Why do I feel detached from those I forgive?

Question: Dear Jeff, I have a personal predicament on my hands: I don’t think I’m forgiving enough to the point of mending relationships or maintaining friendships. I mean, I can look at plenty of Bible verses about forgiveness, and I do, but at best it just makes me detach myself away from the person as…

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Am I banned from Heaven because of my fornication?

Question: Hello, I am a strong believer in God and Christ. I try so hard to live a righteous life. I’m only 20. I have had sex before in the past, but now I’m saving myself for marriage because I want to please God. I previously slipped up with someone I was in a relationship…

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Do I have any hope of being forgiven for my homosexuality?

Question: Hello, I have a question that has my hope chained to a sadness that I desperately want to be free from. I am a repented homosexual. I prayed, from the age of 13, for 30 years, desperately begging God to forgive me, promising that I would “Never let it happen again” Every time I…

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Can God accept a couple who committed fornication in the past?

Question: I accepted Christ three years ago, and I was committed to submit to him and to remain pure. After a while, I started flirting with temptation and eventually sinned. My boyfriend was in the same position. We both served God and we both have our own testimonies, but we fell into fornication. At this point, I feel spiritually…

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I just found out my husband committed adultery while he was overseas

Question: I’ve been married for about five years. My husband just returned from another country after being there for a year. We had rough spots, and while he was there, he started drinking and partying a lot, which he said he did to pass the time. I stayed in my country with our kids and…

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Am I an exception to the rule? Has God forgiven me?

Question: I needed some guidance for a particular situation I have put myself in. To be blunt, it is on the hot topic of adultery. Now before anyone judges me for my horrible sin, let me give you some background. I have been raised in an amazing Christian family and grew up in a wonderful…

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Why do we need both redemption and forgiveness?

Question: I’ve read The Living Redeemer article. But why do we need redemption and forgiveness? (Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14). Is redemption not enough? Kindly explain. Answer: “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7). “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness…

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I sinned, but I’m afraid to tell my priests

Question: I am twenty-two years old, almost twenty-three. I did something a few days ago that has damaged my heart deeply and left a big emptiness. I have been dating a guy who is not a Christian. He started going to church when we started dating. I was baptized two years ago and had been…

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How long do I try to make my marriage work?

Question: Hello, My husband and I have been separated off and on for over a year and a half now. We were still sexually involved, although he has been involved with other women during this time until I contracted a sexually transmitted disease from him. Each attempt to reconcile our marriage has been unsuccessful due…

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When you forgive someone are you required to continue talking to them?

Question: When you forgive a Christian brother or sister who hurt you are we required to continue to talk and be friends with them like old times, like nothing ever happened? Or can we forgive and move on? Answer: “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). “And be kind to one another,…

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My fiancee is having trouble forgiving me for my past sexual sins

Question: I am having an issue with my engagement. Before I met my fiancee I was not a Christian. I had had sex with multiple partners. My fiancee, at times, has trouble forgiving me for these past sins. What can I do to help her? I know I’ve hurt her but don’t know how to…

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I just learned my wife had a sexual encounter before we met

Question: My wife of over forty years just told me when she was 16 years old and her boyfriend was 18 years old, they fooled around. He played with her until climax, and she also played with him but not to climax. They never had intercourse. Just before breaking up, they were at her parents’…

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Can I be forgiven for fornication?

Question: I am 21 years of age and recently got baptized. Before I got baptized, I was in a relationship for over five years and still am. A short while after my baptism, my boyfriend and I went to a wedding and then ended up having sexual relations. We both weren’t in the right state…

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Will I be punished for having a child out of wedlock?

Question: Hi, I am 21 years old and I have a daughter who is about a year old. She is my world, but I was not married when I had her, and I am not married now. I am a believer, but I am also a believer that everything happens for a reason. I just…

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How do I forgive a husband who doesn’t seem to be changing?

Question: How do I forgive my husband who keeps committing the same sins against me and God repeatedly? He claims to be a Christian but it is hardly seen in him in anything he does outside of the church. He neglects his family by being very mean, selfish, and angry all the time, and he…

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Why did she say she forgave me if she stopped talking to me?

Question: I met a girl online about a year ago. She lives in a different state where she was attending a Bible college. We talked all the time and became good friends. I became interested in her and tried to pursue her, but she insisted on staying friends because of the distance. A few months…

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Am I forgiven after being divorced for adultery?

Question: I always thought my husband had cheated on me while we were married but could not prove it. We didn’t have a great marriage. He always treated me like he was ashamed of me. He had a good job and made comments all the time about my lack of intelligence and not being well…

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I repeated my fornication after getting baptized. Am I unforgivable?

Question: I once was living a very sinful life. I wasn’t going to church. I was committing fornication with my girlfriend as well as many other sexual sins. I was willfully and deliberately sinning. Over the winter break I realized that if I did not change my way of life, I knew where I was…

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Can God forgive the fornication I have done?

Question: Hi, I also fell through fornication many times with my girlfriend. Now I am working to stop because I know it’s evil before God. I must stop it. Can God forgive me for what I have done when we repent? Answer: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,…

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I committed fornication today. How do I cleanse myself?

Question: Hello, I am very sorry for my sins today. I just committed fornication this afternoon and my conscience has been pricking me and I don’t know what to do. I am afraid if I cannot live to forget this. I am very sorry. What do I do now to cleanse myself and be free…

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What about ghosts, sacrificing to the dead, and sin?

Question: I have doubts about certain religions. People have asked me what I believe regarding these things and I honestly don’t know what the Bible says about it. You probably know about religions that preach about “ghosts” or “spirits.” I’ve even heard about people who sacrifice animals or other people to get something they want.…

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Can a husband divorce his wife ten years after forgiving her of an affair?

Question: I want to help my sister in Christ. Situation:  A woman cheats on her husband.  Husband says he forgives her and stays with her for 10 years after the adultery.  Over the 10 years, the husband never really gets over the infidelity. He eventually files for divorce and divorces his wife of almost 20…

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Can a non-Christian truly understand forgiveness?

Question: I understand that it is impossible for a non-Christian to understand the concept of true forgiveness toward another person. Is that correct? Answer: Most spiritual concepts are difficult for non-believers to grasp. Not because the concepts are hard, but because it requires looking at the world from a framework that makes non-believers uncomfortable. “These…

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My husband left me for another woman. Do I have to forgive him?

Question: My husband left me for another woman. After returning back from an overseas assignment, we got into an argument which left me hospitalized.   We are both saved Christians (he was saved in our marriage). Even though he says that he didn’t leave his kids but the marriage and me. He filed for divorce and…

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How do you love a neighbor who doesn’t want you in their life?

Question: I’ve lost my way. How do I get my life right with God again? I was raised up to believe in God and I still do. Right now I believe that I have lost my spiritual compass along with my relationship with God. One thing I will never forget from God’s word is “to…

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Will God forgive me for cutting myself?

Question: Um, yes, hello. I have been having a problem for a very long time about cutting myself and hurting my body. I just wanted to ask if God will forgive me because I know that He put me there in the first place. What I am trying to say is can you give me…

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What is meant by God’s ways being higher than man’s?

Question: It says in Isaiah 55:9, “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” I don’t completely understand. Answer: You will run across people with all sorts of excuses as to why they are convinced God would never forgive…

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