Intolerance of Contrary Views

Source: The Tribune Washington Bureau, “Pastor drops out of inauguration,” Omaha World-Herald, 11 January 2013. The President invited a man to give a benediction at his inauguration, but when it was discovered that the man had stated in lessons back in the 1990s that homosexuality was contrary to the teachings of Christianity, which is true…

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Do I tell my friend that homosexuality is wrong?

Question: One of my friends, who has been depressed, is a bit more open-hearted to Christianity than my other friends. I’ve seen her praying. She’s said to me she’s going to pray for something a few times. But she is bi, and she’s in love with a girl, who’s in love with her too. It…

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How do I overcome my attraction to men?

Question: Hi, Not sure if you can help me because I am older than the guys you are helping but any advice you could give would be much appreciated.  I am a single, 32-year-old male and have struggled with gay thoughts and urges most of my life.  I have never given into these urges and…

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Do I have any hope of being forgiven for my homosexuality?

Question: Hello, I have a question that has my hope chained to a sadness that I desperately want to be free from. I am a repented homosexual. I prayed, from the age of 13, for 30 years, desperately begging God to forgive me, promising that I would “Never let it happen again” Every time I…

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How do I explain why I didn’t attend the wedding of my gay cousin?

Question: How do I respond to my sister regarding not attending my cousin’s gay wedding? I have been in the church for nearly twenty years. This past summer, I was invited to my cousins’ wedding. I choose not to attend. Now my cousin and his side of the family are choosing to not participate in…

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Was the death penalty for homosexuals only referring to hell?

Question: Does Deuteronomy 20 really say that we should kill gay people? I was always under the idea that it was saying God was going to kill them by sending them to hell when they died because they knew better and refused to change. Am I right? It came up in conversation and I was…

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Should homosexuals adopt children?

Question: What does the Bible teach on gays adopting and raising children? Answer: The question, knowingly or not, attempts to balance sin with righteousness. Homosexuality is a sin, see Notes on Homosexuality for a list of verses proving this point. An adoption is a righteous act. Our relationship, as a Christian, with God is described…

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If God condemned something in the past does that mean the law remains?

Question: Hello! I came across a website today about Leviticus and homosexuality. At the bottom it said the following: “Now, if God never changes and never goes back on His word, what He says in Leviticus stands for all time. Thus, what He condemns in the Old Testament remains condemned into the New Testament and…

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Should Gay Rights be Voted On?

Source: Juan Perez Jr and Erin Golden, “Churches push to get Omaha vote on gay rights,” Omaha World-Herald, 14 October 2012 This is an issue local to my region, but arguments reflect a national trend. The Omaha city council last spring, by a close vote of 4 to 3, passed a measure that gave lesbian, gay,…

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How can you discount things like radiocarbon dating and fossils?

Question: First, what does this mean: “Faith is the demonstration of your prejudice”? Second, how do you discount things like radiocarbon dating and fossils? If God created Adam and Eve as the first humans, then where did everyone else come from after them? Was incest acceptable back then because if there was only Adam and…

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Is not the homosexual act and the person one and the same?

Question: Please explain: “God loves the sinner but hates the sin.” Is not the homosexual act and the person one and the same? Answer: They are not the same because sin cannot change from being wrong, but a person can change from doing wrong. See: Should we separate a man from his deeds, hating his sins…

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God wouldn’t put unnecessary restrictions on people

Question: Homophobia is such a joke. God, if He exists, wouldn’t put unnecessary restrictions on His people. Can you really imagine your ever-loving, ever-forgiving God being that petty? This is pathetic. Answer: It is interesting that you assume that anyone who disagrees with you does so without reason and only because of a “fear” that…

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Thank you for all the encouragement and support you’ve given me

Question: Hey, Like always, thanks for encouraging and providing support to me. I wanted to share with you good news, I forget the verse that talks about sharing with the person who teaches or leads you. The other day I met with the housekeeping manager at the hotel. He wanted to know what the Bible…

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How do we make a stand against homosexuality?

Question: Hello! First, I would like to say thanks for the website. My question is: how can we show others that homosexuality is wrong?  Our country will not hear any religious claims that marriage between two of the same sex is wrong.  I know we are to love everyone, but how do we show that…

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Your question and answer on homosexuality really helps

Question: Hello, I just wanted to say that I appreciate the Q&A section of your website, which I found today during a google search for church of Christ responses to homosexuality.  Because many of my friends are gay, and those who aren’t are non-Christian and, therefore, supportive of the gay equality movement, I am trying to…

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In England, Christians Cannot be Foster Parents

Source: Michael Brown, “The Precipitous Decline Of Christian England,”, 22 July 2012 “And then there was the case of Eunice and Owen Johns, a Christian couple in their 60’s who had cared for 15 foster children in the past. Last year, England’s High Court ruled that they could no longer take in children after a gay activist organization…

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The Boy Scouts Continue Their Ban on Homosexuals

Source: “Boy Scouts reaffirm ban on gays,” The Los Angeles Times, 18 July 2012. After a two-year review by a special committee, they “came to the conclusion that this policy is absolutely the best policy for the Boy Scouts.” The policy is to exclude homosexuals from the organization. “The Boy Scouts have faced repeated protests concerning…

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Fuzzy Doctrine by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 28:16-20   I.         God did not author confusion – I Corinthians 14:33             A.        But there are people running around today insisting that He did             B.        In July, 2012, the Episcopals approved transgender clergy and members, along with a service for blessing unions of homosexuals.                         1.         “We are entering into a time of…

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Episcopals Approve Blessing for Homosexual Unions

Source: “Episcopal bishops approve blessing for same-sex unions,” Associated Press, Omaha World-Herald, 10 July 2012. Episcopals have been permitting marriages for homosexuals for many years. Where local politics don’t permit such marriages they have been getting around the roadblock by saying it is just a blessing on the civil union of the couple. In 2009,…

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Were the man’s actions in Judges 19:22-24 wrong?

Question: Were the man’s actions in Judges 19:22-24 wrong? I’m sure it’s addressed on the website, but I searched for it and I think I just couldn’t think of the best way to search for it. Was it wrong for the man to offer his daughter like that? The passage doesn’t seem to say anything…

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What do you think of the President supporting gay marriage?

Question: I know you’re aware of the Obama situation about passing the gay marriage bill. I had a conversation on Facebook about it and everyone — the majority are Christian — agree. They say he’s doing his job, people have the right to be happy, gay people are hurting no one, so why are you…

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What are all the types of sexual sins?

Question: What are all the types of sexual sins? Answer: “Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). One of the problems with coming up with lists of possible sins is that men are too inventive in coming up with new ways to…

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How do I speak to my friends who are homosexuals?

Question: Hello, I found your answers on this page very helpful: How do I tell someone they are sinning? I’m hoping you can help me speak to several friends I have who are gay. Most of them do not go to church or say that they were shown nothing but hatred by people who called themselves…

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Do these studies on homosexuality have any meaning?

Question: I know, I know. We seem to discuss this a lot, but I ended up defending Christianity against my cousin, who I thought was also a good friend, but is trying to sway me with “scientific proof”. Now, I don’t believe for a moment that homosexuality is natural, but I’ve already sent her several…

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Don’t you dare change my mind, but why is homosexuality bad?

Question: Hello there. I am a thirteen-year-old open-minded female who accepts and respects anyone of any religion, ethnicity, sexuality, and tribe. Before I begin, please do not assume that I am older than I have stated, or have spoken out of influence because I have indeed not. Not all thirteen-year-old kids are idiots. I research…

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My husband admitted to being a homosexual. I didn’t divorce him because of the expense. Now I’m with another man. Does that mean we cannot have sex?

Question: After nearly twenty years of marriage, my husband told me he was gay, has always been gay, and had been participating in homosexual acts. Our marriage had been a troubling one from the beginning. We were young, not well prepared for our first child. There was mental abuse and physical abuse. I strayed outside…

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I am Compelled

by Ronny E. Hinds via Biblical Insights, Vol. 11, No. 11, November 2011 I checked my thesaurus to make sure. Yes, the synonyms for compelled are bound, obliged, forced, obligated, duty-bound, required, and constrained. Yes, that describes my attitude exactly. About what? — About the recent news from New York and California. The New York State…

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Is homosexuality innate or natural for some people?

Question: I have a question about something that I’m really confused about. It deals with homosexuality. In Romans 1, it talks about men and woman going against nature and having unnatural relations with the same sex. I’ve read on a pro-gay theology site about how the original Greek words phusikos and phusis, which both mean…

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I think the Bible treats homosexuals worse than other so-called sins

Question: I am in utter shock. Being homosexual is not a choice, no one wants to be different if it was not meant to be. The Bible says we should stone children who disobey their parents, same as homosexuals. I only see the concept being applied to homosexuals. The Bible was written by man, it…

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Why would a person choose to suffer as a homosexual? It can’t be a choice

Question: I must respectfully take issue with the manner in which you answer various questions on your web site in an attempt to refute the assertion that homosexuals do not choose to be homosexuals.  You repeatedly cite the lack of any evidence of a genetic predisposition to homosexuality as proof that homosexuals do, in fact, choose their…

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How do I stop my masturbating to gay pornography?

Question: Good morning sir. I’m 21 years old. I’m a leader in my church. I’ve always loved God and desire to know him and walk with him as Enoch did. But I have lusted. I started masturbating some years ago and have promised God not to anymore, but I can’t find the strength to stop…

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