Trusting People Who Lost Your Trust

by Terry Wane Benton Love covers a multitude of sins, but does love require you to let yourself get burned over and over? Love is goodwill, wanting good things for the other person, but love does not mean we have to be vulnerable to people who prove themselves to be untrustworthy. Do we trust all…

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Trusting God Through the Storms

by Doy Moyer Storms can be frightening. Lightning and thunder can be a bit terrifying when it gets close. Flood waters can overwhelm, winds can level, and human beings can only run and hide. We sometimes wonder why, but we are reminded that we are not the ones who control nature. We are humbled as…

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Trust in God

by Zeke Flores The Bible’s story boils down to one simple truth: Trust God, and He will save you. Throughout the Bible story, whether it was Abraham upending his life at God’s command, the Israelites crossing a harsh desert, prophets proclaiming an unpopular message, or scared citizens facing a brutal invader, the message is the…

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A Firm and Steady Heart

by Jason Hardin via “A Firm and Steady Heart,” In God’s Image, 14 July 2024 “Praise the LORD! How blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house,…

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Real Faith

by Doy Moyer Biblical faith is not mere belief. It is trust, but it is more than that. It is conviction, loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, and commitment. To say that we ought to trust God and have faith is not to say that we sit back and do nothing. That is a bad spin on faith…

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What does “seated at God’s right hand” mean?

Question: Hello Jeffrey, What does the Scriptures mean when it says Christ is seated at God’s right hand of the Father? And are there any particularly good commentaries you can recommend in general for Bible study? Answer: For most people, the right hand is their dominant hand. It is stronger and more dexterous. Most people…

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Love versus Trust

by Terry Wane Benton Jesus loved everyone, including the Pharisees, but Jesus did not entrust Himself to everyone He loved. Otherwise, He would not have exited their presence those several times they wanted to capture and kill Him. Dying was on Jesus’ schedule when the time and place were right. Therefore, He loved and wanted…

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God’s Unchanging Hand

by Ken Weliever, The Preacherman “For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven, inasmuch as we,…

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Beyond Our Strength

by Doy Moyer There’s a principle Paul expresses in II Corinthians 1:8-11 that we need to learn well. We may feel overwhelmed by what is going on. We may feel in despair about many things. We may see that things are happening that are “beyond our strength.” What, then, is the lesson to learn? Here…

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Faith Is Reasonable

by Doy Moyer Faith is reasonable because trust, which is the heart of biblical faith, is reasonable. Faith does not require that every question be resolved before it can proceed, for that would not be considered trust. A child does not wait for parents to answer every question about difficult matters before trusting them. The…

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You Wouldn’t Believe It

by Doy Moyer “Look, you scoffers, marvel and vanish away, because I am doing a work in your days, a work that you will never believe, even if someone were to explain it to you” (Acts 13:41). Paul quoted this from Habakkuk 1:5. In Habakkuk’s context, the sins of the people had reached a point…

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How much confidence do I need in God?

Question: Mr. Hamilton I have another question I’d like to ask concerning some scripture I’ve been recently pondering and trying to understand. “But with whom was He grieved forty years? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? And to whom sware He that they should not enter into…

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A Grand Promise

by Ken Green “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). We approach now one of the deepest passages of this most profound epistle. In the next few verses, Paul speaks to us of God’s purpose,…

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Baptized into Christ

by Terry Wane Benton Image by Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit, said that the Israelites were “baptized into Moses” when they were crossing the Red Sea while fleeing Pharaoh and his armies. They were immersed under a cloud of water and with the walls of water on each side (I…

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I Have Put My Trust in God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 56 I.         It is far too easy to read the stories in the Bible and not think about the feelings of the people involved.             A.        Joshua was chosen to follow Moses as leader of Israel, but he must have been very nervous – Joshua 1:2,9             B.        We think of the boldness…

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David – A Man After God’s Own Heart by Ross Ward Text: I Samuel 13:14 The Story II Samuel 11:2-5 – sin with Bathsheba A time when Kings go to war Bathsheba was very beautiful David inquires about her David summons her Has a relationship with her A child is conceived Progression of sin Saw Dwelt on her Inquired about her Summoned…

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Doubts by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 17:5-8   I.         I had the opportunity to study with a member of the International Church of Christ.             A.        Many of their core beliefs are similar to our own, but they diverge from the plain teachings of the Scriptures in a number of significant ways.             B.        While researching their beliefs and…

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Lessons from the Old Testament

by Leland R. Ping Sentry Magazine, June 2002 Paul wrote to the church at Rome in Romans 15:4 that “whatever things were written before were written for our learning.” In a simple statement like this, the persecutor-turned-apostle explained the reason for the Old Testament. In light of a statement like this, it is prudent to…

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Run Through the Rain

Author Unknown Oldest copy found was dated 2010 by Anonymous A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Walmart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red-haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a…

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Does wearing a mask mean you don’t trust God?

Question: I am in a battle with some of my family members regarding following the CDC guidelines concerning COVID 19 (they are reckless). With the numbers going up where I live, I have chosen to follow the guidelines regarding wearing a mask in public and social distancing, and not socializing between households. My family members…

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Worthy of Trust Text: Psalm 15   I.         It has occurred to me that a core problem in our society is that we don’t trust anyone.             A.        Anyone trust the politicians? What about the news media?             B.        For some there is now a lack of trust of the police.             C.        What is behind this lack of trust?             D.        I’m sure you heard…

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God, Our Stronghold

by Matthew W. Bassford Never in my lifetime have I seen an event have as significant effect on daily life as the coronavirus epidemic. I remember the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9-11, but in both cases, it was business as usual almost everywhere. Not so with the coronavirus! Indeed, it even has affected…

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Love Is … by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 13:1-8   I.         Many passages are used for needlepoint samplers. A popular choice is I Corinthians 13:1-8             A.        Have you considered the meaning of the many phrases?             B.        We often associate this passage with weddings, but Paul was writing about what love between brethren is like             C.        However, it can be applied to…

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by Whit Sasser “If a man gives to his neighbor a donkey or an ox or a sheep or any beast to keep safe, and it dies or is injured or is driven away, without anyone seeing it, an oath by the Lord shall be between them both to see whether or not he has…

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I Don’t Feel Forgiven

by Whit Sasser Everyone keeps telling you that you need to learn to forgive yourself; but the truth is, you need to learn to trust God. If God says you are forgiven, then you are forgiven. “But, I don’t feel like I am forgiven.” My friend, forgiveness is a promise of God, not a feeling of…

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Relying on the Lord by Raymond Warfel

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Whose Word I Praise!

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton David was on the run. The king of Israel, Saul, was determined to see him dead. His best friend, Saul’s son, confirmed that Saul would not be deterred. The threat was so severe that David decided to flee into Philistine territory. The Philistines were no friends to Israel, and David had…

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If you fear God, how can you trust Him?

Question: I have conflicting thoughts about Cornelius (Acts 10).  It says he feared God and was always praying to Him. If he feared God, how could Cornelius trust in God? Answer: I think you may be using the wrong definition of fear.  Fearing God has always been a requirement for men to follow God.  Abraham…

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I don’t trust my boyfriend enough to marry him

Question: I grew up in a Christian family. I did choose to be baptized at age of 11 or 12, but now that I’m older I find myself reading the Bible for my understanding and find myself in a tough situation that will cause me to not inherit the kingdom of heaven. For this reason,…

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Placing Trust by Alan Feaster

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Stand Still and Keep Silent by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Exodus 14:5-31   I.         Israel has been freed from the bondage of slavery by a series of miracles from God.             A.        But even as they were moving out of the Egyptian lands, Pharaoh changed his heart and came after his former slaves with an army.             B.        The people of Israel found themselves…

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Dealing with Doubt by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 20:19-31   I.         Is it wrong to have doubts? When those moments come when you wonder if God really exists or you run across an idea that makes you wonder if you really understood the Bible correctly, have you sinned?             A.        Look at characters in the Old Testament and we…

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Trusting God by Tommy Peeler God Has a Plan

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My girlfriend wants all of my attention focused on her

Question: Hello, I often have a hard time dealing with my girlfriend. She is 24 and I am 28. I chose her only because of her good character and good education — she is a medical doctor. Other than those reasons, both of us are Christians. I am not interested in other girls. My heart…

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When Songs were Greater than Swords

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Short Talk Text: II Chronicles 20:1-29   I.         During Jehoshaphat’s reign, Moab, Ammon, and Edom combined to attack Jerusalem             A.        Jehoshaphat called on God for help             B.        The answer – II Chronicles 20:15-17             C.        They went out without weapons – only songs and praise on their lips – II Chronicles 20:20-23                         1.         Somehow Ammon and Moab…

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God Cannot Lie by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Kings 22:1-28   I.         Heathen men molded their concept of their gods into their own image – Romans 1:22-23             A.        We can read stories of the Greek gods and in their interaction with men they often lied and cheated to accomplish their goals.                         1.         The Greeks saw their gods as just…

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