Why Doesn’t God Prove Himself?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton

Text: Isaiah 43:8-13


I.         “If God is real, why doesn’t He just give concrete evidence?”

            A.        It is a question that preachers frequently run into.

            B.        If I don’t personally see the evidence, then I don’t think adequate proof exists - John 20:25

II.        God has given evidence

            A.        The Creation speaks of God’s nature - Romans 1:20

                        1.         A designed house indicates a builder - Hebrews 3:4

            B.        God told in advance what would happen - Isaiah 46:10-11

            C.        The miracles done testify of God

                        1.         Rahab’s testimony - Joshua 2:8-11

                        2.         Nebuchadnezzar’s testimony - Daniel 3:28-29

            D.        The Scriptures, written hundreds and sometimes thousands of years earlier, spoke of Jesus - John 5:39-40

III.       Even when direct evidence was given, not everyone believed

            A.        When God spoke and people thought it was thunder - John 12:27-29

            B.        If you come down from the cross, then we would believe - Matthew 27:41-42

                        1.         Yet Jesus taught like no one else - John 7:46

                        2.         But what about all the miracles Jesus did? - John 5:36

                        3.         Yet his own did not accept him - John 1:9-14

            C.        Consider this fact: God came directly into the world that He made and was still rejected.

            D.        “In 2012, renowned atheist Richard Dawkins was questioned about his unbelief in God. Specifically, he was asked, “What proof, by the way, would change your mind?” He quickly responded by saying, “That is a very difficult and interesting question because, I mean, I used to think that if somehow, you know, great, big, giant 900-foot-high Jesus with a voice like Paul Robeson suddenly strode in and said, ‘I exist and here I am,’ but even that, I actually sometimes wonder if that would….”1 Though Dr. Dawkins was interrupted, he clearly left the impression that even if God appeared to him, taking the form of a “giant 900-foot-high Jesus” with a mighty voice, even that encounter would probably not convince him.” [Eric Lyons, “Why Doesn’t God Just Appear to Us and Prove that He Exists?”, Apologetics Press, August 2016]

            E.        Even if some admitted that God exists, it doesn’t follow that they would all be obedient. Consider the angels

                        1.         They are created beings - Colossians 1:16

                        2.         They are present with God - Job 1:6

                        3.         Yet some chose to rebel - II Peter 2:4

                        4.         Even the demons believe God exists - James 2:19

IV.      God expects people to trust the evidence given

            A.        Have you been a victim of identity theft?

                        1.         What did you have to do to prove you were you?

                        2.         And even then, can you say you were able to prove it so completely that there could be no argument that you were real?

                        3.         At some point, people must accept the evidence

            B.        God expects people to seek Him - Matthew 7:7-8

            C.        What if someone rises from the dead? - Luke 16:27-31

                        1.         If people refuse to believe the recorded facts, they won’t be convinced by additional proofs

            D.        If Jesus came today, working miracles and teaching the truth. Videos recorded of him spread across the Internet. Would people believe or would they claim that it was fake?

            E.        At the core is a rebellion and unwillingness to submit to God

V.        Without faith, we can’t please God - Hebrews 11:6

            A.        Faith is necessary because it involves a willingness to trust and obey

            B.        Faith separates the humble from the arrogant

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