Why isn’t the Lord’s Supper taken as the last meal of the day?

Question: Why is the Lord’s Supper taken early in the day on Sunday and not in the evening? After all, supper is something that is taken in the evening. Answer: In English, “supper” refers to the last mean of the day. The memorial in which we remember Christ’s death is referred to as the Lord’s…

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Can salt be used in unleavened bread?

Question: This morning I was talking with a fellow Christian when she mentioned that we need to be careful about the unleavened bread used in the Lord’s Supper because several months ago someone had purchased what was stated on the box as “For Passover Use,” but it was not completely unleavened. She stated that in…

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Can salt be used in unleavened bread?

Question: This morning I was talking with a fellow Christian when she mentioned that we need to be careful about the unleavened bread used in the Lord’s Supper because several months ago someone had purchased what was stated on the box as “For Passover Use,” but it was not completely unleavened. She stated that in…

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Should the Lord’s Supper only be offered after the invitation?

Question: I have been a member of the Church for many decades and have never felt the Lord’s Supper should be served before the invitational hymn. We want to wait for those who care to join our work, so we should serve it after the hymn. Do you agree? Answer: The assumption is that most…

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How should the table of the Lord be treated after services?

Question: I have a question about the Lord’s Supper. To be more specific, it concerns the Lord’s table itself. How should it be looked at? Is the table seen as just a table during and after the Lord’s Supper is conducted or services have ended? I attend a small church. I’m asking this question because…

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Can children, not yet Christians, help serve the Lord’s Supper?

Question: We have a small congregation. We are not under an eldership at this time.  My question is: Who is qualified to serve communion or can anyone serve it? We have a couple of young boys aged 6 and 7 who are following the men who serve, so they can learn how. Sometimes the kids…

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How can everyone partake of one bread?

Question: What is the one bread in I Corinthians 10:17? Not everyone takes of one bread. One person told me that it was one kind of bread; that is, if I understand correctly, unleavened bread. Answer: “Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the…

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Was Christ’s body broken?

Question: I Corinthians 11:24 says, “And when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” Was his (Christ’s) body broken? Or is this referring to the bread? When leading the prayer for the Lord’s Supper I often…

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Was the Lord’s Supper a part of the Passover meal?

Question: Greetings, First, I’d like to say that I praise God for your site. I use it for my Bible study and it has really helped me a lot. Now the question I have is whether or not it is sinful for me to be in a church that is teaching we should only use…

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Can women help in serving the Lord’s Supper?

Question: I recently worshiped at a congregation where they allowed women to assist in serving the communion. The women stood alongside the men in front of the congregation while one man read Scriptures and prayed, then the women helped to serve communion with the men. Is this in violation of I Timothy 2:12 or any…

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Should one prayer or two be given at the Lord’s Supper?

Question: Is it proper to give thanks for the bread and the cup in one prayer instead of two separate prayers? I have been searching for scriptural examples that support one position or the other or both. Answer: “And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and…

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What if someone is allergic to an element of the Lord’s Supper?

Question: How do people with severe allergies take communion? If someone has a severe allergy to gluten or flour or something else that is needed to make the bread, what are they supposed to do? Can they bring their own tapioca wafer or are they merely doomed to Hell? What about the fruit of the…

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I can’t figure out when Jesus ate the Passover meal

Question: Before last night I was convinced that Thursday was the date of the crucifixion. But after discussing it with another preacher, I’m not so sure. Knowing that you also take the Thursday crucifixion date position (I’ve seen your articles and charts), I want to inquire of you so I can come to the best understanding…

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Should the Lord’s Supper be passed forward from the back?

Question: I am concerned with the way our church serves communion.  The elders decided to no longer place the communion plate on the table that says in Remembrance of Me and will pass it from the back of the church. First, they pass the contribution basket and then the wine and bread.  It bothers me…

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Should it be called communion or Lord’s Supper?

Question: Good day brother Jeffrey, I’m here to seek your advice or comments and suggestions regarding the phrase “Lord’s Supper.” My question is: Can we still use the phrase “Lord’s Supper” as part of the worship? Which phrase is appropriate to use: communion or Lord’s Supper? I ask because the preacher said that we can…

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Should leavened or unleavened bread be used in the Lord’s Supper?

Question: Our congregation uses ordinary bread (very likely leavened) for Lord’s Supper. The minister, after admitting that unleavened bread was used during the Passover meal when Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, tried to justify the use of ordinary bread this way: 1. The elements of the Lord’s Supper are the bread and fruit of the…

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Can non-believers and children partake of the Lord’s Supper?

Question: l want to know if we have a scriptural authority that forbids children and non-believers to partake of the Lord’s Supper? Answer: I know of no passage that places a requirement on who may partake of the Lord’s Supper. Partaking of the Lord’s Supper is commanded of Christians (I Corinthians 10:16-17). It has meaning…

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Did the Church Come Together for a Common Meal in Acts 20?

by Greg Gwin A question has been asked about ‘eating’ in Acts 20:6-11: “And we sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five days; where we abode seven days. And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread,…

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Can the Lord’s Supper be taken to a shut-in?

Question: In our home Bible class last evening, one in the class asked if it is wrong to take the Lord’s Supper to a member of the church who is a shut-in if the one, who is a shut-in, requests it. Answer: I have difficulty with this because Paul stated, “Therefore, my brethren, when you…

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How do we know that the Lord’s Supper wasn’t taken once a year in Troas?

Question: I was doing some searching on the Internet and discovered an argument against Acts:20:7 that I’ve never encountered. Since Acts 20:7 is the only reference we use (that I know of) to decide how often we take the Lord’s Supper this is pretty important. Acts 20:6 says they sailed from Philippi after the days…

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Wasn’t wine used during the Lord’s Supper?

Question: I was thankful for the short piece on Jesus not having long hair and not being handsome. I wanted to correct you, though, in your interpretation of the commandment to observe Passover in Luke. It was wine, not grape juice. Nowhere can you find the Greek words written by Luke or the other New Testament writers…

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Shouldn’t the Lord’s Supper only use one cup?

Question: I do not believe you have it just right on the container for you have said the following about it: One container is not necessary because the cup was divided before it was drank – Luke 22:18-20 Please notice with me what Luke 22:20 says: And the cup (“the” represents only “one”) in like manner after supper,…

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Abuse of the Lord’s Supper

by Leslie Diestelkamp It is quite obvious that many Christians who may be quite devoted in other ways, do indeed “miss the mark” with regard to the Lord’s Supper. Consider the following: The attitude and practice of some brethren indicate that they expect forgiveness of their sins of the past week because they have had…

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The Sunday Supper

by Gary Eubanks It is a question of critical importance whether the Scriptures require members of a local church to assemble to partake of the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week, or Sunday.  If they do not, the frequency of church assemblies then becomes a discretionary matter and churches may arbitrarily choose…

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Should married couples abstain from sex before partaking of the Lord’s Supper?

Question: Can married couples have sexual intercourse before Lord’s Supper? Answer: Upon what passage do you base this conclusion? What I suspect has happened is that someone is trying to blend Old Testament laws with the Law of Christ. The Law of Moses had requirements about not being unclean when approaching God in worship. Those…

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Do you believe it scriptural to offer the Lord’s Supper at an evening service in a separate room from the remainder of the congregation after the invitation but before a closing prayer?

Question: While researching this question, I stumbled across your web site.  What a wonderful amount of information! Do you believe it scriptural to offer the Lord’s Supper at an evening service in a separate room from the remainder of the congregation after the invitation but before a closing prayer?  My local congregation does this and…

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Must we confess our sins before eating the Lord’s Supper?

Question: Must we confess sin before eating the body and blood of Christ? What does “examine yourself” mean in I Corinthians 11:28? Answer: The Lord’s Supper is a memorial of Jesus’ death. “For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which…

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Who is the host for the Lord’s Supper?

Question: In a discussion, someone asked, “Who is the host for the Lord’s Supper?”  We discussed some possible answers and one man thought it not fitting to argue over non-biblical terms. Is it a biblical concept to know who is the “host” for the Lord’s supper, and, if so, then would the host be the…

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https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Transubstantiation.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 6:35-58   I.         The Lord’s Supper is a weekly memorial to the death of our Savior             A.        It was instituted by Jesus – Matthew 26:26-30             B.        To be done in memory of Jesus – Luke 22:19             C.        A declaration to the world – I Corinthians 11:26             D.        A sharing – I Corinthians 10:16…

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You make no attempt to understand the Salvation Army

Question: I just read with much displeasure the article, “Can Christians Help Support the Salvation Army?” I am admittedly somewhat biased as a third-generation Salvationist, but I found your posting quite misleading. It makes no attempt to understand the Salvation Army doctrines and looks simply to highlight doctrinal differences with other denominations. A few points…

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What do you think about offering wafers with the communion bread?

Question: I am conflicted about a matter in regard to the Lord’s Supper. I have been asked to prepare the communion next month, and along with this was the request to put wafers along with the bread in the trays. I have humbly submitted to our very fine elders that I have some difficulty in…

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Does the Bible say the church worshiped on Sunday?

Question: I have a few questions and comments concerning the texts given as proof of Sunday worship outlined in the article: “Is sex on the Sabbath a sin?” The verses are Acts 20:7 and I Corinthians 16:1-2. Acts 20:7 speaks of an act that is done on any day and nowhere does it say that…

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What do you think about partaking of the Lord’s Supper after dinner?

Question: At our congregation, we take communion on the first day of each week. Our preacher has decided to have small groups meet in homes and have a potluck dinner and again partake of the Lord’s Supper, calling it an agape feast. This is causing a division in the church. He is using a lot…

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Should the Lord’s Supper be only taken at night?

Question: What is the Bible’s answer to the controversy about the time the Lord’s Supper should be taken on the first day of the week? Should it be only at night or any time upon the first day of the week? Answer: I know of no controversy regarding what time of the day the Lord’s…

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