Posts Tagged ‘Lord’s Supper’
Should congregations practice closed communion?
Question: My family and I are members of the Lord’s church, and we visited a congregation this morning. During the Lord’s Supper, we were bypassed and not given the opportunity to partake. One of the leaders noticed our expressions and approached us before Bible class began. He explained that we were skipped because he didn’t…
Read MoreOn the First Day of the Week
by Terry Wane Benton Acts 20:7 lets us know when the disciples of Jesus came together to break bread. It was the first day of the week. Paul had been there almost a week waiting to get with the brethren. On the first day of the week, the disciples came together to take the bread…
Read MoreThe Self Examination Required During the Lord’s Supper
by Terry Wane Benton “Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For…
Read MoreCould the Lord’s Supper be taken in advance?
Question: Hello, brethren in Christ, I want to ask a question regarding this matter. Based on the example given in “Is it wrong to hold a celebration in advance of an event?”, which is the Passover, is it okay if we also partake in the bread and cup in advance? Any answer will be greatly…
Read MoreMisconceptions About the Lord’s Supper
by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June 2024 One of the acts of worship the New Testament church engaged in was the Lord’s Supper. It is also called “the breaking of bread” (Acts 2:42; Acts 20:7), “the Communion” (I Corinthians 10:16), or “the Lord’s table” (I Corinthians 10:21). In Acts…
Read MoreWas the Lord’s Supper taken only once a year?
Question: Good day. A friend of mine told me that the breaking of bread in Acts 20:7 is not the Lord’s Supper or Passover because it is only a breaking of bread without the grape juice as stated in the context. The breaking of bread is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection and not the Lord’s…
Read MoreCan taking Holy Communion miraculously heal?
Question: Dear friend, I was baptized as an adult who believes in Christ. I was told that he is our Perfector and our Savior. I had previously struggled with lust, hoping to rid my life of pornographic images. After the baptism, I would still sometimes masturbate, which a Christian friend said he once had problems with.…
Read MoreHow much time should be spent during the Lord’s Supper?
Question: Since COVID, the congregation I am attending began using the individual prepacked communion sets handed out in sandwich bags before we walk into worship. The men leading communion begin with comments, scripture, and prayer before we partake of the bread. After 30 to 15 seconds of silence, the leader offers another prayer, and we…
Read MoreIs the Lord’s Supper cannibalism?
Question: How can I change someone’s mind on how she views the Lord’s Supper? I have a relative who said she believes taking the Lord’s Supper looks like cannibalism. How can I change her mind about that? Answer: I don’t know if I can help. In order to have a discussion with anyone, there must…
Read MoreIn the Breaking of the Bread
by Matthew W. Bassford In the gospel of Luke, the primary resurrection appearance of Jesus is when He reveals Himself to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. After they explain the events of the past few days to Him, not realizing that He is Jesus, He takes over the conversation. The rest of…
Read MoreIs Sincerity Enough?
by Jefferson David Tant A popular idea among many people when questioned about their religious beliefs is that sincerity is the final judge of what is right and wrong. So long as a person believes in Christ, whatever his practices or beliefs may be in regard to that faith, so long as he is sincere,…
Read MoreAdding to the Word of God?
by Wayne S. Walker Most faithful Christians are aware that through the years many unauthorized additions have been made to what God’s word teaches. Denominations have added their own creeds to the doctrine of Christ. Additions to scriptural baptism, either in the action (sprinkling and pouring) or in the subjects (infants, babies, and small children)…
Read MoreIs I Corinthians 11:30 talking about physical or spiritual ailment and death?
Question: Jeffrey, “For this reason many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep” (I Corinthians 11:30). I have heard, I think more than one person, state that the Greek rendered “sleep” here means dead (physically dead). Is this correct? I guess I’m trying to figure out if they were physically weak and sick…
Read MoreUnleavened Bread by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Exodus 12:14-20 I. Sometimes you can’t wait A. When Lot invited men to spend the night at his home, he didn’t have time wait for bread dough to rise, so his feast was served with unleavened bread – Genesis 19:3 B. When it was time for Israel to leave Egypt, the…
Read MoreWhat if a person doesn’t get a chance to partake of the Lord’s Supper before dying?
Question: Good day Minister, I’ve been baffled to understand this: “Can someone have salvation after confessing his faith and being baptized on the first day of the week after church service in the morning but he doesn’t partake of the Lord Supper even though the day has not passed and he dies.” Thank you! Answer:…
Read MoreThis Is My Body
by John Hendrix via Seeking Things Above “And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body” (Matthew 26:26). What of the body of Jesus? What do we think as we take the bread? There is no monument…
Read MoreAre there rules for how the Lord’s Supper is to be conducted?
Question: Blessed day! I am a member of a church of Christ. One of my brethren suggested that we need to kneel when praying during the Lord’s Supper as a sign of respect and humility toward the body and blood of Christ. Is it right to kneel when praying during the Lord Supper? Second, do…
Read MoreAre the pre-packaged wafers proper for the Lord’s Supper?
Question: I have two questions that are causing me quite a bit of concern. We no longer “break the bread”. Not just the lead server but nobody “breaks” even the slightest portion of the bread. It’s a no break needed setup. We pull back a tab and eat the small wafer contained within. A sub…
Read MoreLord’s Supper
How the Lord’s Supper Should be Done (I Corinthians 11:23-26) Paul mentions again his inspiration. The source of his teachings come directly from Jesus (Galatians 1:11-12). Thus the memorial feast was never the idea of men wanting to commemorate the death of their Savior. This was the command of the Lord to his followers. The importance…
Read MoreCan comments be made during the Lord’s Supper?
Question: Is it right for a brother officiating the Lord’s Supper to make comments while the bread and the fruit of the vine are being passed? Some brethren hold the view that at such times congregations should be silent. Answer: This would be a matter for the local congregation to decide. There are few details…
Read MoreDo I need to confess my sin of lust before taking communion?
Question: I have a question about lust and communion. Is it a sin to have touched my boyfriend’s buttocks with our clothes on? I believe it may fall into lust, and if it does then do I have to confess this before being able to take communion? Answer: What you are describing could fall under…
Read MoreWhy was the Lord’s Supper changed from the first-century practice of being a part of a meal?
Question: I’ve been concerned lately after reading about pagan practices. Why was the Lord’s Supper changed from the first-century practice of it being part of a meal? Answer: We start out with a problem. In order for something to have been changed, you must first prove that it was done differently. Claiming that the Lord’s…
Read MoreWhere is the justification for taking the Lord’s Supper at home?
Question: Dear Brother, In these times of pandemic and gathering restrictions, I have seen many different takes on gathering for the Lord’s table and virtual worship. It is good to see autonomy alive and well within the Lord’s church. My question is the acceptance of virtual worship and the taking of the Lord’s table via…
Read MoreWas Timothy a Nazirite?
Question: Was Timothy a Nazirite? It appeared that he was reluctant to take the wine ( grape juice) so I know that if he was a Nazirite he would not take even grapes or grape juice for medicine. I was told that it had to be alcohol because he could drink grape juice if he…
Read MoreCan the Lord’s Supper be taken by yourself?
Question: Hello, I have a question: Since many church services are canceled due to COVID‐19, I’ve been thinking about a relevant question: When church services are canceled, can a Christian partake of the Lord’s Supper by himself? My answer has been “No” because we “come together” to do it (1 Cor. 11:33; Acts 20:7). This…
Read MoreThe Setting for the Lord’s Supper
by Gary P. Eubanks A Practical and Critical Question If a Christian is too sick to attend the Sunday assemblies of a church but is not too sick to eat the Lord’s Supper at home, may, or should, he do so? It is difficult to imagine a more realistic question or even one more critical…
Read MoreFrequency of the Lord’s Supper
by Billy Moore As to the frequency of eating the Lord’s Supper, many have wrestled with this question. Since Acts 20:7 is the only reference of disciples coming together to eat the Lord’s Supper, it is the only reference to which we can appeal to establish frequency. We learn “what to eat” and “what to…
Read MoreIs “Drink from it, all of you” an accurate translation of Matthew 26:27?
Question: Dear Brother, Thank you for your work. I appreciate it a lot. My question is this: in the NIV version, at Matthew 26:27, it says, “Then He took a cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you.” And in the KJV version, it…
Read MoreIs the bread Jesus’ body or does it represent Jesus’ body?
Question: Good morning. I have looked at your site for many years and have found the devotion and the knowledge skill set to be very helpful, in my walk of life with God. Thank you. So often, in the Lord’s Supper, the men presiding will say, “which represents His body” and “which represents His blood”…
Read MoreHow can a person with no teeth partake of the Lord’s Supper?
Question: Would a person end up in hell for not partaking of the bread at the Lord’s Supper if the person has no teeth? Because if a person eventually loses all their teeth which is common among the older folks, would that mean that if a person is old enough to lose their teeth, they…
Read MoreShould a person skip partaking the Lord’s Supper if his mind isn’t where it should be?
Question: One of our members here preached a sermon dealing with “But let a man examine himself” from the text in I Corinthians 11:28-30. He was making the point that when a Christian is partaking of the Lord’s Supper, his thoughts should be on the Lord Jesus and not problems in life, problems with another…
Read MoreNotes on Communion, The Lord’s Supper
Prophecies Concerning His Death Rejected by men, but not God – Psalms 22 Hated and a reproach – Psalm 69:4, 7-9, 19-21 The Suffering Servant – Isaiah 53 His humiliation – Isaiah 53:3-9 His accomplishment – Isaiah 53:10-12 Accounts of His Suffering, Death, and Resurrection In the Garden – Matthew 26:26-29 Betrayal, Arrest, Denial, Trials,…
Read MoreThe Lord’s Supper with a Twenty-Gallon Cup — How Long Did You Say that Would Take?
by Jeff Smelser I do not look down on congregations in which saints share one cup in partaking of the Lord’s Supper. When I have occasion to assemble with brethren whose practice is such, I happily share in the one cup. However, there are points to be made from Luke 22, Matthew 26, I Corinthians…
Read MoreWill Bagels and Coffee Improve Our Worship?
by Ken Weliever “During our years of church planting, we tried to change people’s perceptions about what the Sunday worship would look like,” wrote Michelle Lazurek, in a recent article. “We took out pews and replaced them with pub tables and chairs, added lights and a stage and most importantly,” the award-winning author and…
Read MoreThe original Lord’s Supper was observed at night and it wasn’t on Sunday
Question: The original Lord’s Supper was observed at nighttime (Matthew 26:31), and it was not observed on the first day of the week (Sunday), The practice of breaking bread was done on a daily basis from house to house, not on a weekly basis as in the churches of Christ. You find this information in Acts 2:46. And you’ll also…
Read MoreMust the bread be broken by the one presiding at the Lord’s Supper?
Question: I looked at your Q&A about the Lord’s supper, but could not find an answer to my question. Is there any Bible teaching that the man who is “presiding” at the serving of the Lord’s Supper needs to break the bread in two before serving it to the congregation? Thank you for your consideration.…
Read MoreWhy Unleavened Bread?
by Doy Moyer Why do we use unleavened bread when we partake of the Lord’s Supper? At the first level of understanding, we recognize that Jesus used unleavened bread when giving instructions for the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:26). We know this because it was on the occasion of the Passover that Jesus gave these instructions.…
Read MoreWere the Corinthians having a potluck instead of partaking in the Lord’s Supper?
Question: Jeff, This morning after services one of our members explained that when he discusses I Corinthians 11:17-34 with liberal brethren who claim that the church is authorized to have common meals in a kitchen or fellowship hall, he argues the following: Instead of the Corinthians coming together in one place to observe the “Lord’s…
Read MoreWere the Corinthians having a potluck instead of partaking of the Lord’s Supper?
Question: Jeff, This morning after services one of our members explained that when he discusses I Corinthians 11:17-34 with liberal brethren who claim that the church is authorized to have common meals in a kitchen or fellowship hall, he argues the following: Instead of the Corinthians coming together in one place to observe the “Lord’s Supper” they…
Read MoreTill He Comes
by Terry W. Benton In taking the Lord’s Supper each week (Acts 20:7) we “proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes” (I Corinthians 11:26). We proclaim that we are in communion and partnership with the benefits of His death. It is one of the ways we confess Him. Christians coming together on the first day…
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