Is the Bible Full of Fables?

by Richard Blackford I was recently invited to join a website for Bible discussion. It didn’t take long to observe that its purpose was to bash the Bible, Christ, and Christianity. An accusation was made a few weeks ago that the Bible is composed of fables. My reaction to that is two-fold: This person is…

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In Defense of the Apostle Paul

by Richard Blackford We have heard it said that Paul was not an authentic apostle. They say he injected his prejudices into his writing, that he was a misogynist and a homophobe. Others don’t care much for Paul because of his teaching on baptism. They also claim to be Christians, but they mainly just follow…

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Give the ‘Prince of Peace’ a Chance

by Richard Blackford While many herald, “Give peace a chance,” they get the cart before the horse. Any attempt at peace that omits the Prince of Peace is doomed to fail. Someone said, “It’s not that Christianity was tried and found difficult. It’s that it was found difficult and not tried.” Some know about Christianity,…

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Is God a Narcissist?

by Richard Blackford I participate periodically in discussions on a website that atheists run. The accusation has been made frequently that God is a narcissist. He is depicted as a self-centered tyrant absorbed in himself who wants everyone groveling at His feet and needs constant attention. I believe this is a misunderstanding. Some fail to…

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In Defense of a Jealous God

by Richard Blackford Several times, the Bible states that God is a jealous God. One of those is in the Ten Commandments: “Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image……Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God…” (Exodus 20:4-5). That conjures…

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Meme Makers Myth-informed

by Richard Blackford Meme makers are trying to discredit Jesus again. It’s difficult to find more falsehood in such a small space. This was making the rounds on social media during the holidays. One of the first things mentioned is Jesus’ “Birthday is celebrated on December 25th. ”But notice the title: “THE BIBLE. Not as…

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God Seems so Mean!

by Zeke Flores One of the objections many have against God is that He seems so … mean.  Indeed, throughout a reading of the major prophets, God has consistently warned about the catastrophic devastation He would bring not only upon His own people but also upon pagan nations. Again and again, He denounced their behavior,…

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Accusing God of Murder

by John N. Clayton Skeptics in the media constantly attack the Bible and the biblical concept of God. Writers in The New Yorker, The New Republic, and The Atlantic write as if they were authorities on the Bible while accusing God of murder and condemning Him as being immoral. Taking a Bible passage out of…

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If the Bible Was Human in Origin

by Terry Wane Benton If God was just made up, and the records of the Israelites that gave us the Old Testament were totally made up by them, then they were not very smart. They predicted their own demise and their rejection of their Messiah, making themselves look ridiculous. Who makes up a story about…

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Put Jesus on Trial

by Perry Hall When talking with atheists, I like to tell them to put Jesus on trial. How do we do this? Practical: Examine Jesus’s Teachings: What do you think of Jesus’s teachings? Are Jesus’s teachings indicative of a wise man, a conniver, or a lunatic? How do Jesus’s teachings compare to others? Is Jesus…

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Ad Hominem Arguments

by Doy Moyer One of the most common logical fallacies is the ad hominem. It occurs when a person attacks the character of another rather than addressing the argument. There are many ways this happens, but one that I have seen several times is in questioning the honesty of one who differs. You don’t agree…

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Defending the Gospel

by Doy Moyer If we must say we are sorry (and at some point, we all must), then do so over poor behavior and ungodly thinking, but never be sorry for the impact of the gospel itself and what it stands for. Further, be careful about conflating bad behavior with the gospel, for it is…

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My People Are Foolish

by Terry Wane Benton I find it remarkable that the Old Testament Bible was written by Jews for Jews, but does not compliment these people. It calls them stiffnecked and displays a long history of disobedience to God, and yet people today want us to think that they just “made it up.” What? If I…

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God’s Existence Doesn’t Depend on Me

by Perry Hall In Megan Rappinoe’s last game, she injured herself by tearing her Achilles tendon. She is the women’s soccer team captain and outspoken advocate for LGBTQT+. She immediately said afterward, “I’m not a religious person or anything and if there was a god, like, this is proof that there isn’t”. Let’s examine her…

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Is It Circular Reasoning to Use the Bible to Prove God Gave It?

 by Terry Wane Benton No! It might be circular if it was all written at one time. But we can demonstrate that the Old Testament was completed long before Jesus came. Therefore we get to consider the prophecies and how Jesus fulfilled them. The New Testament is eyewitness testimony of Jesus written when unbelievers should…

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Evidence of the Resurrection

by Wayne Wells The Greatest Hoax or the Greatest Event? The resurrection of Jesus was either the greatest hoax of history or the greatest event ever.  How can we, living nearly two thousand years later, ever really know whether such an event took place?  The importance of finding the answer can be found in 1…

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Fight for Your Faith

by Doy Moyer “But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled and put on the armor of faith and love, and a helmet of the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether…

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Are We Asking the Right Question About God and Evil?

by Perry Hall I have been studying and teaching “The Problem of Evil and Theodicy.” The main question usually asked is, “If God is good, why does God allow evil in this world?” The question needs to change. Change is needed because I am not sure that question is plainly asked and answered in the…

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The Universe — How and When?

by Dennis Abernathy Stephen Hawkins, (now deceased) the theoretical physicist and cosmologist, and director of research at the University of Cambridge, and Leonard Mlodinow, physicist and screenwriter, in their book The Grand Design, explored the questions: “When and how did the universe begin?” “Why are we here?” “Is the apparent grand design of our universe…

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Why Believe in the Bible? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 1:18-31   I.         Could the Bible be a product of man?             A.        We know that the Bible was written by about 40 different people                         1.         Each from different walks of life, from shepherds to kings, councilors to fishermen.                         2.         It was written over a 1,500 year time span             B.        If men could…

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Thinking of Beauty

by Doy Moyer “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” There is some truth to this as is evidenced by the different tastes people have in art, music, decor, fashion, etc. However, “beauty” as a deeper concept must have a foundation that is more objective and not merely subjective desire. When we say that…

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Truth About Truth by Doy Moyer Seeking God

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Foundational Terms

by Doy Moyer “The process of conceptual clarification always begins with ordinary usage of the concept to be clarified, so our conception of the truth ought to sound a lot like what you already believe the truth to be.” (Dolores G. Morris, Believing Philosophy, p. 50). That quote captures one of the main reasons why…

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Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

by Jefferson David Tant One of the frequent questions I get, often from young people, is “If there is a God, why is there so much evil in the world? Why do we have children starving in Africa? Why are women raped and murdered by marauding men? Why are innocent people mowed down by a…

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The Scoffer’s Starting Error

by Terry Wane Benton “For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water” (II Peter 3:5). Peter is countering the scoffer’s argument that “all things continue the same from creation.” Peter shows that the creation saw a…

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The Desire for Justice

by Doy Moyer Justice is an idea that is not made of materials. It is not something we can physically hold, scientifically measure, or weigh with scales. It is conceptual, grasped only by the mind, and based upon an even more foundational notion about right and wrong, good and bad (which also are non-material). Even…

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Nadab, Abihu, and Strange Fire Download Audio by Ralph Walker Did God execute these two men over a simple exchange of fire? Fire is fire, isn’t it? Preaching the Bloody Bible

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Preaching the Bloody Bible

by Ralph Walker There are portions of the Bible which trouble even the most faith-filled of us – stories of blood, brutality, and barbarism. Those stories and commands provide opportunities for the enemies of God to attack His goodness and ethics. This series explores some of those troubling passages. These lessons are provocative and intense…

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Elisha’s She Bears Download Audio by Ralph Walker Did the prophet really unleash two bears to kill a host of little boys? For making fun of his baldness? How sensitive can a prophet be? Preaching the Bloody Bible

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Noah and the Flood Download Audio by Ralph Walker A worldwide flood? Destroying all humans except eight people? Seriously? Preaching the Bloody Bible

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Holy War Download Audio by Ralph Walker How could a just God order His people to slaughter whole nations, including women and children? Preaching the Bloody Bible

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Uzzah and the Ark Download Audio by Ralph Walker Was Uzzah really executed for an involuntary reflexive action? Preaching the Bloody Bible

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Evidence of the Divine Authority of the Bible

by Benjamin Franklin The Gospel Preacher, Vol. 1, Sermon 1, 1870 Text: “To whom he showed himself alive, after his sufferings, by many infallible proofs” (Acts 1:4). The Evangelist Luke, author of the book styled Acts of Apostles, made the statement just read, and now selected as a text for a discourse on the Divine…

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Suppose I Was Born a Muslim

by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba Unmasking Sophistry, vol. 1, no. 2, July-September 2021 Introduction Several times during our evangelistic trips as gospel preachers, while moving from house to house in an effort to fulfill the Great Commission – a method known by some as “door-knocking” or “door-to-door,” we have approached people with a view to introducing…

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Science Confirms Flood Timeline

Source: Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., “Y-Chromosome Study Confirms Genesis Flood Timeline,”, 17 December 2019. “In this current study, the authors note that if humans have actually been around for several hundred thousand years or more, they should have accumulated 8 to 59 times the amount of mutations that we currently observe in Y-chromosome DNA…

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Can The Bible Prove Itself?

by Terry Wane Benton Atheists laugh when a Christian uses the Bible to “prove” it is the word of God by appeal to the fact that the Bible claims to be the word of God. Of course, it is not just the fact that the Bible claims to be the word of God, but the…

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The Word of the Lord Endures Forever

by Terry Wane Benton Photo by Chris Liu on Unsplash A serious flaw in modern thinking is that you can dismiss the Bible as the authority on moral issues like adultery, fornication, homosexuality, drunkenness, etc. because the Bible has been corrupted and changed over the centuries. They make this argument, not because they looked at…

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Biblical Infallibility: Arguments Against the Bible Text: I Peter 1:22-25   I.         The arguments have not changed much over the years. Same given today as hundreds of years ago. II.        All or Nothing             A.        Do we have to insist on total infallibility of the Scriptures?             B.        Some fear that one error would overthrow all of Christianity.             C.        However, if the writers of the Bible were…

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Present Your Case by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:21-22   I.         The Apostle Paul challenges Christians everywhere to prove all things – I Thessalonians 5:21-22             A.        Jude 3 tells us to contend earnestly for the faith             B.        I Peter 3:15 tells us to be ready to give an answer to every question                         1.         The Greek word is the one…

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