I just committed fornication. How can I forgive myself?

Question: I just had been surfing the net and came across your post an hour ago. I’m a 22-year-old male from a Christian family. I was well brought up, but I fell into fornication yesterday for the first time in my 22 years on earth with a Muslim friend. I immediately cried and asked God…

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Am I forgiven even though I repeat my adultery?

Question: Hi, I am a born-again Christian but have committed adultery as I am also married. I battle with the lustfulness of the flesh, and I don’t know how to manage it. I have prayed for forgiveness, but I still fall into the same temptation. How can I work on this? Am I forgiven, even…

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How can I teach when I am so unworthy?

Question: I am currently 21 years old. Every day I wake up and cannot get the sins I have committed in my past out of my head. They haunt me day in and day out. I want to get to know Christ better, but I feel like I can no longer be the Christian I…

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How can one know if he is a reprobate?

Question: I was wondering how one would know they are reprobate? I turned to a life of homosexuality for nearly ten years, but recently had a couple of nightmares that scared me into coming back to God. During the time in which I lived in that lifestyle, I attempted to convince myself with Scripture that…

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Does fornication mean my salvation is lost permanently?

Question: Good evening, I was wondering if you could help me with a question that has been haunting me for some time. My current husband and I partook in premarital sex for about a year and a half before we finally got married. We were both Christians at the time but fell prey to our…

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Do I need to tell my husband about my sinful past?

Question: Hi, I am married, and I wanted to know if I need to tell my husband all my past sexual sins before we met. I was baptized this year and I’m realizing a lot of things I used to do were very sinful. I’m feeling overwhelmed. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home.…

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Because I doubted, do I need to be baptized again?

Question: I’ve been having quite a lot of problems with doubt and worry lately.  The other night I was in quite a doubt-filled, depressed mood, and I think I slipped into a period of not believing in Christ.  Whether it was a minute, an hour, or five hours, I do not know for I soon…

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Restore Such a One

by H. E. Phillips Those who have very little concern for the lost will not make much effort to restore them to the Lord. Those who love the lost and are concerned about their eternal destiny will work and pray for the salvation of their souls. The difference between these two groups is the difference…

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How do I earn God’s love back?

Question: Dear Jeff, I find myself asking you questions in the wee hours of the morning. I get so conflicted with questions and loneliness that I don’t know where else to turn. But anyway, my question is: How do I earn God’s love back? I’ll give context first before continuing. Lately, I’ve been putting God…

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Will God forgive me for not saying my prayers as I had promised?

Question: Hello, I’m 17 years old. My family has always been very secular. For a small period of time, my older sister went to a Catholic school, and I was sent to Sunday school. When I was little I was very much afraid of death and the concept of eternal nothingness. This fear led me…

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Can a Christian who knowingly commits fornication be forgiven?

Question: Is the sin of having sex many times before marriage while being a Christian and knowing it was a sin forgivable? I have been raised up in a Christian family and I am a Christian myself and believe in Jesus. I believe I am saved. Even though I know this and I clearly know…

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I deceived myself into thinking I was saved when I was lost

Question: Dear Minister, I have been in a state of utter despair for the past 1.5 years. I feel like I am in a horrific state of having rejected the gift of Jesus and now finding myself with no place for repentance. I had deceived myself into thinking that I was saved when I was…

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I keep repeatedly committing adultery

Question: I just came back from work and decided to browse on this topic repeated sin and luckily for me, I found myself on your site. I really need your help man of God. I am the worst sinner ever — an adulterous woman. I am married with kids. I cannot explain how I found…

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Doesn’t the Bible say that sins should not be hidden but exposed?

Question: Sir, This is in regards to Am I not able to get pregnant because I didn’t tell my husband about my adultery years ago? My writing to you is that there is nowhere in Scripture that God encourages secrecy when it comes to sin. In fact, Scripture does the opposite, in which it shows…

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How do I forget an event which I’ve already forgiven?

Question: Hello, I would like to first say thank you for having a wonderful website. It helped me view matters in a different perspective. My question today regards letting go and moving forward. How do I drop my personal pride and move on? How do I forget an event which I’ve already forgiven? (This matter,…

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Are you permanently defiled after fornication?

Question: Good day, I’m a 20-year-old female, and I’m a Christian. I got saved when I was around 13 years old but ever since then, I’ve never lived my life according to the principles of Christian. I started engaging in sexual immorality (masturbating and pornography) at an early age when I didn’t know what I…

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How can I forgive my husband for his adultery?

Question: I have been married for almost 25 years and found out several weeks ago that my husband has had an affair.  I knew something was wrong but was too blind to know what for the past two years and sought Christian counsel to help me.  One person asked me if I thought he could…

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Can a former murderer be forgiven and be able to work?

Question: Dear Minister, I committed murder at the age of 19 and spent the next 21 years in prison. I was released several years ago. I have been trying to figure out if I can truly be forgiven for the murder that I committed, and if so, just how do I get forgiven, and attempt…

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Can I remain in my marriage and be forgiven?

Question: I have a question. About 20 years ago, I was married to a guy I had met, dated, and had sex with beforehand. After about two years of marriage, I was very unhappy and depressed. One day my husband at that time brought one of his co-workers home to give us an animal. Basically,…

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The Remission of Sins

by J. W. McGarvey Sermons by McGarvey, p. 56-57. The same word in Greek is translated remission that is translated forgiveness. The two English words, remission and forgiveness, are used interchangeably, and they mean the same thing. So then, if you are ever again in any confusion of thought about that somewhat unusual expression, remission…

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What do you think of Christians who find it hard to forgive?

Question: What do you think of Christians who find it hard to forgive and this prevents us from coming together. What can a Christian do to change his or her unforgiving spirit? How should Christians respond to other Christians who display a non-Christian-like behavior toward us? Answer: “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your…

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Why wasn’t Satan and his angels offered forgiveness?

Question: Hello, I just stumbled into your website. I have a question. God commands us to forgive and this I accept but my question is: Why did God not forgive Lucifer, the devil? We need to follow the examples of God. Is there a reason why God refused to forgive Lucifer and the other angels…

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Will God forgive my years of fornication?

Question: Dear sir, I am a young guy in my thirties and have fornicated for years until I met a woman I cherish with my life. We have agreed to marry. Then she told me she can’t go out with me again. It is impossible for me to even eat. I just told God that…

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Is there any certain prayer of forgiveness for fornication?

Question: Hi, I’m a Catholic. I’m in need of advice! I’ve committed fornication with a girl I’m in a relationship with! I prayed to God for forgiveness! Is there any certain prayer of forgiveness to pray for the sinful acts I’ve done? I don’t want to turn my back on God again. I only want…

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Does a person have to repent before you can forgive him?

Question: In Luke 17:3 we are told to forgive if repentance takes place and in Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you,” but in Mark 11:25 Christ says “Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who…

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Does a person have to repent before you can forgive him?

Question: In Luke 17:3 we are told to forgive if repentance takes place and in Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you,” but in Mark 11:25 Christ says “Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who…

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