Manasseh’s Mess

by Zeke Flores

Manasseh has the dubious distinction of being Judah’s longest-reigning king, 55 years after assuming the throne at the tender age of 12, and its worst, most wicked king. His father, Hezekiah, instituted many religious reforms that ignited a spiritual revival throughout the kingdom. His son Manasseh undid it all. In fact, not only did he undo his father’s good, but he went further into ungodliness than the godless pagan nations around Judah!

After being captured by the Assyrians, Manasseh humbles himself before God and is restored to his throne. He immediately begins to undo the wrongs he did. He removes idols, restores worship to God, and tries to get the people to follow his lead back to God. Unfortunately, it was too late. The people were so hardened in their apostasy, which Manasseh had led them into, that they refused to listen to him; they remained in their sin.

Manasseh’s mess is a lesson for us in that sometimes, our headlong pursuits of sin can result in consequences we never thought of. For Manasseh, it was the obstinate refusal of an entire nation –the one he was supposed to lead in righteousness– to submit to God. For us, it may be the influence that ultimately leads someone we love into a life of rebellion against God despite our remorse and repentance.

Don’t be deceived. Someone is watching you and being pulled by your example, whether good or bad. It may be a friend, a co-worker, a spouse, or your child, but be aware that what you do matters. Start now to follow the God who loves you before it’s too late for you and, maybe, for someone you love.

"He set up the altar of Yahweh and sacrificed peace offerings and thank offerings on it; and he ordered Judah to serve Yahweh, the God of Israel. Nevertheless the people still sacrificed in the high places" (II Chronicles 33:16-17).