David – A Man After God’s Own Heart

by Ross Ward

Text: I Samuel 13:14

  1. The Story
    1. II Samuel 11:2-5 – sin with Bathsheba
      1. A time when Kings go to war
      2. Bathsheba was very beautiful
      3. David inquires about her
      4. David summons her
      5. Has a relationship with her
      6. A child is conceived
    2. Progression of sin
      1. Saw
      2. Dwelt on her
      3. Inquired about her
      4. Summoned her
      5. Had relationship
    3. Way of escape?
      1. I Corinthians 10:13
    4. II Samuel 11:6-13 – sin against Uriah
      1. Uriah a valiant man
      2. Engaged in war with Ammon
      3. David summons him home
        1. Releases him hoping he goes home
        2. Gets him drunk
    5. II Samuel 11:14-17 – sin against Uriah
      1. Sends him back to battle with a letter
      2. Joab fulfills David’s instructions
        1. Other men also lose their life
    6. II Samuel 11:26-27 – David takes Bathsheba as wife
      1. KJV reference: “it was evil in the sight of Jehovah”
      2. Deuteronomy 17:17 – shall not have multiple wives
  2. David confronted
    1. II Samuel 12:1-4 – Nathan’s parable
      1. Nathan a prophet of God
      2. Parable of a rich man and a poor man
        1. Rich man takes the poor mans only sheep
    2. II Samuel 12:5-6 – David’s judgment
      1. Man shall restore 4 times
      2. Man shall be executed
      3. Because he lacked pity
        1. Sympathy
        2. Covetous/greed
    3. II Samuel 12:7 – Nathan’s judgment
      1. Thou art the man!
    4. II Samuel 12:7-12 – Jehovah’s judgment
      1. Vs. 10 – the sword will never depart from his house
  3. Summary
    1. Relationship with Bathsheba
    2. Deceives Uriah
    3. Kills Uriah
    4. Takes Bathsheba as a wife
    5. Progression of sin all along the way
  4. A man after God’s own heart
    1. II Samuel 12:13 – I have sinned!
    2. I Samuel 24:5-6- repenting of an incident with Saul
    3. Contrasting King Saul
      1. I Samuel 15:13-15, 20-21 – “I have obeyed but the people…”
      2. I Samuel 15:24 – “I feared the people”
    4. A recipient of God’s mercy
      1. Not because he was perfect or sinless
      2. Because he turned back to God
        1. Psalms 51
      3. Hebrews 11:32 – the faithful
      4. David – The Victor!
  5. Lessons
    1. How should we respond to our sin?
      1. Turn to God for mercy
      2. Only he can carry that burden