Burnt Offerings
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Text: Hebrews 9:24-10:10
I. The sacrifices of the Old Testament can be confusing because they are classified in different categories, such as by how they were done (heave, wave, burnt), what they were for (sin, trespass, vow, voluntary, peace), what they were (firstfruits, food, drink), or even how they smelled (sweet or non-sweet).
II. Offerings for sin
A. There were several offerings used for atonement for sins.
1. The sin offering was given when a person committed an unintentional sin - Leviticus 4:2, 13-14, 22-23, 27-28
2. The guilt offering was given when a person committed an unintentional sin and has the opportunity to make restitution - Leviticus 5:14-19
3. For both the sin and guilt offerings, portions were offered up to God and the remainder was discarded outside the camp - Hebrews 13:10-14
a. Portions of the meat were given to the priests - Leviticus 7:7
B. The burnt offering also was for atonement for sins - Leviticus 1:3-4
1. However, where the sin and guilt offerings required specific sacrifices depending on the social status and wealth of the sinner, the burnt offering was voluntary. The worshiper could select what he would offer, so long has it was without defect - Leviticus 1:10; 22:18.
2. Though there was a continual burnt offering offered for the people which was specified - Exodus 29:38-42
3. Where the sin and guilt offerings were partial, the burnt offering was given wholly - Deuteronomy 33:10
a. Only the skin was given to the priests - Leviticus 7:8
4. It was a soothing aroma to the Lord - Leviticus 1:13, 17
a. In other words, it was offered to turn away God’s wrath.
III. Offerings given in fulfillment of a vow, freewill offerings, and offerings required at feasts were also burnt offerings - Numbers 15:3; 29:39
A. For example, the Feast of Weeks required a freewill offering - Deuteronomy 16:10
B. While freewill offerings were “burnt offerings” not all were actually burnt, but were used in the work of God - II Chronicles 31:14
1. Notice called most holy or devoted things, as stated in Leviticus 27:28
2. Money and clothing was given as a freewill offering - Ezra 1:4-6; 8:28
3. Money gained from prostitution could not be accepted as a vowed offering - Deuteronomy 23:18
4. Words of praise could also be freewill offerings - Psalms 119:108
C. Note: There is a vowed or freewill offering that was also a peace offering - Leviticus 7:16-17; 22:21-23
1. The vowed offering and freewill offerings were either burnt offerings or peace offerings.
D. Special rules for dedicating something or someone for destruction
E. In fulfillment of a vow, a person could devote anything that belonged to him
1. Provision was made for redeeming (buying back) what was devoted - Leviticus 27:1-25
a. These devoted things were considered to be holy and the redemption was actually purchasing a “loan” back.
b. These rules handled the offering of things which could not be sacrificed, such as unclean animals, humans, or land.
c. Most things were purchased back at their value plus 20%.
d. Things that could not be used as a sacrifice remained the Lord’s to be redeemed later - Leviticus 27:11-13 (notice that they were not offered).
e. Property not redeemed by the year of Jubilee because it was sold to a third party while dedicated became the property of a priest - Leviticus 27:20-21
2. Some things could not be redeemed because they already were dedicated to the Lord - Leviticus 27:26
a. Hannah’s dedication of Samuel was permanent because Samuel was her firstborn - I Samuel 1:11
3. If something was devoted for destruction, such as a burnt offering, it too could not be redeemed, it was completely devoted to the Lord - Leviticus 27:28
a. It was referred to as a whole burnt offering - Psalms 51:19
b. A person or people marked by the Lord for destruction could not be redeemed - Leviticus 27:29
IV. Jesus’s death was a sin offering and a burnt offerings
A. His sacrifice was sin offering - Hebrews 9:24-10:3; 13:10-14
B. His sacrifice was a burnt offering, even though he was not burnt - Ephesians 5:2
1. This is because he gave himself wholly over to God to appease God’s wrath.
2. Compare to Leviticus 1:3-5
a. He was a male - Matthew 1:21
b. Without blemish -I Peter 1:18-19
(1) He committed no sin - I Peter 2:22
(2) He was without sin - I John 3:5
c. He offered himself voluntarily - John 10:18
d. He was an atonement on behalf of others - Romans 3:23-26
(1) He died for our sins - I Peter 2:24
e. Killed before the Lord. This was not a sacrifice to appease the worshiper’s conscience. It was a offering to ask for peace between the worshiper and God - Matthew 27:46
f. Blood sprinkled on the altar - I Peter 1:2
3. Jesus was wholly consumed
a. It is one reason why even his body did not remain on earth - Acts 1:9
C. With his sacrifice, he established peace - Colossians 1:19-20
V. The Christian, too, is a whole burnt offering whose living sacrifice is pleasing to God - Romans 12:1-2
A. It means we give ourselves completely over to God in His service
1. Paul said he died daily - I Corinthians 15:31
2. It is no longer his own life - Galatians 2:20
B. It is true for every Christian - Luke 9:23