Posts Tagged ‘liberalism’
What Was the Issue?
by Bill Hall Church-Supported Orphans’ Homes: What Was the Issue? The Sponsoring Church Arrangement: What Was the Issue? Kitchens and Fellowship Halls: What Was the Issue?
Read MoreWhy “Liberal” and “Conservative” Churches of Christ
by Robert Harkrider During the past two decades, many have asked this question. Some sincere brethren who have been caught up in one stream or the other never fully understood, and many who were too young before have now grown to adulthood wondering why. It is, therefore, a good question worthy of repeated investigation. Labels…
Read MoreThe Sponsoring Church Arrangement
by Ethan Jennings Not long after World War 2, members of the Lord’s church decided they wanted to take the gospel overseas to the countries with whom we had been at war. This was a good attitude to have. Especially since we are supposed to spread the gospel to everyone. Paul wrote to commend the…
Read MoreDo the Churches of Christ Suffer from Amnesia?
by Hugh Fulford In the October 2022 issue of the Christian Chronicle (identified as a subsidiary of Oklahoma Christian University), a book review is set forth under the headline, “New book explores where Churches of Christ fit” (p. 37). The name of the book reviewed is In the Great Stream: Imagining Churches of Christ in…
Read MoreDo you have an article by a liberal preacher on your website?
Question: Is the article “Is the Christian Obligated to Forgive the Sinner Who Will Not Repent?” by the Curtis A. Cates who was at one time the director of the Memphis School of Preaching in Memphis, Tennessee? Answer: “John answered and said, ‘Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried…
Read MoreLiberal, Missouri: A Failed Experiment
by Roger Shouse in Biblical Insights, Vol. 6, No. 2, February 2000 The little town of Liberal, Missouri, lies near the Missouri-Kansas border, a few miles north of Joplin, Missouri. This sleepy little town of about 800 residents is typical of many small towns scattered throughout the United States. Liberal, Missouri, had a very interesting…
Read MoreProgressive Christians
Source: Trevin Wax, “3 Surprises from New Research on ‘Progressive’ and ‘Conservative’ Christians,” The Gospel Coalition, 9 November 2021. “In defining conservative and progressive Christians, the authors use theological rather than political criteria. Individuals who believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and say Jesus is the only path to salvation are conservative Christians.…
Read MoreWho Has Changed?
by Wayne Goforth Sentry Magazine, September 2000 Someone has indeed changed! It has sometimes been argued that “The anti’s have come up a new doctrine.” Thomas B. Warren, in his book on “Lectures on Church Cooperation and Orphan Homes,” argues “If you can find anyone who taught this before 1955, you will be doing me…
Read MoreThe History of the Institutional Controversy
by Jefferson David Tant Those who have a general knowledge of churches of Christ today are aware of the fact that a division took place during the last half of the 20th Century. This division took place over doctrinal issues concerning the organization, work, and mission of the Lord’s church. In many respects, this division…
Read MoreThe Church’s Purpose
by Bill Hall What is the purpose of the Lord’s church? Is it to eradicate poverty, disease, social injustice, illiteracy from among men? Is it to bring about a cessation of war and conflict? Is it to campaign for a temptation-free society for Christians to live in? If the church had as one of its…
Read MoreHow do I teach someone about the proper way to do benevolence?
Question: Hello, I am a newer Christian and love your site. Thanks so much for making it available. While I have much growth spiritually, know that you are helping me to grow. My cousin and I do not agree on the benevolence work of an individual Christian vs. the Local Church. He wants to study…
Read MoreA Friendly Letter on Benevolence
by Irven Lee (1914-1991) April 1, 1958 A good friend that I have known and appreciated a long time sent a letter of inquiry which prompted this answer. Since so many are wondering about the same problems, I am making a few copies of the letter [that I wrote in response] with the hope…
Read MoreThe Sponsoring Church Arrangement: What Was the Issue?
by Bill Hall I can’t say enough about the encouragement it is to me to see your continued interest in this effort that we’re putting forth. Your willingness to come and study with us — it means so much to me. When this was planned, I thought we could educate those who come as…
Read MoreChurch-Supported Orphans’ Homes: What Was the Issue?
by Bill Hall It was a difficult time. I don’t know that I could in any way picture for you if you didn’t live then, just how difficult that time was. Back somewhere in the mid-50s, in the pages of the Gospel Advocate, a quarantine was called for against all those who preached the gospel…
Read MoreKitchens and Fellowship Halls: What Was the Issue?
by Bill Hall I don’t know how to thank you enough for the opportunity to come and deliver these lessons on these Sunday afternoons. It has been a very challenging experience for me, and I hope the lessons have been challenging for you. To see the number of people who have come each Sunday…
Read MoreYour points are concise, plausible, and substantiated by the Scriptures
Question: I wanted to say thank you, at least for the two articles of yours I have read so far. I have been raised in what I would presume would be considered a “moderate” congregation of the church. I have some family members that attend a more “conservative” congregation. For the record, I have a…
Read MoreBut It Is a Good Work! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 2:1-10 I. Periodically I’ll get irate notes from people who are upset that I talk about the teachings of the Salvation Army and point out that they don’t match the Scriptures A. Rarely does anyone say I’m mistaken about the teachings, rather they think it shouldn’t be an issue…
Read MoreThe People of God — Their Attitude Toward the Social Order
by Ed Harrell Throughout history, in relating themselves to the world, the two options which Christians have most often pursued were to vigorously strive to control the world or to disdainfully withdraw from it. Some have dreamed that they would make their society “Christian,” necessarily defined in cultural and nationalistic terms, and have passed laws,…
Read MoreThe Sponsoring Church Arrangement
by Ethan R. Longhenry God wills for all people to be saved in Christ Jesus (I Timothy 2:4; II Peter 3:9); Christians must go out and proclaim the Word of the Gospel to their fellow human beings (Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 10:14-17). The local church, as the Body of Christ manifests in a given area, has…
Read MoreThe Congregational Cooperation Issue During the Restoration Movement
by George P. Estes via Gospel Guardian, May 3, 1956 Behind the thinking of the men who attempted to restore the New Testament church lie two basic premises or accepted facts: first, that the church as it existed in the apostolic age contained no admixture of human doctrine and was, therefore, a God-given and perfect…
Read MoreOur Changing Attitude Toward the Bible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:22-25 I. A new translation of the Bible came out last month, called “As Good as New: A Radical Retelling of the Scriptures.” A. Actually, “translation” is not a good description of it. As my wife commented, it doesn’t even make a good paraphrase. B. Several examples were given…
Read MoreThe Same Movement, Yet We Are Different
by Andy Sochor Daniel Austen Sommer (1878-1952) was the son of the gospel preacher, Daniel Sommer. In 1916, D.A. Sommer debated J. Roy Wright of the Christian church. The debate dealt with several issues, including instrumental music in worship and missionary societies. In his first speech, Sommer pointed out something that he and Wright had in…
Read MoreIndividual Duty or Local Church Duty?
by Howard Justice During the past half-century, there has been a serious amount of confusion as to how a member of God’s family relates to his role in the family of God and how this service involves the local unit known as the local church. It has presented problems in understanding what a Christian may…
Read MoreOur congregation would be very liberal if they had the money
Question: Hi, I came across your website as I was doing research on the “One Nation Under God” effort by the church of Christ in Tennessee. I want to say I enjoyed reading your article on Institutionalism. I intend on reading more of your articles. We are attending a congregation where we moved about a year…
Read MoreI find it odd that saying something against fellowship halls gets you labeled as a trouble maker
Question: God bless you for your sermon on “Fellowship” halls and kitchens in the church of Christ! There are so many churches turning liberal in their teachings today that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find one that wants to adhere strictly to the teachings of the Bible. It seems like the preachers from Abilene Christian University grow…
Read MoreThe Real Issue Regarding Kitchens and Fellowship Halls by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 3:12-18 I. Over the years Christians have experienced disagreements that have led to divisions A. In the late 1800’s it was disagreements over missionary societies and instrumental music in worship. It lead to the formation of the Christian Church and the Disciples of Christ. B. In the 1940’s and 1950’s…
Read MoreFinding Liberty in Silence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. It was one of those interesting coincidences. I received two correspondences dealing with separate issues, but both seeking justification in the same manner. A. In attempting to justify the use of instrumental music, Gary Mattingly, a preacher for the Christian Church wrote: “First and foremost, we must see that there…
Read MoreWhy the Episcopal Church Is Collapsing
Source: Rob Kerby, “Why is the Episcopal Church near collapse?” BeliefNet 12 July 2012. Losing Membership “Somehow slipping out of the headlines is a harsh reality that the denomination has been deserted in droves by an angry or ambivalent membership.” “Among the old mainstream denominations reporting to the National Council of Churches, the Episcopal Church suffered the worst loss…
Read MoreI’m not certain what group you are with, but I find your website helpful
Question: I am a disciple of Jesus Christ who attends a fellowship of churches once known as the International Churches of Christ. I was googling opinions and articles on various biblical topics when I saw your website. I just wanted to tell you how refreshing it was to see such an uncompromising stand on being…
Read MoreWhy do churches seem to pick and choose what they practice?
Question: I am a married woman who has a general question regarding the Stone-Campbell Movement churches, of which I have been a part of (the ‘fiddling’ branch) since the day I was born. I understand that “where the Bible speaks, we speak,” and that is the reason why we celebrate the practice of communion each and…
Read MoreWho Is Responsible? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Galatians 6:1-10 I. One of the issues that has divided brethren is that of doing good. A. The question is who is responsible? B. One side argues that it doesn’t matter, so long as the good is done. The other side argues that you cannot give away a responsibility God has…
Read MoreIs it wrong for teenage girls to give a report to the congregation during the worship service?
Question: I am visiting a new church of Christ. Today was my second Sunday to attend, both Sunday morning and evening services. Tonight, during the Sunday evening service, a group had just returned from a mission trip to Guatemala. The service was to include a report on what had gone on there and fill everyone…
Read MoreWhat! No Special Programs?
by Bobby Witherington via The Reflector, April 2011 Visitors to our assemblies are sometimes amazed (and maybe disappointed) to learn that this congregation does not have a special youth program. Nor a kitchen. Not even a bus ministry. Do we have something against young people? Or kitchens? Or busses? Not at all. We have several young…
Read MoreYour article on the silence of the Scriptures helps me to understand the issues better
Question: Hello sir. I was born and raised in the church. Just read your article on the silence of the Scriptures and really enjoyed it. I have been faced with some of the “dogmatic” congregations for the first time in my life, and it really raised some questions in my mind as to if I was attending…
Read MoreCan’t the building be used for things other than worship?
Question: The church building is what it is — a building. The way we use “fellowship’ is to socialize. Every time people meet before worship they are said to fellowship with one another. Fellowship is not the same thing as the Lord’s supper; however, a type of fellowship is involved in the process. A fellowship…
Read MoreIsn’t the use of “conservative,” “non-institutional,” or “mainstream” to describe churches wrong?
Question: Since the “Church of Christ” is the only authorized name for the church, why do some take pride in calling it the “conservative church” or the “non-institutional church”? I also hear of the “mainstream church.” Is this not liberalism and denominationalism? Answer: First off, “church of Christ” is not the only name found in…
Read MoreShouldn’t the church be a social organization to draw people to Christ?
Question: I say all this with the utmost respect. I read your opening statement about all the things you don’t have. I very much appreciate a church (a body) that wishes to follow the pattern of the first-century church. I agree with your purpose and what God has to offer us is so much more than…
Read MoreFellowship Halls?
by Mark Dunagan Somewhere in the past, the idea entered the Church of Christ that it would be all right to take the funds collected on the first day of the week and construct a church building which would include such things as a kitchen and a large dining room or “fellowship” hall. These structures…
Read MoreSince the church isn’t the building, you can’t make rules about how the building is used
Question: You are right in that you say the church is not to be an entertainment organization. But the picture you put on that site is not the church! You started out by saying that the church (Did you mean that building in the picture? That isn’t the church!) had no kitchen, etc. But, I…
Read MoreThe Autonomy of the Local Church
by Keith Sharp Introduction Several years ago I spoke by phone to a preacher who works with a large congregation in South Texas. As we conversed he asked if I was “anti-cooperation.” I told him I knew what he was talking about, but that I advocated scriptural cooperation between churches of Christ. He changed the…
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