Is the biblical account of Creation not meant to be taken literally?

Question: I actually once wrote an article my junior year of high school titled “Creationism vs. Evolution”, and my entire paper was about how Creationism was right and Evolution was wrong. However, over the years I’ve come across so much evidence arguing for the sake of evolution in the world. I also have come to…

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Did Adam and Eve have six fingers?

Question: In my genetics class today, my instructor said that the dominant gene for the number of fingers on a human is six, meaning five fingers is a recessive gene. This startled me because does that mean Adam and Eve had six fingers, and if that was dominant, then wouldn’t everyone have six fingers? I’m…

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How can you discount things like radiocarbon dating and fossils?

Question: First, what does this mean: “Faith is the demonstration of your prejudice”? Second, how do you discount things like radiocarbon dating and fossils? If God created Adam and Eve as the first humans, then where did everyone else come from after them? Was incest acceptable back then because if there was only Adam and…

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Does God allow differing beliefs, such as regarding evolution?

Question: Hello, I really like your site. I believe you’re the real deal. It’s clear you love God. Something has bothered me and been hurting my faith. I wondered why so many people have different views on the Bible. For instance, you said the world was 6,000 years old. I was taught that the world…

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Isn’t Hinduism older than Judaism? And other questions about early history.

Question: Isn’t Hinduism older than Judaism? Why does my textbook always talk about dates as far as 10,000 years back? For example, “farming methods were discovered almost 10 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia” is in a 9th-grade geography book. In one post you said animals were herbivores before the flood. How, if some animals’ teeth…

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The Bible, Science, and Skepticism

Text: Psalm 33:4-11   I.         A literal reading of the Bible tells us that God created the world, that the universe was created in six days, and the world is about 6,000 years old.             A.        Yet the literal reading is often rejected, not on the basis of Scriptural teachings, but because it does seem “scientific.”             B.        So, they…

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Wrong About the Grand Canyon

by Kyle Butt, M.A. via Apologetics Press For many years, awe-stricken tourists to the Grand Canyon have been fed a steady stream of uniformitarian propaganda designed to teach that the amazing chasm took six million years to form. Uniformitarian geologists, however, recently concluded that the “traditional” age of six million years has been incorrect. In fact,…

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You can’t claim that men can eat meat because Adam and Eve did not exist!

Question: I am not going to spend the time on pointing out the contradictions and major flaws in your ‘bible-based’ theories about why animals may be hunted,slaughtered and consumed at our peril, for the entire article and your reasoning is so deraged that it would probably be a waste of time. Just for the record:…

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What was the original language?

Question: Hi, I’m a part of the church of Christ and have found this site to be on point. I have grown very much in Christ and I’m having the time of my life obeying our God. I just had to say all that because it feels good to preach and teach about God, Jesus…

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How could there be cavemen?

Question: If Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, how did cavemen exist? I’m a Christian and don’t know how to answer people when they ask me that. Thank you! Answer: People have a strong tendency to assume that each prior generation lived more primitively than the current generation. It is true that…

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What is the difference between adaptation and evolution?

Question: I am getting confused about this. Animals and plants and things are said to be able to adapt, right? But then what is the difference between adaptation and evolution? Because if animals and plants and stuff can adapt to, for example, living in an unusual area, then what is the difference? Answer: Adaptation is…

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Is there microevolution?

Question: I want to make clear that I believe that God created everything according to Romans 1:20. I was with friends and the topic of a movie called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed came up. I mentioned that someone I knew said “You Creationists don’t believe in evolution, but we evolutionists believe in God.” Our evangelist said there is…

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Does Science Refute the Bible? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.       Satan throws doubt on the God’s word through various means           A.      "The early parts of Genesis are just a myth. Everyone knows that evolution has been proven."           B.      Yet, evolution has never been proven. There exists more evidence to show that the evolution as described by Darwin cannot exist. II.      Why is it…

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How Old Is the World? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 38:1-11   I.         The assumption that our world is billions of years old appears everywhere in our culture.             A.        It is so prevalent that few stop and question whether it is true.             B.        But as God pointed out to Job, man wasn’t there at the beginning (Job 38:2). Everything we have…

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Let Us Make Man in Our Image: Genesis 1:26-27

by Doy Moyer via Gospel Guide; Nov., 1995; Vol. 27, No. 10. Man, which includes male and female, was created “in the image of God.” This makes man unique among all creation. Man is not just another animal. He is a being specially created after God’s own image. This is why animal life is not…

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How can I know the God of the Bible isn’t a myth?

Question: How do I know that believing in God is the right thing to do? How do I know that the Bible isn’t something that is made for mankind to get by through life without worrying as much as non-believers do? I don’t know what to think about God and life and death. Just the…

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How can I believe the Bible when science has proven it wrong?

Question: That was an interesting article about the possible age of the earth.  I am a Christian but still need some answers so I can feel comfortable about where I stand. So if I understand it correctly, there is scientifically proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, undeniable truth that the earth is much, much older…

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Another ‘Missing Link’ Debunked

by Greg Gwin Many will remember the big ‘splash’ that was made in the news just a few months ago. The media seemed thrilled to announce that the ‘missing link’ had been discovered which proved humans evolved from the apes. A nearly intact fossil dubbed ‘Ida’ had surfaced which, it was confidently affirmed, definitely confirmed…

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Theistic Evolution — Denial of the Record

by Jim R. Everett via bulletin from the Cedar Park church of Christ Atheistic evolution is an unscientific hypothesis because it affirms that life came from nothing. Theistic evolution is an unwarranted compromise and a denial of the record of creation (Genesis 1-2). No man can believe the Bible to be God’s absolute truth while…

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Remember to Magnify His Work

Text: Job 36:24-33   I.         In outlining the sins of the people of the world, Paul noted that the Gentiles could be justly charged with sin – Romans 1:18-23             A.        No one has the excuse of not knowing that God exists.             B.        He and even His nature can be seen in the things God has made, leaving all…

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Do the Fittest Survive?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton A tenant of evolution is that creatures improve by the principle of the survival of the fittest. Creatures best able to survive and adapt to an environment live to produce offspring while the less fit tend to die off. Hence, as mutations occur, the belief is that the changes which enhance…

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Science’s Rejection of Evolution

by Dennis Marks To say that evolution is the easiest thing to prove is a statement beyond reason and a product of blind faith. Many will say that “all major scientists support evolution.” The fact is there are many scientists who believe in the biblical account. Here is just a small sample: Joseph Lister, antiseptic surgery;…

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“Incredible” Beginning

by Andy Diestelkamp via Gospel Power, Vol. 15, No. 30, July 27, 2008. The beginnings of things always intrigue us. We often mark them with great ceremony at the time if we anticipate their importance (weddings, ribbon-cutting grand openings, signings, etc.). We frequently research beginnings if only later do we realize someone’s or something’s importance…

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Evolution Is Just a Fairy Tale

by Terry W. Benton Modern crime labs have a hard time reconstructing a murder that happened just last week, but doing so depends on a variety of pieces of evidence. A body and a weapon are not enough to tell who, why, where, and how this crime developed. So, they pursue fingerprints and hair that…

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How the Universe Began – No One Knows

by Dudley Ross Spears I am no sort or kind of a scientist, but my son is. One of his university textbooks for a physics class was “Conceptual Physics.” It was written by Paul G. Hewitt, a professor at City College of San Francisco. I lift a few sentences from the book to begin this…

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Do historians and the Bible disagree?

Question: Do you think there is a conflict between the Bible and historians regarding when man first existed on this earth? An article in our paper stated aboriginal people were in Australia at least 60,000 years ago. Could this statement be in line with the Bible in regards to time? Answer: Of course, the commonly stated…

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Science as Shifting Sand

by Ethan R. Longhenry The modern world stands torn between competing understandings of the origins of the universe and of life on Earth: the spiritual understanding of the creation by God as described in Genesis 1-2, and the naturalistic explanations of modern scientific theory. The conflict between these understandings represents a significant stumbling block to…

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Did God Create the Earth in One Literal Week?

by David Dann via The Gospel Anchor, May 17, 2000 On the first page of the Bible, we read, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face…

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The Evolutionist’s Creation Story, Inspired by Naturalism

by Abraham Smith Naturalism: A theory denying that an event or object has a supernatural significance. Once upon a time billions of years ago, everything that has ever been came from a little ball called the cosmic egg. At that time it was heated to trillions of degrees. It was so hot that not even elements…

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Don’t Blame the Monkeys!

by Jerry Blount Don’t blame the apes when men act like animals!  For several generations now, our society has gone to great lengths to teach our children that they were born in the image of an ape, i.e. descended from an ape.  After indoctrinating folks carefully that they are animals, why are we surprised when those…

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The Fruits and Tendencies of Evolution

by Jon Gary Williams Typical of many evolutionists is this statement from The Meaning of Evolution, by G. G. Simpson: “Man is the result of a purposeless and materialistic process that did not have him in mind.” A more recent statement by the famed evolutionist, Julian Huxley, expresses the same sentiment: “Darwinism removed the whole idea…

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The Bias Toward Evolution

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton An article appeared in the January 14, 2005, edition of the Omaha World-Herald announcing that a judge in Georgia has ordered the removal of a sticker from a school’s biology textbooks. The sticker reads: “This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of…

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Is Science the Source of Truth?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Mankind has long fooled themselves into thinking they can accurately determine the truth             A.        We call this search for Truth “Science”                         1.         “Knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method.” – Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary                         2.         Science is a way of thinking, an error-correcting process…

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