Posts Tagged ‘sin’
What is meant by “Christ died for our sins?”
Question: The Bible says that Christ died for our sins. Does this mean that he died for the forgiveness of our sins? Answer: “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures” (I Corinthians 15:3). The English word “for” is used…
Read MoreIt seems impossible to abstain from all evil
Question: I think about the verse ‘Abstain from all evil.’ I feel it’s impossible, and I can’t even try to be perfect. Does it sound like I don’t have enough faith? Answer: What frequently happens is that people hear a verse but subtly change it in their memory. I Thessalonians 5:21-22 says, “But examine everything…
Read MoreIt is so hard to escape the sin in the world
Question: Hello there. I have just gotten back into church again and I have been studying the Bible. Almost everything I watch has cuss words in them. I want to buy a language blocker for all my streaming services. It will block out bad language and nudity. Will that still be wrong? Maybe I’m just…
Read MoreWhere There Is No Vision
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 29:18 I. The vision or revelation under consideration is not imagination or foresight A. Of course, we do need to have prudence – the ability to see what comes next, but this isn’t the passage to use B. This passage is talking about divine revelation, a vision in the night, a…
Read MoreWhat Is Tolerated Today Becomes Accepted Tomorrow
by Dick Millwee Many years ago I read a quote that I found to be true. This was the quote: “What is tolerated today becomes accepted tomorrow.” Whoever said that said a mouthful and hit the nail on the head. Let me give a couple of examples. In 1939 a movie was made that had…
Read MoreCan we say there is no sin in heaven?
Question: We read that the devil and his angels were cast down because of rebellion. In light of this passage, can we say there is no sin in heaven? I’ve been confronted with this question. Answer: “And nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those…
Read MoreDo occasional sins lead to spiritual death?
Question: Good afternoon, I heard a preacher recently state that in Romans 6:12-18, Paul makes a distinction between presenting your members as instruments for unrighteousness (Romans 6:13) and slaves of unrighteousness (Romans 6:16) which leads to spiritual death. The point being made here was that when a Christian, on occasion, yields his members as instruments…
Read MoreSin versus Grace
by Doy Moyer Sin is much more than just the commission of a bad act here or there. It is a condition in which we reside. Sin is something in which people walk and live (Colossians 3:7). We were dead in sin and were by nature “children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:1-3). Sin holds us captive…
Read MoreCoddling Sinners
by Ron Daly To “coddle” is to treat indulgently. Coddling sinners not only can be but is disastrous to an individual or congregation. God does not give us any authority to provide an “escape hatch” for sinners, that is, people who sin and do not repent. Obviously, if a person repents of his sins and…
Read MoreBad Influence
by Zeke Flores Some 2400 years ago, God’s people were confronted with their sins yet again. When Ezra the priest heard about how Israel had broken God’s law by marrying foreign women, he tore his robes, prayed, and fasted. When faced with the gravity of disobedience to God, the people committed themselves to faithfulness. And…
Read MoreProverbs Sometime Overlooked by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreBe Kind to All by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThe Wages of Sin Is Death
by Doy Moyer “For the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23). Why should death have been the penalty for sin? In short, because we have disregarded the Giver of all life and breath and all things. If in our own pride we try to usurp God and take His throne and His glory for…
Read MoreWhat If I Fail Again? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWalking in a Manner Worthy of the Lord by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWill breaking government laws keep us out of heaven?
Question: No doubt, a Christian realizes the seriousness of sin. It’s ugly. What do you think about everyday things we get into like speeding, even a mile over, texting while drivings, and not wearing a seatbelt? Do you think these are things that would keep us out of heaven? Answer: I don’t sit in…
Read MoreThe Freedom of Truth by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 8:30-59 I. Many began to believe on Jesus – John 8:30-31 A. Jesus said that if they would live in the words of Jesus, then they would truly be his disciples – John 8:32 1. Obedience to his teaching would cause them to know the truth. 2. Obedience leads to greater…
Read MoreThe Sin of Sodom
by Matthew W. Bassford The most famous example of homosexual activity in the entire Bible occurs in the early part of Genesis 19. There, two angels in human form come to the city of Sodom and pretend to be travelers seeking hospitality. The patriarch Lot invites them into his home, but at evening, the men…
Read MoreDead Flies
by Matthew W. Bassford Ecclesiastes was my father’s favorite book of the Old Testament, and his favorite verse in Ecclesiastes was 10:1. At least, I think it was his favorite verse. It certainly was the one that he quoted most to my teenage self. To this day, I have no trouble summoning up, “Dead flies…
Read MoreSin Ruins Everything
by Terry Wane Benton We had Paradise and God, and everything was good, beautiful, and perfect. Then sin entered the world, and we lost a perfect paradise, fellowship with God who is perfect, access to the tree of life, and were left to deal with a world of problems and hardships. Sin spread all over…
Read MoreWhy Did the Adulterers and Homosexuals at Corinth Change?
by Terry Wane Benton Paul mentions a list of sins which included thieves, drunkards, adulterers, and homosexuals (I Corinthians 6:8-10) and said, “such were some of you”. They were washed from such sins, justified, and sanctified. What was the motivation that moved them to change? They did not argue that they were born this way…
Read MoreWhere There Is No Law There Is No Sin
by Terry Wane Benton Some brethren are misusing Romand 5:13 and Romans 4:15 to say there is no law, therefore we can do what we want. That is not the point of these two passages nor any other passage. The point in Romans 5:13 is that there was sin even before the Sinai law was…
Read MoreIf babies are not sinners, then why do some babies die?
Question: Hello, The Bible says for the wages of sin is death. If you claim that babies are not born sinners why do babies die? Thanks Answer: “Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting…
Read MoreCould you explain Ecclesiastes 2:26?
Question: Could you explain Ecclesiastes 2:24-26? What is meant in verse 26 by “… while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good in God’s sight …”? Answer: The book of Ecclesiastes is exploring the purpose of life. Solomon shows that…
Read MoreHow could Jesus bear our sins?
Question: I need help answering a question. I know I can always count on you to help me out. “The soul that sins dies. The son does not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father does not bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and…
Read MoreWhy Do Wars Exist? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 59:1-18 I. In my youth, the Vietnam War was being fought. It was an unpopular war that generated a lot of protest songs. A. One song called “War” by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong exclaimed, “War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!” B. So can wars and acts of…
Read MoreThe Ugly Ways of Life by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWhy aren’t churches protesting sin?
Question: Hello, Why aren’t more churches protesting sin as the Westboro Baptist Church does? Answer: First, you find no command or example that God’s people are expected to lead protests. We teach that sin is wrong. We teach why sin is wrong. But marching around funerals and other places does not accomplish any teaching. “But…
Read MoreGod never said Judah and Samson actually sinned
Question: I frequent your website. First, I want to say thank you for what you do. Christ bless you and everyone involved. But I want to chime in on this talk in regards to whether Samson and Judah actually sinned (Why wasn’t Judah punished for seeing a prostitute?). The asker made some fantastic points, to…
Read MoreDo past sins disqualify us from certain jobs?
Question: Does our sin disqualify us from things? If I were a thief would that mean I can never be a bank teller? If I were a former drug dealer could I never be a lawyer or police officer? I have done bad things in the past in the profession I currently hold but have…
Read MorePrisoners of Hope by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Zechariah 9:9-12 I. The book of Zechariah is one of both scoldings and exhortation. A. The people after their return from captivity had fallen into complacency and indifference toward their religion. B. Zechariah calls them to change through warnings – Zechariah 1:2-6 C. And he encourages them through visions of the future.…
Read MoreAm I obligated to confess mortal sins I didn’t know were wrong?
Question: I have a question about not confessing sins. As a kid, I really only thought mortal sins were things like not killing people, not stealing from people, not cheating on your wife, etc. I didn’t really know about other mortal sins at that time. To be a mortal sin, it is required that you…
Read MoreI still struggle with sin
Question: Hi, I came to your website to get answers to hard questions in life, and it is a blessing that you are willing to address the questions of people no matter their background. I have been baptized in the church of Christ so please don’t be so hard on me because I should know…
Read MoreThe Embarrassment of Sin by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreOur Sin
by Ethan R. Longhenry “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him…
Read MoreJamaica Patois Wisdom – Pornography
by Jefferson David Tant The Jamaican Patois dialect is colorful, unique, and humorous. It is my desire to share some of the philosophy shown in this mix of colorful phrases that are witty as well as thought-provoking. I hope the readers both profit and enjoy. In my quarter-century plus of teaching there, I have come…
Read MoreWhat do you do about an adult child who remains a homosexual?
Question: If a child, who is an adult, wants to live a homosexual life, does not want to listen to God’s word, and does not claim to be a Christian, can a parent still talk to them? Can they visit their parents? Can they have a meal together? The parents are members of the Lord’s…
Read MoreA Psalm of Penitence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 51:10-17 I. There are several psalms which deal with sorrow over sin and repentance: Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, and 143. A. The context is given at the beginning of Psalm 51 B. David was a man dedicated to God. 1. Though he was told at an early age that…
Read MoreDoes Sin Trouble Us? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreHard Sayings
Hard Sayings – Part 1Hard Sayings – Part 2 Text: Hebrews 5:5-14 I. There are hard sayings in the Bible A. When Jesus was followed by a crowd looking for free food, he began explaining that they needed to seek spiritual food that only he could offer – John 6:35 1. Eventually Jesus said something hard to…
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