Posts Tagged ‘Bible’
Survivor’s Manual
by Zeke Flores One of the great things about Christianity—and there are many—is that life comes with an instruction manual, a kind of survival kit, if you will. If you’ve lived long enough to take your first steps (and if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you have), you know that life throws a…
Read MoreTaking God at His Word
by Gregory Alan Tidwell “Whenever a man begins to draw the distinction between believing in Christ, and believing in the Bible, which reveals Christ, he does not believe in the Christ of the Bible or of God. And he who rejects the Bible, rejects the Christ of the Bible. And he is the only Christ…
Read MoreSubstituting the Spirit’s Words
by Abraham Smith There are many false ideas about the work and influence of the Holy Spirit. In my estimation, the vast majority of these false ideas are rooted in the fact that people do not understand the connection between the Holy Spirit and the word of God. Ephesians 6:17 reads, “And take the helmet…
Read MoreThe Dead Sea Scrolls
by Terry Wane Benton Dead Sea Scrolls – 250BC to AD70 Photo by Lux Moundi. The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of 980 Hebrew documents found in the Qumran limestone caves between 1947 and 2017. Most of the texts are written on parchment. About 40% were copies from the Old Testament. Before the…
Read MoreThe Word of God and the Words of God
by Doy Moyer Jesus is identified as the Divine Word, the Logos, with all things made by Him and in whom is life and light (John 1:1-5). As the Word incarnate, Jesus is the ultimate communication of God to humanity. God has spoken through Him in these last days (Hebrews 1:1-3), and we need to…
Read MoreExamine the Scriptures
by Doy Moyer We are familiar with the attitude of the Bereans in Acts 17:11: “Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” The primacy of Scripture is key to the noble-mindedness of the Bereans.…
Read MoreThe Holy Spirit: Indwelling and the Word
by Don Blackwell The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit God is in Christians Christians are in God (I John 4:11-16) Christ is in Christians Christians are in Christ (Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 3:17) The Spirit dwells in Christians Christians are in the Spirit (Romans 8:11; Galatians 5:16,25) The mind of Christ is in Christians (Philippians 2:5)…
Read MoreIf the Bible Was Human in Origin
by Terry Wane Benton If God was just made up, and the records of the Israelites that gave us the Old Testament were totally made up by them, then they were not very smart. They predicted their own demise and their rejection of their Messiah, making themselves look ridiculous. Who makes up a story about…
Read MoreThe Whole Counsel of God
by Terry Wane Benton Paul said he had preached “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) but never the Quran or the Book of Mormon. Therefore, neither of those is part of God’s counsel, and we need not pretend or believe they are. Jesus promised that His eye-witnessing apostles would be guided into all truth by…
Read MoreIt Lives and Abides Forever
by Terry Wane Benton Some people who never read the Bible form a view of it anyway. They were told that the Bible is out of date, not up with modern culture, has lost its relevance to our times, and is just a mixture of myths and fables anyway. They did not get that view…
Read MoreJosiah and the Book
by Zeke Flores During Josiah’s temple repairs, an astounding find was the impetus of a new force in a revival already underway. The Book of God’s law had been found … by a priest no less! But how long had the Book of the Law been lost? Since Josiah’s great-grandfather Hezekiah led a similar revival,…
Read MoreHas “that which is perfect” always been the Bible?
Question: Hello, I have a question regarding whether “that which is perfect” has always been the New Testament. Before the question, let’s consider some verses of Scripture, Jas 1:25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work,…
Read MoreThe Power in God’s Word by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThe Reliability of the Bible
by Zeke Flores There are several ways to establish the reliability of the Bible. One is by manuscript evidence. There are thousands of manuscripts, both whole and partial, of Old and New Testament books that provide harmonized agreement on the teaching of the Bible. Though the original documents are long lost, many of the copies…
Read MoreThe Bible Presents Testimonial Evidence
by Terry Wane Benton The Bible is actually a divinely legal set of 66 pieces of testimony, making the case for Jesus of Nazareth in a most remarkable and amazing way. The first 39 pieces of written testimony lay out the plan for the first arrival of Jesus and what He would accomplish when He…
Read MoreIs Not Having the Original Writings a Serious Problem?
by Terry Wane Benton Torah Scribe by Ephraim Moshe Lilien It is not a problem at all. Unless all the copies and quotes are so contradictory and diverse that we need the original documents to settle the matter, the numerous quotes and copies of the Bible provide enough certainty that we do not require the…
Read MoreIs the Bible Incomprehensible?
by Gardner Hall A growing number of articles in the last few years emphasize difficulties in translating the Scriptures. Perhaps they are slightly helpful in giving pause to some “hyper rationalists” who declare that all the Bible is easy if you’ll just let them interpret it for you! However, such essays need to be read…
Read MoreJust an Ancient Book We Blindly Follow?
by Terry Wane Benton The “ancient book” is tested and tried testimony. It shows inherent proof of not being written to deceive, but to state a case to be examined carefully. It points out the serious flaws of the Jews, foretells them rejecting their coming Messiah (Isaiah 53:1ff; Acts 4:10-11; Psalms 118:22; Isaiah 28:16), His…
Read MoreMy People Are Foolish
by Terry Wane Benton I find it remarkable that the Old Testament Bible was written by Jews for Jews, but does not compliment these people. It calls them stiffnecked and displays a long history of disobedience to God, and yet people today want us to think that they just “made it up.” What? If I…
Read MoreThe Extent of God’s Grace by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThe Teaching of Grace by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Titus 2 I. When you talk to people in the denominations, much is made about the Grace of God A. Emphasis is place on God’s grace – Ephesians 2:8-9 B. To the point that if any mention is made of men needing to accept the offered gift, then strong objections are…
Read MoreThe Earliest Manuscripts
by Ferrell Jenkins “In the original Greek, it says…” How many times have you heard that in a Bible class or sermon? The fact is, we have no originals (autograph copies) of any New Testament or Old Testament book. Textual critics, those scholars who work with the available materials to produce Hebrew and Greek texts,…
Read MoreWhy is the Bible ordered as it is?
Question: I want to and I am trying to understand the Bible completely. After reading your answers to my former questions, I realized I have to read the books you mentioned as references so that I will have the context of the verses and why they are written the way they are written. So, do…
Read MoreIs It Circular Reasoning to Use the Bible to Prove God Gave It?
by Terry Wane Benton No! It might be circular if it was all written at one time. But we can demonstrate that the Old Testament was completed long before Jesus came. Therefore we get to consider the prophecies and how Jesus fulfilled them. The New Testament is eyewitness testimony of Jesus written when unbelievers should…
Read MoreI Have Found the Book of the Law
by Terry Wane Benton “Then Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the scribe, ‘I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD.” And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan who read it'” (II Kings 22:8) How did the book become lost? The whole service should have centered around honoring…
Read MoreOnce for All Delivered
by Terry Wane Benton “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3). This last phrase means the faith, the teaching we are…
Read MoreBiblical Infallibility
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Biblical Infallibility: Can We Trust the Bible? Biblical Infallibility: The Bible’s Claims for Itself Biblical Infallibility: Arguments Against the Bible
Read MoreIs the Bible Relevant?
by Dennis Abernathy How relevant is the Bible in today’s world? Some think it isn’t relevant at all. But I submit to you, that if the Bible is not relevant, then God is not relevant, because God cannot be separated from His Word! Thankfully, many millions of people, however, are still finding the Bible relevant…
Read MoreLove of God Poured Out in the Heart
by Terry Wane Benton You know the Holy Spirit has poured the love of God in your heart (Romans 5:5) when you have listened to what the Holy Spirit has revealed about it. When you read what the Spirit revealed to Paul (Ephesians 3:3-5), it spills over from Paul’s heart into your heart, and when…
Read MoreYou should get your facts straight
Question: You mentioned (in Is “Christian” supposed to be “natsarim”?) that the New Testament wasn’t written in Hebrew. That’s partially true, as Epiphanius and others have documented there was a Hebrew Matthew. Then you mentioned that Christian was a valid term based on the assumption that the New Testament wasn’t written in Hebrew. Uhm, the…
Read MoreCan We All See the Bible Alike?
by Jefferson David Tant Religious division exists on every hand. In every city and village, buildings are erected as monuments to religion. Some say this is good, but the bottom line is that this represents confusion and division. There are multiplied thousands of sects or denominations within what is called “Christianity.” This division is confusing…
Read MoreHow do I refute the claim that the Bible is a product of the era it was written in?
Question: How should I refute the claims in the following meme? I would love to hear from you, brother. “The Bible makes perfect sense as soon as you realize it was written at a time when women were the property of men, slavery was commonplace, and death was the penalty for minor offenses. A time…
Read MoreWhere There Is No Vision
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 29:18 I. The vision or revelation under consideration is not imagination or foresight A. Of course, we do need to have prudence – the ability to see what comes next, but this isn’t the passage to use B. This passage is talking about divine revelation, a vision in the night, a…
Read MoreThe Unusual Style of the Bible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Peter 1:16-21 I. When we talk about the Bible, a major point made in its defense is to point out the unusual unity it displays despite being written by about 40 writers over a 1,500 year period. A. The authors lived in different regions, had different occupations. B. The writings…
Read MoreThe Bible
by Matthew W. Bassford I will begin with Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20. In verse 32 he commends them to God and the word of His grace, which is able to build them up and give them an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. Today, we’re going to use…
Read MoreThe Bible Is Understandable by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 119:97-112 I. When it comes to religion, people seem to prefer having a mystery A. Those in leadership of many denominations prefer it because people depend on them for answers. B. Those in the ranks of denominations are satisfied having others tell them what they need to know. C. The problem…
Read MoreWhy Believe in the Bible? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 1:18-31 I. Could the Bible be a product of man? A. We know that the Bible was written by about 40 different people 1. Each from different walks of life, from shepherds to kings, councilors to fishermen. 2. It was written over a 1,500 year time span B. If men could…
Read MoreThings to Remember by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ecclesiastes 1:3-11 I. There are so many things to remember! A. Need to tie a string around my finger, but then I wouldn’t be able to bend it – there would be so many strings tied there. B. Then there are organizers: paper and electronic, for the technically inclined, which work…
Read MoreThe Bible Is Right
by Terry Wane Benton It is right because it not only claims to be the word of God (II Timothy 3:16-17) but because it proves to be the word of God. How? It is the only book that was written over a 1500-year period by 40 different writers of various backgrounds, but who wrote about…
Read MoreTrembling at God’s Word by Doy Moyer Seeking God
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