They Call it Hate

by Terry Wane Benton

Calling something "sin" that separates you from God and the righteous is the modern idea of "hate speech." But the truth is that pointing out sin is love. It is like a doctor pointing out cancer. It may not be what we want to hear, but it is what we need to hear so that we can get it properly addressed and save us from the pain and misery of what untreated cancer can do to us.

If I point out that there are two genders, not three, four, or ten, that is not hate speech. That is truth! God made us "male and female" (Genesis 1-2). That is all! It is hateful to try to force us to recognize a third classification. God has the say! He made males and females. He expects us to accept what we are and be thankful to Him for who we are. We do not pretend to be other than what our birth shows that we are. If the baby has no choice, we have no right to change how God made us. God's word talks about those "who exchanged the truth of God for the lie" (Romans 1:25), and then they pursue "vile passions" and "exchanged the natural use for what is against nature" (Romans 1:26-27). Thus, the homosexual movement, the transgender movement, and the bisexual movement are built on lies people tell themselves. After convincing themselves of the lie that we can over-rule nature and God, they then expect the rest of humanity to play into their self-deception and give them approval. Romans 1:32 says giving approval is also a sin.

The modern deception hates any religion that will point out sin. The only sin to this modern philosophy is if you call something a sin that should not be approved. To us, it is like doctors approving of cancer. Sin is a cancer of the soul, the mind, and the heart. It either entirely rejects God or tries to make God in their own image, that is, they want only a god that accepts any sin that we accept. They call their imagined god "loving" because he never disapproves of us. They call any disapproval "hate" and will not be satisfied with you ever telling the truth.

If the pattern we see holds up, they will remove articles like this or shut down churches that continue to read Romans 1 or I Corinthians 5-6. They hate the truth and truth-tellers. Jesus said, "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed." (John 3:20).

There is the old philosophy that "there is no truth." Pilate asked, "What is truth?" He didn't want to face the truth. People pretend there is no truth because they hate the truth. Truth is needed in our day. People need to hear it. Love shares the truth so people can return to a proper relationship with God. Truth is not hate. Truth is love. It uncovers the cancer of self-deception. It uncovers those issues of departure from holiness and fellowship with God. The greatest life is in harmony and fellowship with God. Teaching about how and why to be reconciled to God is what love demands. That should never be allowed to be called hate.