Posts Tagged ‘rape’
Why didn’t God rescue my friend?
Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church and trying to help a coworker and friend. She has become dear to me, and we’ve studied the Bible a little. I hope to have more studies with her. She has somewhat stumped me with a tough question. She was sexually abused as a child by…
Read MoreWould God punish people who lost their virginity through no fault of their own.
Question: I would like to know if God will not punish people who have lost their virginity through no fault of their own. Answer: The act of sex is not accidental, so what you are describing would be an act of rape. If an adult seduces a minor into agreeing to an act of sex,…
Read MoreI’ve been accused of using witchcraft
Question: I have been with my boyfriend for five years. Last Sunday he went to church and the pastor told him that I used witchcraft to bind him to me. He also said that I never loved nor respected my boyfriend. He said that I was using our daughter as a link to bond us…
Read MoreI don’t believe abortion should be outlawed or be easily accessible
Question: Hi, Thanks for the site that you run. On more than one occasion I have gone there to read your responses. I wanted to follow up on the question of abortion because first, as someone who was raised as a Christian, I do believe it is wrong. I am not extreme on either side.…
Read MoreFor Such a Time as This
by Tammy Martin This has been heavy on my heart to share since last night, so I’m going to listen to that inner prompting and share it. At 17, I was raped and became pregnant. The amount of “Christians” who encouraged me to terminate, murder, or kill (no pretty way to say that) the little…
Read MoreAm I still a virgin?
Question: Am I still a virgin? Is God disappointed in me? Growing up as a child, I was raped when I was really little. But then Jesus found me when I became a teenager and I love him. I forgave the person who raped me. I even hated boys at some point. Now I’m in…
Read MoreDespite my repeated baptisms, I’m still committing fornication
Question: I went through a rough childhood. I was molested and all that. I was baptized one Sunday in a church when I was 11 because the pastor said that’s the only way I could take part. But afterward, she said my sibling and I are holding the church back, so we stop going to…
Read MoreHow do we deal with a girl in our congregation who was raped?
Question: A girl in our church had a baby not long ago but refused to acknowledge her sin and repent. She recently said she was at a party that she should not have gone to, and she was raped by two boys. None of us knew this before. So how are we, as Christians, to…
Read MoreCan demons rape women?
Question: I have severe anxiety and a fear of demons. It’s been ongoing for over a decade. One time my brother made a comment that demons can rape women. Is this true? Of course, now I’ve been googling it and I read a bunch of scary stuff, people saying that it is true and it…
Read MoreWhy isn’t rape called an abomination?
Question: This is amazing to me. I’ve been studying the Bible to see why God favored men over women. I’ve been trying to find what is an abomination to God and to my amazement there’s nothing that says is an abomination to rape a woman. As a woman that’s very disturbing to me. Answer: This…
Read MoreI repented of the adultery I committed early in my marriage, but now I’ve been forced by my boss. Should I tell my husband?
Question: Dear Minister, I read your messages. I am a born-again Christian. I love the Lord. But I have sinned. First I slept with a married man a few weeks before my marriage. I hated myself for this action and promised God a clean break, which I did. Then two years into my marriage, my…
Read MoreMy daughter was raped and is now pregnant. Should I have the baby aborted?
Question: My daughter was date raped and is now pregnant with her rapist’s child. I don’t know what to do because the Bible says abortion is wrong, but she is only 14. I am considering an abortion, but I don’t know what to do seeing how it’s sin. Please, I need help! Answer: I’m sorry…
Read MoreI’ve sinned with a girl, but our parents won’t let us marry
Question: I was deeply in love with a girl. She is a Hindu and I’m a Christian. We were deeply in love and lost control of our love. We had intercourse and oral sex. We learned that our parents are not willing to let us marry and live happy lives. In anger, I sexually harassed…
Read MoreMy girlfriend has been raped in the past and every time we get intimate, her fears come back. I don’t know what to do.
Question: So here is my ultimate dilemma in life: I am currently following God’s lead to pursue this amazing woman. She is just incredible to me and she means the world. She is several years older than I am. We both are Christians — she was saved when she was 19, me since I was…
Read MoreWere the man’s actions in Judges 19:22-24 wrong?
Question: Were the man’s actions in Judges 19:22-24 wrong? I’m sure it’s addressed on the website, but I searched for it and I think I just couldn’t think of the best way to search for it. Was it wrong for the man to offer his daughter like that? The passage doesn’t seem to say anything…
Read MoreIs it wrong for a woman to lust for her husband?
Question: I have a sincere question concerning lust. Is it a sin to have a strong sexual desire for your husband? Adding to that, is it a sin to desire ‘rape fantasies’ with your husband? I used to have rape fantasies before I married, and now that I’m married, I’ve often had these fantasies about my husband.…
Read MoreAre there any examples of a woman being forced into a marriage that she objected to?
Question: Are there any Old Testament examples where the future wife to be actually objected to the wedding but was forced into it? Just curious because I understand they were treated as property, but just wondering if there examples of a marriage where the wife objected beforehand. I know there are at least one or…
Read MoreWhat are all the types of sexual sins?
Question: What are all the types of sexual sins? Answer: “Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). One of the problems with coming up with lists of possible sins is that men are too inventive in coming up with new ways to…
Read MoreWas a woman forced to marry her rapist?
Question: So in Deuteronomy 22:28-29, it says “If a man finds a girl, a virgin not engaged, and lays hold on her, and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife. Because he…
Read MoreDid God condone rape?
Question: Can you show me with any credible, moral, and compassionate justification how passages such as Numbers 31:18 and II Samuel 12:11-14 are not examples of divine-sanctioned rape? Answer: In Numbers 31, the Lord ordered punishment on the nation of Moab. “Take vengeance on the Midianites for the children of Israel. Afterward you shall be…
Read MoreWouldn’t it have been a sin for Tamar and Amnon to marry?
Question: Was it not a sin for Tamar and Amnon to get married because they were from the same father, even though they had sex? Answer: A difficulty arises when multiple laws are violated at the same time and penalties for these different laws vary. Amnon lusted after an unmarried woman, which violated the teaching,…
Read MoreTo say rape can’t happen in a marriage is wrong!
Question: I was surfing the Internet when I found your site. I am a Christian, a woman and having read Chapter 11, take this opportunity to express my belief that the final sentence of the final paragraph of this page, appears to draw a conclusion that is not scriptural and simply wrong. I assume the paragraph…
Read MoreDoes God condemn pedophilia, rape, or self-defense?
Question: I saw your web posting about “Animal Rights and the Bible.” I am glad to know there are people like you out there who can boldly say you hold God’s word as the ultimate authority. Many Christians today twist God’s word to fit their own feelings and forbid what God has not forbidden. I…
Read MoreIs abortion wrong except in the case of rape?
Question: I just recently had a short conversation with someone about abortion. We both agreed that abortion was wrong, but we disagreed with one another on the exception of rape. I do not believe that rape is an exception. Do you? The Bible tells us Deuteronomy 30:19 “Therefore choose life”. The person disagreed with me about it…
Read MoreThe idea that a husband cannot rape his wife is a gross misrepresentation of what the Bible says
Question: In the chapter on Rape in your Growing Up in the Lord: A Study for Teenage Girls, you stated: “Recently, some women have tried to redefine rape as any time a woman has sex and the woman did not want it at that time. This is an inaccurate definition by God’s standard. In a marriage, a woman is…
Read MoreYour statement that a husband can’t rape his wife really bothered me
Question: I am a 40-year-old Christian woman who was looking for a specific discussion on sleeveless shirts and modesty to present to my 17-year-old daughter. She wants to wear sleeveless shirts. I’m having a hard time phrasing my language strongly enough to be accurate about the male perspective. Thanks to Google, I found your book…
Read MoreCan you help me with a report on rape?
Question: Hi! I’m in high school and we have this project that we have to do and the topic choice was up to us and I chose to do mine on rape. I was wondering if you could help me out and send me any kind of information that you have on rape. It could…
Read MoreIs a woman, who was raped, still a virgin?
Question: I have a friend who was raped. She wants to know if she is still a virgin according to the Bible. Is she? Answer: Please think about the following question very carefully because it is a significant point: Is she interested in whether she is a virgin or whether she committed a sin? The…
Read MoreYou don’t know what rape is
Question: I have been looking for scriptural advice when I came across your article on “Spousal Rape”. It is plain to see you don’t know what rape is. My daughter married, with our joyful blessing, a young man who asked to court her, obeyed all our requests, and honored our daughter’s desire to marry pure. …
Read MoreDoes rape within a marriage lead to divorce?
Question: Does rape within a marriage lead to the marriage ending in divorce? Answer: Spousal Rape If by “rape within a marriage” you are referring to the recent concept of spousal rape, then I must object to the terminology. By the definition of the word “rape,” it cannot take place between a husband and wife.…
Read MoreWhen was the spousal rape law passed?
Question: When was the spousal rape law passed? Answer: According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, in an article titled “Spousal Rape Laws: 20 Years Later”: “Until the late 1970’s, most states did not consider spousal rape a crime. Typically, spouses were exempted from the sexual assault laws. For example, until 1993 North…
Read MoreIs it rape when a husband is influenced by alcohol, drugs, or pornography?
Question: I strongly disagree with you about a husband raping a wife. If the husband is not a Christian and is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or pornography, what he is doing is not respectful to his wife and not considered in agreement with Scripture that refers to the marriage bed being undefiled. If…
Read MoreIs spousal rape grounds for divorce?
Question: Does spousal rape constitute fornication, or sexual immorality, thus giving grounds for divorce and remarriage? Answer: Some questions are difficult – not because we cannot clearly state the truth, but because the way the questions are worded cause you to make assumptions that may not be true. A classic example is “Are you still…
Read MoreIs the Bible male oriented?
Question: Of couse living in a world of patriarchy MAN wrote the bible !!!!! Hide behind your bible and justify mens disgusting behavior. I think your God is a sick one. If you think spousal rape is acceptable because “God” said women are to please her man and not “giving it” up is her sin,…
Read MoreDoes spousal rape constitute fornication?
Question: Does spousal rape constitute fornication, or sexual immorality, thus giving grounds for divorce and remarriage? Answer: Some questions are difficult – not because we cannot clearly state the truth, but because the way the questions are worded cause you to make assumptions that may not be true. A classic example is “Are you still…
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