Why Do Christians Assemble?
by Wayne S. Walker Question: “Why do members of the church of Christ assemble together, and why do they assemble at various times?” Answer: Members of the church of Christ assemble together because this is what is taught in the New Testament. And it is precisely what we find Christians doing in the first century.…
Read MoreWhen Is the 1000-Year Reign of Christ?
by Robert Harkrider via Timberland Church of Christ One of the most highly publicized teachings today in the religious world is the 1,000-year reign of Christ. Phrases such as “It’s a sign of the times,” “The rapture is coming,” and “The kingdom of God on earth is about to be established” are flung at people from…
Read MoreTrust in God
by Zeke Flores The Bible’s story boils down to one simple truth: Trust God, and He will save you. Throughout the Bible story, whether it was Abraham upending his life at God’s command, the Israelites crossing a harsh desert, prophets proclaiming an unpopular message, or scared citizens facing a brutal invader, the message is the…
Read MoreGrooming Hearts
by Bryant Bailles For whatever it may be worth: On the matter of grooming attitudes, unfairly generalizing brethren, and creating an imaginary group to despise… “And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way to the gate; and when any man had a case to come to the king for judgment, Absalom would…
Read MoreThankful for the No-Names
by Kyle Ellison I am thankful for the no-names. In many preacher circles some may be well known, who may have a name, who keep the calendar full with speaking engagements, who do great work among the brethren! This is not to take away from the great work brethren do, whether big or small, But…
Read MorePharisaical Works Salvation?
by Terry Wane Benton One fellow said the following: “Terry Wane Benton, why must you be so wrapped up in your salvation by works just like the Pharisees? Jesus despised the Pharisees for this very mentality that you are showing. Grace and grace alone allow you to enter into heaven.” Grace is the only thing…
Read MoreBaptism in History
by Ed Harrell via Christianity Magazine, December 1984 My reading of the New Testament makes very clear the meaning and intent of baptism — it was a “burial” that put one “into Christ” and resulted in the “remission of sins” (Romans 6:3–4; Acts 2:38). Of course, we should always be willing to examine our reading…
Read MoreWhy I Didn’t Leave the Church
by Matthew W. Bassford The posts appear pretty regularly on my Facebook feed. Some poor soul, simmering with hurt and anger, explains why they left the churches of Christ. The explanations are generally long and filled with accusations of bad behavior by brethren. I get it. Like many preachers, I have suffered at the hands…
Read MoreBy Grace Alone?
by Terry Wane Benton I pointed out that if God is “not willing that any should perish but that all come to repentance” (II Peter 3:9), then salvation cannot be by grace alone. If God desires all to be saved, but salvation is by grace alone, then all will be saved. If all are not…
Read MoreLove Does Not Mean Automatic Acceptance
by Terry Wane Benton God loved us at our worst, but that never meant He accepted us all without repentance and change (Romans 5:8; Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38). So, God’s love motivates us to change so that He can accept us into fellowship. Love does not mean automatic acceptance into fellowship. God loves us all,…
Read MoreThe Like Figure Whereunto …
by Terry Wane Benton The flood water is the figure, the type, and baptism is the antitype, the real thing prefigured (I Peter 3:20-21) by the flood water. So, how was the flood water the figure? It was the chosen means to wash away a sinful world and deliver Noah and his family to a…
Read MoreIf the Bible Was Human in Origin
by Terry Wane Benton If God was just made up, and the records of the Israelites that gave us the Old Testament were totally made up by them, then they were not very smart. They predicted their own demise and their rejection of their Messiah, making themselves look ridiculous. Who makes up a story about…
Read MoreNegative People
by Zeke Flores Sometimes, I see posts where someone may say that they’re “done” with negative people in their lives. I suppose they mean that they will avoid people they disagree with or are simply disagreeable. The problem is, that’s impossible. “Negative people” are all around us. What else would we expect in a broken…
Read MorePassed Values
by Zeke Flores Families with strong value systems tend to pass those values on to succeeding generations. So do families with poor value systems. It’s not the only reason, but it’s one reason why you see some families stuck in poor cycles (poverty, alcoholism, etc) and others navigating life more successfully. If you want to…
Read MoreNot Everyone’s Cup of Tea
by Zeke Flores I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and I get that. As a preacher, my delivery is far from “polished,” and I often speak from the heart. God willing, it’ll be a heart full of His word, but it’s from the heart nonetheless. I love preaching, which motivates me to be a little…
Read MoreIs Jesus the “Son of God?”
by Jefferson David Tant All history is focused on an event over 2,000 years ago. A child born in Palestine was given the name “Jesus.” He lived 33 short years and changed the course of the world. You cannot write a check or obtain a birth certificate without acknowledging that he lived on this…
Read MoreWhy Churches Die
by Mike Riley The following are this writer’s observations over forty years as to why churches die. I’m certain that we can all relate to at least one of the categories listed below: Churches Die at the Tables of Compromise When the church fights worldly influences such as sin and false doctrine — asking no…
Read MoreJewish Sects: Essenes
by Fred A. Shewmaker Origin, Name, and Organization via Truth Magazine, XVI: 12, pp. 6-7 January 27, 1972 There is no record in the Bible that the Essenes ever existed. Their importance as far as Christians are concerned can probably be easily gauged by this fact. Certain scholars have speculated about the influence of the…
Read MoreJewish Sects: Pharisees
by Fred A. Shewmaker Proselytes and Traditions via Truth Magazine, XVI: 7, pp. 8-9 December 16, 1971 The Pharisees were by far the largest sect among the Jews. They are mentioned in the New Testament more often than other Jewish sects. The origin of this sect is somewhat obscure. Peloubet wrote, “They were founded in…
Read MoreJewish Sects: Zealots and Herodians
by Fred A. Shewmaker via Truth Magazine, XVI: 14, pp. 6-8 February 10, 1972 Josephus referred to the Zealots as “the fourth sect of Jewish philosophy,” as we noticed in the first article of this series, “Some Terms Considered.” In that article, we classified the Zealots as a political party. However, we also observed that…
Read MoreJewish Sects: Sadducees
by Fred A. Shewmaker Origin, Influence, and Theological Outlook via Truth Magazine, XVI: 10, pp. 6-8 January 13, 1972 The Sadducees were second in importance to the Pharisees of the five Jewish Sects. They are mentioned in the Bible far more than the remaining three sects. This sect emerged after the return from Babylonian captivity.…
Read MoreJewish Sects: Some Terms Considered
by Fred A. Shewmaker via Truth Magazine XVI: 6, pp. 9-11 December 9, 1971 Available sources of information on this subject are quite limited, and much of the information available is questionable regarding its accuracy. Nevertheless, I believe that studying this subject will be profitable. Those who pursue such a study should better understand the…
Read MoreJewish Sects
by Fred Shewmaker via Truth Magazine Some Terms Considered Pharisees Sadducees Essenes Zealots and Herodians
Read MoreCompetitive Ministry
by Chadwick Brewer The fact of the matter is that Christians struggle not to be competitive in their righteousness. There is also a strange competitiveness between preachers and members concerning which preacher they have. This is not at all new. Paul tells the Philippians to do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit (Philippians 2:3)…
Read MoreJesus Believed in Inspiration
by Perry Hall “Inspiration,” how it happens, what it means, and why it is important are all questions, some of which have more straightforward answers than others. As far as how it happens, I don’t have all the answers other than the personality of each writer is apparently intact, which I do not find incompatible…
Read MoreHere Is What the Spirit Told Me
by Terry Wane Benton Mormons have told me that if I pray for Spirit guidance, the Spirit will make it clear that the Book of Mormon is from God. Well, I prayed that God would make it clear to me whether the Bible is His complete revelation or if the Book of Mormon is indeed…
Read MoreDirect Operation of the Holy Spirit?
by Adam Litmer adapted and rewritten from an article by R.L. Whiteside In the religious world, claiming that individuals cannot be saved unless the Holy Spirit personally operates on their hearts is popular. This belief is a direct result of another popular doctrine –inherited depravity. The idea is that, because of the sin of Adam…
Read MoreJefferson D. Tant – J. C. McQuiddy Exchange
by Terry Gardner comments by Jefferson David Tant III Tant was barred from the Gospel Advocate starting in 1909 for some ten years. In Tant’s biography, this is attributed to the fact that the Advocate became more “literary” with the addition of men like R. H. Boll to the staff. … The story goes that…
Read MoreEnthusiasm for Evangelism
by Bubba Garner Southside Church of Christ, 2008 I am a huge Star Wars fan. I still have all the action figures, spaceships, and accessories I got while growing up. Sometimes, I bring them down from the attic and let my kids play with them. Under close supervision, that is. But I enjoy watching other…
Read MoreProof the Book of Mormon Is Not True
Author Unknown The Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible and was a work of fiction written by Joseph Smith in the 1800s, who copied much of it from the King James Version, trying to make it look like an ancient manuscript. Here is proof that the Book of Mormon isn’t true: Proof that Joseph Smith…
Read MoreThe Whole Counsel of God
by Terry Wane Benton Paul said he had preached “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) but never the Quran or the Book of Mormon. Therefore, neither of those is part of God’s counsel, and we need not pretend or believe they are. Jesus promised that His eye-witnessing apostles would be guided into all truth by…
Read MoreAttendance
by Perry Hall “Attendance” is a biblical topic (Hebrews 10:25), but how we approach attendance is not always biblical! I have visited congregations where Sunday morning attendance was almost matched on Sunday nights. Usually, these are smaller groups. However, I have also seen larger groups that were very impressive. On the opposite side, I have seen…
Read MoreGratitude for the Grace of God
by Doy Moyer The grace of God through Jesus Christ is one of the most powerful concepts to consider. We stand in the grace of God as we have peace (reconciliation) with Him (Romans 5:1-5). As great as this is, it is also a concept that can be twisted, perverted, and become a license to…
Read MoreFreedom?
by Zeke Flores One problem with sin, and there are many, is that it promises a freedom it can never deliver. Sin paints submission to God as a form of bondage that hinders us, traps us, and keeps us down. In reality, it’s the false promise of independence from God that is the harsh slavery.…
Read MoreModern Apostles?
by Terry Wane Benton We know the names, power, and testimony of Jesus’s twelve eye-witnessing apostles. We read their names and powers here: “Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; And when He had…
Read MoreGrace and Authority
by Doy Moyer Grace can only come from one with the power and authority to grant it. Some may pit emphasis on God’s authority over against emphasis on grace, but they go hand in hand. The only way that grace can mean anything to us is that it has been offered by the only One…
Read MoreJesus Wept at Human Pain and Hurt
by Terry Wane Benton He saw and cared deeply about how His disciples hurt over Lazarus’ death (John 11). Jesus cared so deeply that He wept with them. He suffered with them, and He knew the larger plan would be to raise Lazarus so that more good could come out of all this pain. More…
Read MoreBeing Corrected and Correcting Others
by Jerry Falk Throughout the years, I have been corrected about shortcomings in my life, and today, I can confidently say that I am a better person for it! I thank God for the painful moments when His word has cut me to the heart (Hebrews 4:12; Acts 2:37), even when such correction has come…
Read MoreThe Manifestation of the Spirit
by Terry Wane Benton “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (I Corinthians 12:7). You see a manifestation, but not the Spirit himself. The way the Spirit manifested something was in the nine miraculous powers. These showed a power that no man could produce by his own power. Genuine…
Read MoreRedemption
by Terry Wane Benton To the common man, “redemption” is seldom used in his daily vocabulary. To someone captivated and addicted or held in slavery, it means someone is going to pay the price to get them out from under their miserable burden and give them a new start. To them, it is a word…
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