Propaganda Wars – The Use of the Education System

by Terry Wane Benton The propaganda that God does not exist unless He lets us see Him directly has always been treated as foolish propaganda, and rightly so. Psalms 14:1 says the “fool has said in his heart, ‘there is no God.'” Just a few chapters later (Psalms 19:1), the Psalmist pointed out that “the…

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AI’s Dangers

by Doy Moyer AI (artificial intelligence) is undoubtedly an amazing achievement for humanity, and there are legitimate ways to use it. I’m not talking here about those ways (There is plenty of healthy debate about this). I will, however, express some concerns, especially as one who has been involved in education for several years. When…

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Should I take courses that teach evolution?

Question: Recently, I’ve been thinking about the future, how my life will be, and how my career affects me. I picked a job in botany. But after taking an online course, I feel utterly terrified. A lot of history is about the evolution of plants. I know this won’t affect me in the actual workforce,…

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Prejudice in the University

by Ed Harrell Christianity Magazine, Volume 11, #7, August 1994 In a recent book entitled The Soul of the American University: From Protestant Establishment to Established Nonbelief, George M. Marsden of Notre Dame, an evangelical historian, let the cat out of the bag — the only minority in a university that is not free to…

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Finding Real Happiness

by Richard Thetford Everyone wants a life filled with joy and happiness, but very few find it. One major reason man fails to find the happiness he seeks is that he is trying to obtain it through the wrong means. Millionaires who have houses, yachts, and condominiums often complain in counseling sessions that they’re so…

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Should I marry a man who is less educated than I am?

Question: Good evening, I need counsel. I am a 28-year-old African lady, a Christian with a degree in Nursing Science, and currently working as a Registered Nurse in my country. I have deliberately mentioned my African origin, education, and professional qualification because my concern is around this aspect. I was raised in a Christian home with…

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Who Will Teach Our Children?

by Jefferson David Tant It is patently obvious that babies are born uneducated. They are not born with the ability to do math, read, or do science projects. And along with this is a lack of knowledge about God and His will for us. They do know when they are hungry or in pain, but…

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Spiritual Education by Raymond Warfel

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They’re Coming After Your Children

by Jefferson David Tant After much criticism, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir has removed an offensive video in which they sing about their plans to convert your children to homosexuality. “The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus set a music video to private after the group said it received ‘threats of harm’ over the song…

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Staying Faithful in College: Three Things to Consider

by Forest Antemesaris Sometimes, the combination of freedom and stress can lead to a lackluster faith. With less accountability and more deadlines, it can become easy to forget about God, worship, and Jesus’ call to live a holy life. College is supposed to be fun, and challenging, but it’s not worth turning your back on…

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Schools Among Brethren

by Don Martin Schools among brethren have been a troubling issue, but one not often and carefully studied. I shall not attempt to explore all the nuances of the school issue, but rather I shall focus primarily on the Church of Christ Seminary image inevitably involved with the Bible Department so often associated with the…

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Must one go to school to be an evangelist?

Question: Good day, Must one go to school to become an evangelist? I ask because these guys coming from schools taught you just have to listen to them and that their take on the Scripture is final. I spoke on Ephesians 1:5 at a study that it doesn’t teach about personal elections as in Calvinism,…

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Is studying to get a good job unnecessary?

Question: Hello, There is this person who thinks that studying a lot to get good jobs is unnecessary. He feels that people go after good jobs in order to make money and hold a good position in society. I agree partially with this, but of course, there is a sense of commitment too. The argument…

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The Need for Foundations

by Jefferson David Tant In news reports from Atlanta, Georgia, there have been pictures of a service station/convenience store that is collapsing. What is the problem? There is a large water conduit running under the property, and evidently, a huge leak has formed, perhaps even a collapse of some sort. This has caused the collapse…

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The Bible and the Poverty Problem

by Matthew W. Bassford In 2003, social scientists Isabell Sawhill and Ron Haskins noticed three striking differences between poor people in America and the nonpoor. First, poor people generally hadn’t completed high school; the nonpoor had. Second, nonpoor people kept a steady job; poor people didn’t. Third, nonpoor people got married before having children; poor people…

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I’ve been going through a lot and I’ve just had it with life

Question: I need help. I’ve been going through a lot right now. But here is what is going on: We couldn’t afford to stay at my original house, so we had to move into a smaller house. Money is really tight right now. We’re poor. I don’t know if God is doing it to us.…

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Should a Christian attend a university operated by a denomination?

Question: I really like all of the information that you have on your website. I have used it as a reference many times in the past. I teach the teenagers in our congregation and have a question about colleges. One of our kids is planning on attending a Catholic university next year. When she told…

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I need some advice on time management

Question: I’d like some advice, if you will, on time management. School has gotten be really stressful at times due to the high amounts of work I receive. I know that school is important and when I get on my computer for schoolwork, the majority of times I get side-tracked to your website probably for…

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Should we wait until after we finished school to get married?

Question: Hello, I am a 21-year-old college student, and currently about five months pregnant. I am not married to the father, but we are engaged and have been together a little under two years. My parents know (I still live with them) and although my mother is not a Christian, my father, my brothers and…

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Which is more important: secular studies or Bible class?

Question: When brethren choose to attend secular classes or because of their secular studies schedule are unable to attend Bible study on evenings, do you think it’s fair to them to say that secular studies are more important? Answer: The secular world is always less important than the spiritual world. “The world is passing away,…

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How do I tell my parents they are pushing me too hard?

Question: Hello, I’m in the 10th grade. I’m a Christian. I was a bit bad in my studies, but I got my motivation and I’m starting to study a bit. However, my parents are pushing me a lot, and I’m starting to lose my motivation. But they still help me in studying. I don’t know…

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Is it wrong to be competitive in school?

Question: Is it wrong to be competitive in school? I know that God stresses the importance of education, but I see myself to be very competitive when it comes to grades. It’s not an ego thing where I get scores to show off or anything, but it is because I want to get into good…

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The New Gnosticism: Intellectualism

by Jeffery Kingry via Truth Magazine, March 22, 1979 The Gnosticism of the first century, which gave the apostles and teachers so much trouble, was a religion, not a philosophy. It was grounded in Dualism, a view that the state of man was divided; that only spiritual things were good, and anything of matter is essentially…

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Three Roads to Learning

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.            There are three roads to learning, whether we talk about school work or Bible study               A.          Prov. 2:6 – The Lord gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding               B.          Prov. 24:3-4 – Compared to a house                             1.           Knowledge is the comprehension of facts. It fills our minds with pleasant and useful things                             2.           Understanding is the reasoning…

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How do I choose a college?

Question: How do I know if I’m on the path God wants me to be on? I’ve been praying every night for a sign of where to go and what to pursue. I’ve looked into other colleges before but they’ve never worked out. It doesn’t surprise me though, I never prayed about any of them.…

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How do you handle assignments in class that have immoral content?

Question: Regarding a problem I’m having in college: I’m in a composition class that requires me to read literature that will sometimes involve sinful situations — things that I wouldn’t read if it was up to me.  As well as I’m in an art class that probably will deal with Renaissance Catholic artwork, and it’s…

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Boys Do Better When Raised by a Traditional Family

Source: Graeme Paton, “Boys raised by traditional families ‘do better at school’,” The Telegraph, 3 January 2012 Source: Marianne Bertrand and Jessica Pan, “The Trouble with Boys: Social Influences and the Gender Gap in Disruptive Behavior,” National Bureau of Economic Research, No.17541, October 2011 A study has found that how a boy’s family is structured has a significant impact…

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Did God invent algebra?

Question: I went through a lot of stress in high school with algebra. Did God invent algebra? I don’t think so. If He did, where is it in the Bible?  Why did God invent algebra and why do we need it? People are stressed out and having nervous breakdowns over it. I bet you never…

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How do I improve my concentration and ability to memorize?

Question: My humble respect to you. I’m a student and I study a lot. Would you give me, please, some advice on how to enhance my concentration and ability to memorize? Answer: If you are like most young men whom I know, you have a strong ability to concentrate. Not all the time, but if…

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