:1-12 I. There is a appeal to being your own boss, to do your own thing, and not answer to anyone A. You can see it during the times of the Judges – Judges 21:25 1. Yet, it is a period marked by the Israelites’ behavior going from bad to…
Read MoreWe Need a Proof-text, Don’t We?
by Terry Wane Benton Some may misuse a text, and if that text is not carefully examined, it becomes a “proof-text” that sounds, on the surface, to support the user’s point, and that is not good because they have used the Bible to legitimize a point not made or implied by that particular text. So,…
Read MoreDoes God Give Us a Pattern to Follow?
by Terry Wane Benton The total evidence of scripture is that God is a God of order and expects us to follow the pattern of sound words in everything we do (II Timothy 1:13; Colossians 3:17; ICorinthians 14:33ff). God’s Patterns Noah had a pattern to follow in building the ark (Genesis 6:22). He had to…
Read MoreWas Acts 2:36 a Necessary Inference?
by Terry Wane Benton Peter presented many powerful points of evidence from the Jews’ own scriptures and eyewitness testimony in Acts 2:22-35, and he brought his presentation of evidence to a conclusive “therefore.” This word signals that he draws necessary inferences from the facts presented. “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly …”…
Read MorePossible Inference Versus Necessary Inference
by Terry Wane Benton It is “of necessity” (necessary) “a change of the Law” for Jesus to be a priest since He was not a Levite (Hebrews 7:11f). In other words, the evidence of Psalms 110 and Jesus being that priest after the order of Melchizedek forces the necessary implication that the Law of Moses…
Read MoreJesus Believed in Necessary Inferences
by Terry Wane Benton He said, “Moses wrote about Me” (John 5:46). Still, since Moses never used the name “Jesus,” it would have to be a necessary implication of Moses and a necessary inference on our end to conclude that Moses wrote about Jesus. The evidence of reason is strong; in fact, it is as…
Read MoreNecessary Inference in the Old Testament
by Terry Wane Benton It has been said that the Old Testament was always direct in communicating God’s will and that the idea of having to “infer” God’s will has never been necessary and, therefore, is not necessary now. But is that argument a necessary conclusion? Consider just a few things that show that the…
Read MoreThe Meaning of Calling on the Name of the Lord
by Zeke Flores Calling on the name of the Lord may not mean what you think it means. In chapter 2 of his prophetic book, Joel foretells of the events during Pentecost related in Acts 2. His concluding statement from that prophecy was that “it will come about that whoever calls on the name of…
Read MoreThe Chain of Authority
by David Gibson I am indebted to Owen D. Olbricht, who helped me understand the chain of authority. God the Father He is “one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:6). Jesus the Son Jesus frequently referred to Himself as having been sent by His…
Read MoreTraditions, Traditions! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Thessalonians 2:13-15 I. When two people have a disagreement, there is a strong desire to label the position of the other person. A. Often this makes the discussion easier. A word or short phrase is easier to repeat than a long detailed description of the exact belief. B. The problem…
Read MoreI Have Found the Book of the Law
by Terry Wane Benton “Then Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the scribe, ‘I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD.” And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan who read it'” (II Kings 22:8) How did the book become lost? The whole service should have centered around honoring…
Read MoreThe Silence of the Scriptures
by Jefferson David Tant For hundreds of years, Bible believers have had discussions over the question of “the silence of the Scriptures.” Does silence indicate that whatever is not specifically condemned is permissible? Thus, does silence give consent? Or does silence mean there is no authority for a certain practice, and it is therefore unscriptural?…
Read MoreWhy Aren’t Instruments Part of the Pattern?
by Edwin Crozier Sometimes I fear we have become a people of rules for rules’ sake. No doubt, God has given us a law (I Corinthians 9:21). Certainly there are rules we should follow. But our God is not a capricious and arbitrary God. He has not established a pattern simply to see how well…
Read MoreWhat if Judas had given Jesus permission to kill him?
Question: There is a question I have about Judas in the gospels who betrayed Jesus and committed suicide. I was curious that if Judas instead of committing suicide, decided to give Jesus permission to kill him, do you think that Jesus would have done that? Jesus could decide that since he is God and has…
Read MoreIs the Bible Relevant?
by Dennis Abernathy How relevant is the Bible in today’s world? Some think it isn’t relevant at all. But I submit to you, that if the Bible is not relevant, then God is not relevant, because God cannot be separated from His Word! Thankfully, many millions of people, however, are still finding the Bible relevant…
Read MoreYour God Reigns
by Doy Moyer “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns” (Isaiah 52:7). This is the passage quoted by Paul in Romans 10, and it shows that the preaching of…
Read MoreHear Him (Matthew 17:1-8) by Joe Greer Lessons to Build Your Faith
Read MoreIt Doesn’t Say “Not To”
by Greg Gwin Imagine this: you walk into a fast-food restaurant and order a hamburger, fries, and a coke – the all-American meal! But then, you notice that it seems to take an unusually long time to get your food. Finally, the gal at the counter brings up your order – piles of food on…
Read MoreThe Black Type in the Red-Letter Edition of the New Testament
by Garry Smalley Of course, it is extremely disturbing to read or hear destructive criticisms toward the Holy Bible as unbelievers state disparaging comments regarding the reliability of the God-breathed writings (II Timothy 3:16; cf. II Peter 1:16-21; I Corinthians 2:12-13). But even among Christians, there are some who seek to diminish the authority of…
Read MoreThe Words of Jesus
by Doy Moyer The recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ is integrally linked to His word as recorded in Scripture: “The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day” (John 12:48). The only way we know…
Read MoreIn All the Churches
by Terry W. Benton In the first century, you had churches in different locations, but all the churches were taught the same thing and practiced the same thing, and if they drifted away from that teaching they did not have God (II John 9-10; I Corinthians 4:17; 7:17). There was one standard and body of…
Read MoreExpediency
by Heath Rogers In the previous article, we discussed the difference between general and specific authority. When God specifies something, everything else is automatically excluded. However, when God gives us a general command, we are free to choose how to fulfill that command. This is where the study of expediency must be applied. Expediency is…
Read MoreThe Silence of the Scriptures
by Heath Rogers Bible authority is established through direct statements, commands, approved examples, and necessary inferences. We understand what to do with the stated commands and prohibitions of Scripture, but what are we to do with the things God does not say? We know what to do with God’s voice, but what are we to do…
Read MoreSubmission to Authority
by Heath Rogers We have discussed the need for authority in religious matters, the proper source for authority, and how to establish Bible authority. In this article, we will consider the importance of responding properly to God’s authority. Authority is defined as “the power or right to give commands, enforce obedience, take action, or make…
Read MoreBiblical Authority
by Heath Rogers By What Authority Are You Doing These Things? The Proper Source of Authority Improper Sources of Authority How to Establish Biblical Authority General and Specific Authority Expediency The Silence of the Scriptures Submission to Authority
Read MoreGeneral and Specific Authority
by Heath Rogers Previous articles in this series have set forth the need for authority in religious matters, the proper source of authority, and how to establish what God has authorized. This article will consider an important distinction that must be made in understanding what has been authorized by God. We will study the difference…
Read MoreThings People Think Don’t Matter by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreHow to Establish Biblical Authority
by Heath Rogers God is the proper source of authority in religious matters. Our authority must come from heaven and not from men (Matthew 21:25). God has given authority to His Son, Who gave the Holy Spirit to the apostles. These and other inspired men have written the New Testament. Consider, then, the proper way…
Read MoreWhat Is Your Standard?
by Doy Moyer What is your standard of what is true? How do you determine what is good? Remove God from any answer and what will you have? Personal preferences? Whatever society says? Human experience? What other options are there? Once God is taken out of the answers, no other standard suffices to provide us…
Read MoreImproper Sources of Authority
by Heath Rogers “Now when He came into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people confronted Him as He was teaching, and said, ˜By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority?'” (Matthew 21:23). In “The Proper Source of Authority” we noted that the chief priests…
Read MoreThe Proper Source of Authority
by Heath Rogers “Now when He came into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people confronted Him as He was teaching, and said, ˜By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority?'” (Matthew 21:23). The chief priests and elders who confronted Jesus were asking legitimate questions.…
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