The Spirit Speaks

by Terry W. Benton The Spirit speaks completely through the scriptures. The Spirit gave the Scriptures so that we would know what the apostles knew (Ephesians 3:3-5). We can know all that the Spirit revealed to Paul, read it, and then know all he knew. That is no small matter because the Word of God…

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God never speaks to us in verbal language

Question: Peace be with you; We’re dealing with God’s word, not conversation between two people, so God never speak to us in verbal language. Best wishes. Answer: I left this note as it was sent. I have to admit, I’m puzzled because there are so many wrong concepts presented in so few words. The Bible…

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by Terry Wane Benton The apostles of Jesus were the eyewitnesses and we are the jurors. Promises made to the apostles in John 13-17 are not made to all of us. The context is about a long discussion Jesus had with His twelve witnesses. Jesus said to them “And you also will bear witness, because…

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Can God tell you not to marry the person whom you are dating without a reason?

Question: Can God tell you not to marry the person whom you are dating without a reason? Answer: Underlying this question is an assumption that God directly communicates with people today. But that very assumption contradicts what God said He is doing. See: God is Speaking to You and Does God Speak Directly to Mankind Today? God has…

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What about the prophecy and tongue-speaking that I’ve witnessed?

Question: Whether prophecy has ceased or not ceased is one of the issues I am struggling with as a seminary student. I read your article about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and let’s say you are right. But what about those prayer warriors who prophesy and speak in tongues in today’s Christian churches? And…

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You May be Surprised to Learn …

by Doy Moyer Have you ever taken for granted certain things and believed them, just because that is what you have been told? Perhaps you find yourself in that situation now, believing and doing things because that is what you were told. Religious people sometimes believe and practice something because a preacher said it, or…

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Did some prophecies in the Bible go unfulfilled?

Question: Hi! We live in a predominately LDS community. After six years we have had our first missionaries visit.  We have asked them to come back and study, so I have been prepping.  In doing so I have been studying Deuteronomy 18 about prophets and applying that to Joseph Smith’s prophesies, but in doing so,…

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Did Isaiah’s prophecy that Damascus would cease being a city fail?

Question: I am having a conversation with an atheist online and so far I have done well handling the so-called failed prophecies and contradictions he claims. He seems rather shocked and open to studying. I do need a little help with this one because I have never heard of it nor come across anyone disputing…

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Does “prophecy” always involve the miraculous?

Question: I was wondering if you could tell me if there are any New Testament examples of “prophesy” or “prophesying” being uninspired? Our preacher said that whenever you see the word “prophesy” or “prophesying” is always referring to the miraculous or inspired. Are there any examples in the New Testament that show these words meaning…

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Are the blood moon prophecies related to the moon causing things to happen?

Question: I have a question about the blood moon. People are saying that a series of blood moons signify the coming of Christ and, therefore, will fulfill the biblical prophecy. Revelation 6:12 refers to it and Joel 2:30-31 refers to the blood moon and Christ’s coming. So I started thinking about it and I’ve been…

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How do I handle a woman who says God speaks to her?

Question: I got myself into a debate with this woman who kept going on and on about how God speaks to her and how God is angry at the churches and the pastors. Can you try to help me understand what she was talking about here? I can’t tell if she’s crazy or not. She…

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Do I have to marry my brother’s widow?

Question: Please help. My pastor told me that God spoke to her that I should marry my elder brother’s widow with four children. I have a fiancee whom I dearly love but my pastor says she is being used by devil worshippers to capture me. My dad joined in devil worship a long time ago…

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How can I get excited about being a Christian again?

Question: Hello, I have a question basically on how to desire God more and want to go on with the sanctification process, rather than being complacent and being that Sunday Christian. I’m hoping you can help me with some tips on how to want to desire to go on with my walk with The Lord.…

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My pastor told me that God wanted me to be his wife

Question: When I was 35 years old I was introduced to this church where the pastor is also a prophet. He is married and we called him daddy and his wife mommy. I was going through a lot at that time and I was helped through that man of God to find peace again in…

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How do I know if the thoughts I had are mine or from God?

Question: How do I know if the thoughts I had are mine or from God? How to know if God wants me to do something? Answer: “For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except…

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Can you shed light on the upcoming four blood moons prophecy?

Question: Hello, Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my question. I’ve just recently turned my life over to Christ, and I am intentionally trying to read and study His word in the Bible, and I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on this upcoming four blood moons…

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God Told Me

by Doy Moyer Years ago, my dad (Forrest Moyer) was on live radio teaching Scripture. A man called in and said, “God spoke to me and told me to play my guitar in church.” Dad responded, “Really? Well God told me not to.” The man quickly responded, “Oh no He didn’t.” Hmm. I was having a Bible…

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Should I have faith in God getting this girl to like me?

Question: Hi, I have a question regarding where my faith should be placed, but before that I’d like to start from the beginning. A while back I met a girl and, out of pure randomness, I began talking to her. We got along very well and very quickly and ended up liking each other. However,…

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How can prophecy cease when people claim to be prophets today?

Question: First, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to address my questions because it has been bothering me for a while now. I am a born-again Christian and still relatively young in faith. I read on this site that an end to all prophets was declared by apostle Paul in Corinthians. This…

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Do you know of any prophecy that says the Temple will never be rebuilt?

Question: Do you know of any prophecy that says the Temple will never be rebuilt? Answer: No, there isn’t prophecy that says the temple would not be rebuilt because it has been rebuilt: “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,…

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Christ in Prophecy

by C.G. “Colly” Caldwell via The Preceptor, September 1988 One of the strongest pieces of evidence supporting the Bible is the fulfillment of prophecy by Jesus Christ. The Old Testament was completed in the fifth century B.C. Malachi is usually dated between 444 and 432 B.C., and it is the final message of God until…

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What do I say to people who claim God told them to do something foolish?

Question: Greetings, I am a criminal defense lawyer. Often when I am discussing a plea deal with my clients they tell me that God will deliver them. They say that since they are innocent God wants them to go to trial and will not entertain plea offers. (This despite, in some instances, clear evidence to…

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Prophetic Proof

Prophetic Proof – Part 1Prophetic Proof Part 2 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Deuteronomy 18:18-22   I.         Throughout history there have been people claiming to know what others do not             A.        They claim to know mind of God and the future             B.        If you hint at questioning the truth of their claim, they get upset.             C.        Yet, Moses told…

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Is there any non-biblical evidence that proves the prophecies in the Bible?

Question: A friend and I talked for a little while tonight regarding Bible evidence, and when we talked about prophecy, he raised the argument that prophecies from the Bible verified purely from within the Bible can’t be used to prove the Bible. Is that a fair argument? And are there non-biblical evidence of prophecies coming…

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Can you give me a personal prophecy?

Question: Good day I would like to know if you can give me a personal prophecy as I feel so lost the past year and don’t know my purpose in life anymore. I am the breadwinner in my family and none of my business deals are going through. Please advise. Answer: “Grace and peace be…

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I just can’t seem to keep God’s teachings in my mind

Question: I came across your site about a week ago, and I found it to be very helpful. By God’s grace, I am a Christian. There is something that’s bothering me. I don’t know whether to call it forgetfulness or loss of memory. For instance, the Lord may reveal something to me either by His…

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Was there a prophecy connecting the Feast of the Tabernacles to Jesus’ birth?

Question: I was just reading an article explaining the reasoning behind the belief that Jesus’s birth was the fulfillment of the prophecy associated with the Feast of Tabernacles, in the seventh Jewish month of Tishri. When would that be on our calendar? I don’t celebrate Christmas religiously, namely because if we were asked to celebrate…

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