The Wrath of God Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 10:26-31   I.         Romans 1:18 warn of the wrath of God being revealed. How is His wrath revealed? II.        God directly takes action             A.        God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in His wrath – Deuteronomy 29:23             B.        When people grumbled against Moses, God sent a plague – Numbers 16:42-46 III.       God allows…

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God never said Judah and Samson actually sinned

Question: I frequent your website. First, I want to say thank you for what you do. Christ bless you and everyone involved. But I want to chime in on this talk in regards to whether Samson and Judah actually sinned (Why wasn’t Judah punished for seeing a prostitute?). The asker made some fantastic points, to…

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Do past sins disqualify us from certain jobs?

Question: Does our sin disqualify us from things? If I were a thief would that mean I can never be a bank teller? If I were a former drug dealer could I never be a lawyer or police officer? I have done bad things in the past in the profession I currently hold but have…

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The Lord’s Discipline

by Matthew W. Bassford Hebrews 12:5-13 makes a crucial but underappreciated point. The life of the Christian can be unpleasant, and sometimes, the One who is making it unpleasant is God. This is at odds with the worldly vision of God as an indulgent grandparent who does nothing but shower gifts upon us. However, it…

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I Will Give Thanks to You Forever by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 30   I.         When nice things happen, we know we ought to be thankful             A.        Yet, in our happiness we too often forget – Luke 17:12-19             B.        However, in one of David’s Psalms, David contemplates other times we might not think of being thankful to God II.        In the depths of despair…

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Some Thoughts on God’s Wrath

by Doy Moyer One way in which God’s wrath is spoken of in Scripture is that God sometimes removes His protection and allows people to feel the consequences of the sins to which they have given themselves. Rather than intervene, He lets the “reap what you sow” principle work. Sometimes God’s wrath is carried out…

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Is it wrong to pray the Psalms?

Question: I have an urgent question that is generating heat in my congregation. This heat is created by my wife. She prays the Psalms, and I personally do not agree with her on this. But she insists that it is the word of God. I don’t agree because we are New Testament worshipers and the…

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Did Jesus die to remove God’s wrath against sin?

Question: Good day, Is there Scripture that says God’s wrath was removed for sin after Jesus died on the cross? Answer: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from…

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Using Love as an Excuse by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 13:4-7   I.         Love is a wonderful attitude             A.        God is love and we should imitate our Father – I John 4:16             B.        But people pervert what love ought to be and use a claim of “love” as a cover for permitting sin II.        Love as an excuse to do wrong…

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Do we feel guilty because God is disciplining us?

Question: How do we know if God is disciplining us? When we feel guilty after sinning, is that discipline? The Bible says that God disciplines those He loves. I sometimes wonder if God disciplines me, and I find it comforting to imagine that He does because it reminds me He loves me. Answer: “You have…

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Why did Elihu tell Job that his suffering was a chastisement from God?

Question: In Job 33:19 Elihu tells Job that his pain and suffering are a chastisement from God. What did Job do to cause God to put this sickness upon him to start with? Thank you. Answer: Elihu scolds Job for complaining that God has caused him to suffer without explaining why. “Why do you complain…

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Do you think earthquakes are from God?

Question: Do you think earthquakes are from God? I’m so hurt to see so many lives lost due to this earthquake in Mexico, and I question whether this is the wrath of God. Answer: Without God telling us, it is impossible for mankind to determine if any natural disaster was triggered by God or naturally…

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Is God punishing me for my past fornications?

Question: I have been visiting your site for almost two years now, off and on, and I wanted to have your input on some things as someone who knows God and Scripture well. My situation: I have for the past two years been dealing with the emotional pain and sorrow of losing a relationship with…

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Will God punish me through my child because I sinned?

Question: Hi, I’m 20 years old and currently pregnant with my first child. Before I found out the gender, I would watch porn, even though I do have my boyfriend and he doesn’t know about that. When I found out that I’m having a boy, they also told me he has an abnormality that can…

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Is it a sin to flog yourself?

Question: Is it a sin to flog yourself? Answer: “So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church” (Ephesians 5:28-29). Paul’s advice to husbands is…

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Will God punish me for my fornication?

Question: I’ve recently committed an act of fornication. I disobeyed my morals severely. I’ve prayed to God, admitted my sins, in hope for His forgiveness and restoration of faith within me. I feel used and worthless and certainly unworthy of God’s love and of marriage in the future. I always hoped to save myself for…

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Is Dominate Submissive role-playing bad?

Question: What I am doing does not involve sex. I just want to make that part of it clear This is something that brings in fast money, and I’ve been doing it for almost a year. I just don’t want people thinking I’m having sex for money. Everything done is consensual and agreed upon before…

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Punished in Jesus’ presence or away from his presence?

Question: One of the seeming “contradictions” I want to give an answer to is found in these two Scriptures: “Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power” (II Thessalonians 1:9). “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone…

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Is God punishing me?

Question: I have gotten very ill with a blood disease, and it doesn’t seem to be getting better. Please pray for me to reunite with God, but I actually think that He has left me to die. It really does look like leprosy. I didn’t mean to say what I did, but there has been…

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You’re right. Christians need a healthy fear of hell

Question: During the five years I attended a church in my area, I never heard the preacher once mention Hell or God’s wrath, or the fact that Christians need a holy fear of God. Your “If I Don’t Preach on Hell” summary was excellent. Is a church that doesn’t preach the full counsel of God…

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Why wasn’t Judah punished for seeing a prostitute?

Question: Hi, There is something that has been nagging me for a long time. I am a young Christian man, and I have this question about the story of Judah and Tamar. As you know, Tamar tricked Judah into fathering a child with her by disguising herself as a prostitute. In the narrative, at least…

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An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth

by Steve Dewhurst Such is modern man’s ignorance of God’s word, as well as His justice and mercy, that we often misunderstand the simplest Bible expressions and concepts. For example, the age-old principle of justice contained in the phrase “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” is frequently seen as a…

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How do I get a more disciplined life?

Question: Hi, I am 17 years old and have been a Christian since I was 8. I have a problem and don’t feel comfortable enough to discuss it with anyone I know personally. Ok, so here is my problem: my parents never punish me for anything. I really am not a bad kid and I…

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I stole money from my aunt. Should I ask for a spanking?

Question: I was reading through your website and I feel guilty so I felt compelled to send a message.  I am 17 years old and have been stealing money from my aunt’s house.  I have been babysitting her kids and she has trusted me.  I have taken a lot of money over a period of…

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How do I appropriately discipline my sons?

Question: First, let me say that I’m glad I found your site and I appreciate your parenting advice. I am a widower with two teenage sons – 17 going on 18 and 14 going on 15. I’ve to come to the point where I need to make some decisions about discipline in our household and…

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Punishment Doesn’t Help

by Mark Roberts Journalist Betsy Flagler writes the syndicated “Parent to Parent” column that asks readers to write in with parenting problems and then tries to get expert help for those troubles. A mother in California recently wrote in that her first-grader has been pushing and hitting, has been kicked out of the library, and…

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Could you explain Proverbs 26:3 and 19:29?

Question: Well, I can’t quite figure out: Proverbs 26:3 “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the fool’s back.” and: Proverbs 19:29 “Judgments are prepared for scoffers, and beatings for the backs of fools.” Answer: Proverbs 26:3 is dealing with control or the giving of direction. A rider of a…

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Did I do the right thing by spanking my child for pushing me?

Question: I have a question. My youngest son is 4 years old. Yesterday he pushed me and said some bad words. I was upset and I asked him to apologize, but he didn’t. Today his misbehavior returned. He did the same thing. I took him to his room, but he yelled, so I decided to spank him. Did…

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