Love your article on the King James Version. Disappointed in your home page

Question: Regarding your article on the King James Version: God bless you! How so many in our movement think that the KJV is the only acceptable Bible, I will never understand! Wow! Then I went to your home page and was SOOOOO disappointed! Answer: Upon what passage in the Bible do you base your disappointment? “For do I…

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Why are there all these new practices in the church?

Question: I am having trouble accepting new ideas within the church. Last Halloween the church sponsored a “trunk or treat” in the parking lot by putting Halloween themes in trunks of cars and giving out candy to kids coming down the street!  Then at Christmas, the preacher called my house and ask if he and…

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Have you been able to convert people from liberal churches?

Question: I was wondering, have you had any luck converting those who use their buildings for recreation? I have a lot of friends who attend liberal churches of christ and I just wondered if you had any advice on how to correct. Thanks. Answer: Several of the current members at La Vista came out of…

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My congregation is becoming more unscriptural. Should I find another one?

Question: My home congregation is slowly beginning to make some unscriptural moves. I have been told by another gospel preacher that my home congregation has a bad reputation. Our evangelist holds an erroneous view on marriage, divorce, and remarriage. He believes that Christ’s covenant is for Christians only and that since an alien sinner didn’t…

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Is it right for a church to have meetings or parties at the church?

Question: Is it right for the church to have devotionals, Leadership Training for Christ, retreats, summer camps for the youth, Trick or Treat at Halloween, or New Year Eve parties at the church? Answer: A church’s duty foremost is to provide the opportunity of its members to gather for worship. “… when you come together…

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Questions about the use of funds given to the church

Question: Having read your articles and also was a member of the conservative church for 24 years I have some questions. The conservatives say it is ok to use the Lord’s money for a $20,000 yard but wrong to give a sinner some food from the treasury. Really? It is ok to rent a place to…

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Can the church pay for things pertaining to the upkeep of the church building?

Question: Do you think the church can pay for things that pertain to the church building for things such as repairs or the lawn maintenance and work around the grounds to keep it looking presentable and then accommodations such as nursery items (baby bed, rocking chairs, books, maybe even toys, etc…), things that are simply conveniences…

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What Is the Difference?

by Irven Lee via The Graphic Evangelist, Vol. 21, No. 8, April 19, 1981. An instrument of music was introduced into the worship at Midway, Kentucky, in about 1858. This innovation moved slowly among churches in the North and finally came to the South in about 1900. Of course, the church support of the missionary society…

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Would it be wrong to use the church’s property for a garden?

Question: Is it OKfor a congregation to allow members to use the property to grow a garden if they are in need?  One example may be a guy who is living in an apartment and has no property. Another may be a family who has a nice lawn and doesn’t want to bring down their…

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What is the Social Gospel?

by Richard Thetford Have you ever asked yourself “what is the social gospel?” Most individuals that have been raised in the Lord’s church have come to know and understand what the social gospel is. There are many, many individuals in churches of Christ around the country today that are actively engaged in a social gospel…

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The Gospel and the Social Gospel

What is the Difference? by Bob Myhan Many of the Lord’s churches have gone the way of the modernistic de­nominations, abandoning the gospel for “a different gospel, which is not another” (Galatians 1:6-7). Paul, in the passage just quoted, used the word “gospel” in an accommodative sense. There was but one gospel. What he called “a different…

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New Churches

by Gilbert Alexander The number of new churches started by men and based upon a human standard has grown rapidly over the past century in this country. Their creation and continued existence reflect the unbelief and arrogant self-will of their builders, and the gullibility of those who have joined them. Apparently, the church of Jesus…

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James 1:27 and the Orphan Home

by Jimmy Mickells When I obeyed the gospel in 1974, the issue of church-supported orphan homes had been debated among brethren for a good number of years. This subject, along with a discussion of colleges being supported from the treasury of the church, had already caused a great division among the Lord’s people. It was…

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Church Is Not Like It Used To Be

by Kent Heaton Going to church is not like it used to be. Church services have turned into places of entertainment and frolic and high-pitched computer-generated displays of excitement, energy, and temporal feelings of self-worth. Auditoriums are filled with choral groups arrayed in splashing displays of sparkling gowns with sound systems that generate twenty-seven million…

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Quotes on the Social Gospel

N. B. Hardeman Hardeman’s Tabernacle Sermons, Volume V, pages 50,53, November 1945. What is the purpose of the church of the Lord? Suppose I discuss the negative side first. I may say some things with which you do not agree, but I bid you hear me regardless. I do not consider it a part of…

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The Power of God: The Bible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 1:8-19   I.         The Word of God is precious to believers, an object of desire – Psalm 19:7-11             A.        O, how I love your law! – Psalm 119:97-100             B.        Longing for God’s law – Psalm 119:40             C.        Desire it like a new born babe desires milk – I Peter 2:1-3 II.        A popular…

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Individual-Group Distinctions

by Bryan Sharp I Timothy 5:16 tells us, “If any believing woman has relatives who are widows, let her care for them. Let the church not be burdened, so that it may care for those who are truly widows.” (ESV) This one verse is a gold mine of practical application because, in this one verse,…

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What do you think about the World Bible School?

Question: I am currently taking an introductory lesson from the World Bible School.  Can you tell me what your opinion is regarding their lessons, if you have encountered them, or you can tell me what you think of the World Bible School itself?  Do you find them helpful? If not, why not? Thank you, sir.…

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The Truth About Error

by Kenneth E. Thomas Often one will read an article or hear a sermon and immediately think or say, “I wish I had written or preached that.” When this is the case I often do a lesson with the same title or a modified one with some of the same points, giving it my style…

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What is this business about “anti,” “liberal,” and “sound?”

Question: Mr. Hamilton, in the last day or so, you received a question concerning congregations. The writer spoke about ‘anti’ and ‘liberal’ congregations. What does this mean? What is meant by a sound church? I find all this to be very confusing. Jesus didn’t want us to be divided, so what is this anti, and liberal,…

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The Letter and the Spirit

by Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. via Guardian of Truth XXXIII: 3, pp. 67-68, February 2, 1989 Earl Irvin West, in Volume 2 of his The Search For The Ancient Order (p. 250), introduces a chapter called “Prophets of Liberalism,” with an astute observation about what he calls “seeds of liberalism”: “Whether in the halcyon days of the restoration…

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“When the Lord Opens the Door You Have to Seize the Opportunity…”

by Bob Lovelace For some reason. perhaps because it is beneficial to be reminded how apostasy works, or better yet because apostasy does indeed “work” and presents itself in order to perpetuate its working of error, I keep meeting those who say they really do not see anything wrong with instrumental music in worship. Conversation…

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Question and Answer About Church Socials

by Leslie Diestelkamp Two questions have been asked: (1) Why doesn’t the church have more socials? and (2) Why can’t we have parties in the basement of the church building? The New Testament authorizes every act and activity of the church. It provides us with all that pertains to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3).…

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Fellowship Halls

Adapted from an article by James P. Miller via Stand, March 1981. It is with regret that we learn that one of the congregations is now building a “fellowship hall” to advance their understanding of the gospel of Christ. We regret more for it widens the gulf between them and all brethren who seek to stand…

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What About Church Socials?

by Leslie Diestelkamp Two questions have been asked: Why doesn’t the church have more socials? and Why can’t we have parties in the basement of the church building? The New Testament authorizes every act and activity of the church. It provides us with all that pertains to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). It completely…

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Voices from the Past

by Keith Sharp Mainstream Churches of Christ are far along in a falling away that began around the time I was born, and I’ll soon be eligible for Medicare! The drift has taken place so slowly that most brethren think the modern innovations from the divine pattern for the church have always been practiced. You…

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Are you “anti” or “liberal”?

Question: Wow! I am so happy to see a site that holds to sound doctrine.  There is only one thing that I don’t see much written on Institutionalism.  I do see the article on church spending which is correct.  I was wondering though if you all were “anti” or “liberal” as many like to say…

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The People of God: Their Attitude Toward the Social Order

by Ed Harrell Throughout history, in relating themselves to the world, the two options which Christians have most often pursued were to vigorously strive to control the world or to disdainfully withdraw from it. Some have dreamed that they would make their society “Christian,” necessarily defined in cultural and nationalistic terms, and have passed laws,…

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What do you think about my thesis on biblical codes?

Question: I co-wrote this thesis, currently circulating on the Internet. It is a very compelling four-year examination into the genders of Bible characters, based on word cases used in the original languages, that aid the reader to determine gender. I consider it another unveiled, hidden mystery that is being revealed as knowledge is increased, similar…

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The Autonomy of the Local Church

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         One area that sharply distinguishes the Lord’s church from the various denominations is its organization             A.        The church is the organization through which God’s wisdom is made known – Eph 3:9-11                         1.         It is a product of that wisdom and is organized by God.             B.        The head of the church is Jesus – Ephesians…

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Slip-Sliding Away

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton   When changes occur, it is common for those who bring in new ideas to reinterpret past events to prove that their ideas are really what people thought and wanted all along. Even when the changes are recent and people still remember what life was like before the changes, they just…

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The Lord’s Church: Means or Result of Salvation?

by Robert F. Turner via Plain Talk About God’s Church, pages 77-80 When followers of Christ are likened to a physical body, Christ is the head and the saints are the members of that body, the church (Ephesians 1:22-23). All who are in Christ are, by this figure, considered members of His body. We ignore priorities…

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