The Teaching of Grace
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Text: Titus 2
I. When you talk to people in the denominations, much is made about the Grace of God
A. Emphasis is place on God’s grace - Ephesians 2:8-9
B. To the point that if any mention is made of men needing to accept the offered gift, then strong objections are made. No work done by man is accepted as affecting a man’s salvation.
1. Yet, the Bible is clear that it is the obedient who are saved - Hebrews 5:9
II. Even Ephesians 2:8 states that grace comes through faith
A. But where does faith come from?
1. Most in the denominations claim that faith is something imposed on an individual.
2. A person cannot believe unless God makes them believe.
3. But Paul stated that faith come by the word of God- Romans 10:17
B. What does Jesus demand of us? - Matthew 7:21-23
C. How do we express love? - John 14:23-24
D. God created us to do His works - Ephesians 2:10
1. Faith is one of those works - John 6:28-29
III. God’s grace brings salvation - Titus 2:11-12
A. How many sources of salvation are there?
B. The way of salvation is narrow - Matthew 7:13-14
C. Ephesians 4:4-6 - There is only one faith; that is, one system of belief
D. Salvation comes through the word of God - Romans 1:16
IV. God’s grace teaches us
A. It tells us how to live; it lays requirements on us; it restrains us
B. Is that done directly? Does that mean a person with God’s grace does not need the New Testament?
C. When Paul and Barnabas persuaded men to continue in the grace of God (Acts 13:43), how was that done? Why look at the next verse! - Acts 13:44
D. They taught as Jesus had - John 8:31
V. God’s grace puts us under law
A. There aren’t two sources of teaching, a limited one known to only a few and a general one known by all.
B. There aren’t two sources of salvation, a limited one given to only a few and a general one given to all.
C. There aren’t two faiths
D. Since Jesus redeemed us from every lawless deed - Titus 2:14, it comes back to being under law
E. The law of Christ - Galatians 6:2
1. By which we are judged - James 2:12
VI. Grace is a gift extended to those who do not deserve it
A. God offered mankind love and salvation, when He didn’t have to - Romans 5:8-10
B. He taught us how to be saved and live pleasing in His sight, when He didn’t have to - II Timothy 3:16-17
C. God’s grace is
1. Christ dying for us
2. Christ’s law for us
3. Eternal life - Romans 6:23
4. Righteousness - Romans 5:17
D. If we don’t obey, we have rejected God’s gift and are lost - II Thessalonians 1:8
E. Jesus offers the water of life, but they still must be drunk - John 4:14
VII. Therefore, grow in grace - II Peter 3:17-18