Do We Cut Ties with Family Members Who Are Not Members of the Church?

Question: Hello Sir, I have a question that maybe you can help me to understand. I attend a Church of Christ, and in my youngest daughter’s Bible class, she is being told we must cut off contact with family members who are not members of the church. I have two older children who are off…

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Can one congregation withdraw from another congregation?

Question: Can a church withdraw from Christians who are not members of the local congregation? 1.         Mark those who cause division and hindrances – Romans 16:17 2.         Philippians 3:17 – Mark those who are good examples 3.         Galatians 5:15 – Don’t bite and devour each other. C.        Can a church withdraw from another church? Hey Brother Hamilton! God bless. I’ve read almost…

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What if a withdrawn from brother continues to attend services?

Question: Greetings Brother Hamilton, I am concerned about the withdrawal of membership from a brother in sin. I read through your notes on fellowship and understood them, but I want to be precise. When a brother is withdrawn from fellowship with other Christians, can he still come to worship but is prevented from partaking in…

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Should this elder step down?

Question: We have a very difficult situation on our hands. I was hoping to get some advice on this. My husband and I attend the church of Christ and we have two elders at our church. One of them has an adult daughter who left the church. She was married and got divorced (not because…

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Church Discipline

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Each congregation of the Lord’s people has the right and the responsibility to control its membership             A.        Ideally, each congregation is composed of faithful Christians. Because of their common beliefs and shared work, they are joined together in serving God.             B.        However, we understand that just because a person wears the name of…

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Do you fellowship with someone who left the church?

Question: If someone leaves the church and you try to encourage them to come back, are you to fellowship with them? Answer: Fellowship describes the state of a relationship between two people. It is like the word “friendship.” Friends do things together, but just because you do something with another person, it doesn’t make you…

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What do you do about an adult child who remains a homosexual?

Question: If a child, who is an adult, wants to live a homosexual life, does not want to listen to God’s word, and does not claim to be a Christian, can a parent still talk to them? Can they visit their parents? Can they have a meal together? The parents are members of the Lord’s…

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How do I write a letter of apology for my sins?

Question: Greetings sir, Please, I was disfellowshiped. I want to write an apology letter regarding my sins of fornication, pride, and disobedience. How do I write it? Answer: There is no requirement in the Bible for a formal letter to be written in order to apologize for your sins. What is needed is an acknowledgment…

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My parents have become heretics. Should I cut them out of my life?

Question: My mother and father have latched onto what I consider to be a heretical theology with fervor. My father, who is the reason I am a Bible-believing Christian today, has become a Full Preterist. He is radical, aggressive, and has tried to convert everyone he knows. Both my parents believe that Satan, Hell, and…

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How do I deal with a member who is in an adulterous marriage?

Question: I have a question that requires me to go outside of the current congregation where I am a member. If there is a member who is in an unscriptural marriage, which I do have personal knowledge of, and who is being allowed to preach and teach in worship service, should I remain a member…

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Marking Dogs

by Floyd Chappelear Sentry Magazine, September 1999 “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Romans 16:17). You now have read every passage in the New Testament which exhorts us to “mark” those who cause division. There is one other…

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A Question of Withdrawal

by Morris Norman Sentry Magazine, September 2003 Who is to decide when a person is to be withdrawn from? There can be no doubt that the Bible teaches that certain ones are to be. “Mark them that cause division, and occasion of stumbling … turn away from” (Romans 16:17). “Have no company with … no,…

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What’s Down that Road?

by Warren E. Berkley The most vital consideration for every human being and certainly every Christian is the allegiance of the heart and obedience of the life to God. While we must avoid the arrogance of self-righteousness and the bondage of human creeds and traditionalism, we must determine with all our hearts to never relax…

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How do we deal with erring brethren?

Question: I’m looking for clarity on “liberal church associations.” If I’m a conservative (non-institutional) brother, am I to fellowship with those who worship in a liberal church? Here is my view and please correct me if I’m in error. As a Christian, I believe that outside of a worship setting it is alright to fellowship…

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Should someone who says he is gay lead singing in a congregation?

Question: Yesterday my husband was disheartened to hear that one of our song leaders at our church of Christ is a confessed gay man who came out on social media and declared he has tried all kinds of treatment but just can’t feel differently.  We both wish the best for all people in seeking their…

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Does the church curse an erring brother when withdrawing from him?

Question: Does the church curse an erring member in the cause of the withdrawal of fellowship, according to I Corinthians 16:22? Answer: “If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. O Lord, come!” (I Corinthians 16:22). The Greek anathema, translated here as “accursed,” is defined by the Vines Dictionary as: “Curse,…

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Withdrawing is too judgmental

Question: You said, “Because he is persisting in his sin, he must be withdrawn from. For a church not to do so is to given permission to sin,” in A man now attends church as a transgender female. Should he be withdrawn from? I think that is way off. That seems judgmental to me. God…

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Do we withdraw from members who are attending another congregation for months?

Question: I read brother Hamilton’s article on Cross Congregational Fellowship with keen interest and have this question: Can fellowship be withdrawn from members who have absented themselves from their local congregation for months, but who have gone to another congregation to worship without first advising their local congregation that they will be worshipping elsewhere? Answer: Anyone not…

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How can discipline be done when there is only one faithful man?

Question: Hello, I am a part-time minister of a small congregation of Christians made up mostly of female members. The few male members have dwindled down to three in number due to members relocating and deaths. Currently, the two other male members are unable to take part in the worship services due to certain aspects…

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Can a brother committing fornication be used in church worship?

Question: Good day, Brother Jeffrey, I need your help on this. There is a brother committing fornication. He stopped worshiping. The reason why he doesn’t want to wed is that his sister, who is living abroad promised him to help him work abroad. If he gets married, he may not have a chance to work…

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How do I treat my husband who has left God and the church?

Question: My husband has recently decided he no longer believes in a God.  He has stopped going to services or anything to do with God.  We have young children we homeschool and most of our work centers around God and His word. How do I parent and teach our children, whose father has fallen? How am…

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What do you do about a couple who disrupts the services of the church?

Question: What do you do with a brother who walks disorderly and who threatens others and his wife disrupts every service? If this couple is allowed to stay everyone else will leave as some have already. Can you offer any suggestions? We are to the point where we are planning on calling the police to…

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Should a parent visit a child who is now unfaithful?

Question: A parent has a child who is unfaithful and living in another state. Is it wrong based on Ephesians 5:11 to visit that child and spend weeks or months in the same house? Answer: If the child is a fallen Christian, then “But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named…

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What do you do when the preacher is in sin and the leadership supports him?

Question: Thanks for your website, it really helps me exercise my critical thinking skills with the Scriptures. One question about withdrawal. What do you do when the offending party is the minister of the congregation? When there are only he and the deacons, and they automatically side with him on everything? The church meeting is…

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A man now attends church as a transgender female. Should he be withdrawn from?

Question: The ex-minister of a Baptist church now attends as a transgender female. Can this person be ex-communicated? This person not currently in leadership. His presence is very difficult for his now-divorced wife and children. God Bless. Answer: “It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is…

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