Posts Tagged ‘thoughts’
He Tests the Mind
by Terry Wane Benton “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings” (Jeremiah 17:10). The sum of all our good and bad experiences in this testing ground called life is, in fact, a test of mindset or…
Read MoreHow do we take every thought captive?
Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton, It’s me again. I hope you have been doing well, and thank you by the way for your previous response. There’s a question that’s been on my mind for a while now that I’d like to ask. Does the idea of “taking every thought captive to God”, or “thinking upon things…
Read MoreIt seems impossible to perfectly control your thoughts!
Question: I suffer from OCD, anxiety, and Asperger’s (on the autism spectrum), basically it’s a high-functioning autism. I have been struggling with this issue for years. As soon as I read the verse about the unpardonable sin, I became obsessed with it. There have been times when this obsession is not as strong as it…
Read MoreAm I sinning if I’m cursing in my thoughts?
Question: My boyfriend was just baptized and he’s been struggling. He has a little bit of anxiety. He’s been trying to work on his cursing. he’s doing great. But he asked me a difficult question. He asked, “Am I still sinning if I keep the cuss words in my brain?” I said that I wasn’t…
Read MoreChanging My Mind by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 7:15-20 I. Solomon observed about the miser that it wasn’t the man’s words or his actions that made him a miser, but his thoughts – Proverbs 23:6-7 A. People too often say things that they don’t mean B. Given motivation, they may do things that they would rather not do…
Read MoreHow do I battle temptation?
Question: Good Day! I have been a patron and a reader of your website for about a few months now, and I have found your answers to be good and your knowledge of the Bible is great. I have to say, your website has been a great deal of help to me, in which I…
Read MoreThe Verse that Will Change Your Life by Wilson Adams Faith Over Fear
Read MoreI’m struggling with my thoughts
Question: Hey, I’m struggling with my thoughts. Satan puts sinful thoughts in my mind, then I feel like I have sinned and begin to worry about those thoughts. I worry a lot about everything. I know I haven’t sinned because I do not accept them, and I do not even want them there, but it…
Read MoreCan you pray in your mind or with your head covered?
Question: Dear Jeffrey, I have a couple of questions about prayer. Is it OK to pray in your mind if you are someplace where it is not convenient to do so by speaking the words? Is it wrong to pray with a cap on your head (if you are a man)? Answer: When dedicating the…
Read MoreI feel like I’m supposed to marry this guy, but I don’t want to
Question: Hello. I am a girl who has been having anxieties and no freedom in my mind. There is a guy at church who I don’t want to marry, but it seems like he likes me and I don’t. I am not attracted to him at all. It’s been a battle in me where I…
Read MoreWhat does the Bible mean by “My sons, think only of what is holy, what is honorable” etc.?
Question: What does the Bible mean by “My sons, think only of what is holy, what is honorable,” etc.? Answer: Jesus taught, “The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness”…
Read MoreOvercoming Emotional Problems by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-9 I. It is a simple idea; so simple, you probably think it is obvious. Yet, the ramifications are far reaching. A. How we think influences our emotions 1. It is profound because the world sees it the other way around. 2. In the world emotions dictates behavior and thought. B. Anxiety…
Read MoreIn Word and Deed
In Word and Deed – Part 1In Word and Deed – Part 2 Text: Colossians 3:12-17 I. There needs to be a consistency between the things we say and the things we do A. “You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” 1. People understand that it is one thing to talk about something,…
Read MoreI’m not sure if my thoughts are sin
Question: I saw a website that makes going to heaven seem really difficult. I have religious OCD and I get blasphemous thoughts constantly and repent all day long. Some of the thoughts feel like I want them. What should I do? If I’m not sure if my thoughts are really sins, so I ignore them,…
Read MoreI don’t know if these thoughts are God’s or not
Question: I need an answer. I’m bipolar, and I have all kinds of thoughts and feelings. I don’t know if it’s God or not. I argue with my husband a lot about this. Answer: “”For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8). Just because you…
Read MoreI see myself as someone who is fake
Question: Hi Jeffrey, I just read your answer to “I have a hard time controlling my thoughts. I’m scared I might not be saved,” and I was wondering: how do we fix the intentions of our heart, so we will have true godly intentions? Rather than OCD, I have ADHD, anxiety, and mild autism. I…
Read MoreHow do I know if the thoughts I had are mine or from God?
Question: How do I know if the thoughts I had are mine or from God? How to know if God wants me to do something? Answer: “For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except…
Read MoreI have OCD and suffer from blasphemous thoughts. Should I stop confessing these thoughts?
Question: I am a Christian who suffers from OCD. I just read your website on OCD and feel extremely comforted by your knowledge of the illness. I have blasphemous thoughts, and I keep confessing this as sin over and over and over again. Maybe all that confessing is my OCD. Can I stop confessing, or…
Read MoreI have a hard time controlling my thoughts. I’m scared I might not be saved.
Question: I have a couple of questions that I would like to send you. I have been a member of the Lord’s church all my life and I am in my later years of life. I suffer from OCD and depression. I have such a hard time controlling my thoughts, and I worry that I…
Read MoreWhen does a thought become a sin?
Question: I am sorry to bother you again with another letter, but I have a lot on my mind. If you remember I had written to you a few weeks ago about a bad thought I had in a moment of frustration about selling my soul. Again I know that the thought was wrong, but I…
Read MoreHow can I stop these bad thoughts?
Question: Hello, I am a Christian in my early twenties who has been raised in the faith since I was born. I have generally considered myself to be a good Christian; although, I will admit I have made many mistakes. I am getting a bit personal, but since I was a teenager I suffered from…
Read MoreI’m scared of the thoughts in my head
Question: After days of researching everywhere to know if I am truly safe because I thought I had committed the unforgivable sin, which is the sin of having blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, I found out that I did not because to truly commit that sin, you must have your heart hardened so much that…
Read MoreI have OCD-Religion and obsess over bad thoughts. Is there anything you can do to help me?
Question: I have a serious and tormenting question. I am a member of the church of Christ and have been for a while. Four years ago I was diagnosed with OCD-religion. This is a mental illness which produces unwanted and intrusive bad thoughts. I have been in pure misery and have been paralyzed by fear…
Read MoreI’m obsessing over my sinful thoughts. What can I do?
Question: Hello. I am a member of the church of Christ and have been for a while now. However I have been plagued by many tormenting, fearful, and bad thoughts on a daily basis. I have talked to many doctors, psychiatrists and church counselors who chalk it up to anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, which causes…
Read MoreThe Importance of Thoughts
by Bill Crews If you are concerned about your character, your conduct, your life, and your destiny, then be concerned about your thoughts. “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23). The heart is the mind, and the mind is the center of thoughts. “For as…
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