What are some things I should watch out for in a Biological Anthropology class?


I'm taking a class called Biological Anthropology. It's essentially about evolution. At first, it was just to fill a science credit, but then I realized it was a pretty good opportunity to learn what's going on in the science world. Maybe the knowledge will help me bring someone to Christ. What should I listen for in class and what do you think I should do to get the most out of the opportunity in front of me?


Biological Anthropology is founded on the assumption that humans evolved over time. The field is committed to finding evidence of that development -- genetically, culturally, intellectually, etc.-- and sorting it to trace the development. It has its dark side as well in that it does racial mapping which has been used to argue that some races are superior to others.

From a biblical standpoint, the whole field is off. We know from Genesis that men did not evolve but were created. We see that men did not gradually develop societies and technology. Men rapidly specialized in complex ways. Cain was a farmer and his brother was a herdsman (so much for the idea that men started out as hunters -- that didn't start until 1600 years later, after the Flood). Cain founded a city (Genesis 4:17). It was several generations later before Jabal started the nomad lifestyle (Genesis 4:20) -- the opposite of what people say happened. His brother Jubal was the first musician. Another brother was the founder of blacksmithing and bronze craftsmanship -- supposedly bronze working came long before iron working, but the Bible record says they were developed together by the same person.

What you will find is that historical records don't matter. What must be was first decided and any evidence that doesn't fit must be tainted. In a course, it will be hard to detect what is skipped over since it won't be brought up. But take note of the "just so" stories and watch for the gaps that are filled in with unsupported assumptions. Watch the evidence and note that the tracings of development are rarely from one spot, but pieces are assembled by jumping all over the world, and time order comes from their assumptions. Watch for sleight-of-hand tricks such as dating bones by the soil they were found buried in and realize that you aren't as old as the dirt you'll one day be buried in.

Apologetics Press has numerous articles on the flaws in anthropology, as well as the Institute for Creation Research. I would suggest searching through their archives and get familiar with some of the flaws in the arguments you will see.

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