Posts Tagged ‘Genesis’
If animals were not used for food until after the flood, where did the skins come for Adam and Eve’s clothing?
Question: Hi. I was researching a topic when I came upon your website. Before I ask the question, I just wanted you to know that I am not asking this to discredit the Bible or God. I understand that it can be challenging to understand some of the Scripture after thousands of years. My question…
Read MoreWas Genesis originally written in cuneiform?
Question: I had come across a document about Genesis being in Cuneiform. It is an interesting hypothesis. The idea is that if Genesis was written in cuneiform, it might be one of the oldest written accounts. This means that when atheists like to say ancient mythology influenced the Bible, it would be refuted. Would you…
Read MoreWas Genesis 1-3 Sufficiently Witnessed?
by Terry Wane Benton Jesus was there (John 1:1f); He said the story is factual (Mark 10:1-6) and that Satan was the liar from the beginning (John 8 ). The Spirit confirmed through Paul that death entered the world through Adam (Romans 5), and Satan’s head would be crushed (Genesis 3:15 compares to Romans 16:20).…
Read MoreWhere does the Bible say the people of Babel defied God?
Question: Good day, I’m slightly confused about Scripture and interpretation here. The story of Babel is always propped up as a story of man’s defiance of God’s will, but nowhere do I see the Bible actually state that they defied God. Yes, they did go against God’s command. God wanted people to disperse around the…
Read MoreWho Are the Sons of God in Genesis 6? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreHow can angels eat?
Question: Dear Brother in Christ, Can you please explain Genesis 18:8 where it says Abraham offered them a calf, curds, and milk and they ate. Thanks. Answer: Before Abraham meets the three strangers, we were told that the Lord appeared to Abraham (Genesis 18:1). As the story progresses, one of the men begins to be…
Read MoreHagar and Exclusion
by Matthew W. Bassford This became apparent last week when we studied the use of the story of Lot by Jesus and Peter. Today, gospel preachers like to bag on Lot. They condemn him for “pitching his tent towards Sodom” and point to the corruption of his family with grim satisfaction. By contrast, the New…
Read MoreThe Sin of Sodom
by Matthew W. Bassford The most famous example of homosexual activity in the entire Bible occurs in the early part of Genesis 19. There, two angels in human form come to the city of Sodom and pretend to be travelers seeking hospitality. The patriarch Lot invites them into his home, but at evening, the men…
Read MoreSaved Through Water
by Matthew W. Bassford Genesis 7:11-24 tells the story of the greatest cataclysm ever to overtake the earth. Because the wickedness of man was great on the earth, God sent a flood to cleanse it by destroying everything that lived on the land. In this flood, every human being died except for eight. The patriarch…
Read MoreThe Nephilim
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton (Short Talk) Text: Genesis 6:1-4 I. There are three groups mentioned in our reading: A. The Nephilim B. The sons of God C. The daughters of men II. It is frequently claimed that the Nephilim were beings who resulted from fallen angels having sexual relations with humans A. But angels are spiritual beings – Hebrews 1:14…
Read MoreI think Adam and Eve sinned simultaneously
Question: Dear Minister: Adam and Eve Sinned Simultaneously. In “How Long Is A Day?” you said, “If Eve was not the first to sin, then what do we do with Paul’s proof in I Timothy 2:14?” First, consider the source (Saul|Paul, aka 18 verses in Acts 22:24-29; 22:30; 23:1-5; 23:6-11). Paul’s argument started from the wrong…
Read MoreI’m confused by the names of Esau’s wives
Question: Hi, I have a question regarding the question asked to you: “Was Mahaleth a Canaanite and did Esau marry her to get back at his father Isaac?” Part of your reply mentioned Genesis 28:9, “so Esau went to Ishmael and took Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael.” In my Bible, it says that Esau took…
Read MoreDid eating from the forbidden tree give Adam and Eve intelligence?
Question: After Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, they realized they were naked. Is it not that some kind of intelligence that was revealed in their mind? I am saying this because chimpanzees and other animals move around nude without realizing they are naked. Answer: Intelligence was already shown in the complexity of…
Read MoreRemember Lot’s Wife Download Audio by Ralph Walker Was Lot’s wife’s death an unfair result of a simple reflexive action? Preaching the Bloody Bible
Read MoreNoah and the Flood Download Audio by Ralph Walker A worldwide flood? Destroying all humans except eight people? Seriously? Preaching the Bloody Bible
Read MoreScience Confirms Flood Timeline
Source: Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., “Y-Chromosome Study Confirms Genesis Flood Timeline,”, 17 December 2019. “In this current study, the authors note that if humans have actually been around for several hundred thousand years or more, they should have accumulated 8 to 59 times the amount of mutations that we currently observe in Y-chromosome DNA…
Read MoreJacob Blesses His Sons
Some thoughts on Genesis 49 by Jefferson David Tant Prophecy and its fulfillment present some of the strongest evidence of the inspiration of the Scriptures. This presents a strong challenge to those who seek to deny that the Bible is of Divine origin. The apostles also recognized the significance of prophecy, as so often they…
Read MoreWere there other animals in the garden beside the serpent?
Question: Were there animals in the garden of Eden apart from the snake that Satan used as his tool? Answer: On the sixth day, prior to Eve being created, we are told: “Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to…
Read MoreHow did Adam find Eve?
Question: I hope you can answer these for me: When Adam worked in the Garden, did he have to work and show he was worthy Eve for God to present her to him? I understand the help meet part, but did God make Adam for Eve or Eve for Adam? I know it was a…
Read MoreDid Ham have sex with his mother?
Question: I just read your answer to the question about whether boys should see one another naked as in locker rooms, etc. In the Bible, when Ham “saw his father’s nakedness,” that does not mean he literally saw his father without clothing on. It literally meant that he had sex with his father’s wife. That…
Read MoreThe text doesn’t say that the men of Sodom wanted to force sex on the strangers
Question: Hello, I have a query about your website pertaining to what would be considered a misinterpreted passage of the Bible. Please explain why your interpretation of Genesis 19 implies they were intent on forcing a homosexual act on these two visitors when no Bible version actually says that. What it clearly says is that their…
Read MoreI’m confused by the apparent compilation of records in Genesis
Question: I have been reading your material in Genesis and find your conclusions intriguing on the book being a collection of inspired records that Moses made under the direction of the Holy Spirit. I am creating material for my daily Genesis podcast, so I want to ensure that I’m accurately portraying this part of your…
Read MoreDid animals start eating meat after the fall of man?
Question: Thank you for the wonderful and comprehensive website with so much Bible-based information. I’m reading it daily and learning so much. Many thanks. One question comes to mind that I did not find an answer to, although the Bible does mention that the first animals in creation ate the grasses of the field. Were…
Read MoreWhat about other cultures that have different creation and flood accounts?
Question: Hey Jeffrey, I have a question: I just started a daily Bible reading program and went back over the history of mankind, creation, and the generations. I am wondering: Are these the only people who were living on the Earth at this time? How would you compare Genesis with other ancient civilizations’ generations or…
Read MoreThe sins of Sodom were not homosexual
Question: The sins of Sodom were not homosexual. The Bible itself tells us of her sins at least fourteen different places. This is false teaching at its worse. So why aren’t the fourteen verses stating her sins posted? Answer: Isn’t it interesting that you give a very specific number of passages regarding the sins of…
Read MoreCan you help me with some questions from an atheist?
Question: I appreciate so much your willingness to answer questions. Here are the things which confuse me from an atheist: Why did Adam and Eve realize they were naked when there was not yet a concept of being clothed? Why was Adam lonely when he was in a perfect place and with God? I’m starting…
Read MoreJoseph’s Brothers by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWas Cain conceived by Satan?
Question: [Since the author believes himself wise, I left the original note unedited.] Who ever said that Cain is Adams’ son and not the devil or Satan the Dragon or what ever name you want to use is out of there mind Very simply first check the Hebrew manuscripts and you’ll find that Eve had…
Read MoreDid God tell Eve not to touch the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
Question: I have always loved your website, but I read an article that says that God never told Eve she was not to touch the tree of knowledge, but according to Genesis 3 that’s not so. Answer: What God said: “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you…
Read MoreShouldn’t there be 12 children in Genesis 32:22?
Question: Good morning, I am working on my Bible class lesson for my Bible class tonight. While reviewing Jacob’s children up to this point in Genesis, he should have 12 children: 11 sons and 1 daughter. However, Genesis 32:22 says that Jacob sent his two wives, two maids, and 11 children across the Jabbok. I…
Read MoreWhat made God say that Abraham will be the father of the nation?
Question: What made God say that Abraham will be the father of the nation? Answer: God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations. See: How was Abraham famous? God didn’t have to offer that promise. He chose to make that promise and through that promise we see God’s power. “And we desire…
Read MoreWhy did God say the woman’s desire would be for her husband when men seem to have the stronger sexual desire for the woman?
Question: One thing I have never understood is that God told Eve, the woman, that her desire would be for her husband, Adam, the man. Yet, it is a man’s desire for a woman — physically, romantically, and sexually — that has always been much stronger than a woman’s is for a man. As evidenced by…
Read MoreYour commentary on Joseph was extremely helpful
Question: Hello, I’m reading through the Bible and wanted to let you know I came across your website while looking for a commentary on Joseph. I found the insights listed on your page extremely helpful and wanted you to know. Have a good day! Answer: Thank you for taking the time to write and let me…
Read MoreWhich book should be first, Job or Genesis?
Question: I’m confused. A brother mentioned what I understood to mean that Job was to be the first book in the Bible and not Genesis. Since then I have done my own research and am now seriously confused. The way I see it is “Does it really matter?” There are considerably good points brought up…
Read MoreSince the Y-chromosome doesn’t activate until the fifth week, does this mean everyone starts out as female and that the first human could not be a male?
Question: There’s this meme going around that some people are trying to use against Creationism. It says, “All humans begin as female. The Y chromosome — which is only present in males — is not activated in the first 5-6 weeks of embryonic development.” Anyway, they’re trying to say that Adam couldn’t have been the…
Read MoreWhat did the animals eat after leaving the ark?
Question: How did plants survive in the flood? Where did animals, like cattle, get their food after being released from the ark? Answer: Plant seeds can float and survive a flood, as evidenced by plants sprouting after the flood. “Then the dove came to him in the evening, and behold, a freshly plucked olive leaf…
Read MoreWas Eve formed from Adam’s rib or Adam’s side?
Question: Was the word “rib” the correct translation in Genesis chapter 2? The NIV gives in their footnotes that it is a rib or he took a part from Adam’s side. So which is right? Answer: The Hebrew word tsela, can mean a rib, or a part of the side. How you translate it doesn’t matter.…
Read MoreWere Adam and Eve married?
Question: Hello! This might be a dumb question but someone brought it up today at school and it was a little confusing. If premarital sex is a sin, Adam and Eve weren’t married, and they had sex. So is that why we are all born in sin? Answer: Actually, it is a very good question.…
Read MoreHow did Cain go to another land and take a wife after being cast out of the Garden?
Question: When Cain was cast out of the Garden. How did he go to another land and take a wife? Adam and Eve did have more children but not until after Cain was cast out. Were there people here before Adam and Eve? Answer: You are making assumptions that are not in the text. Cain…
Read MoreDid the skins for the first clothing come from a sacrifice?
Question: Where did the “skins” come from that God used to cloth Adam and Eve? Genesis 3:20-21. Did this skin come from an animal? Wouldn’t this action by God be considered the “first” sacrifice? Please clarify. Thank you. Answer: After God issued the punishments to Adam and Eve for their sin, he took animal skins and made…
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