Posts Tagged ‘Preterism’
Hastening the Day of the Lord
by Terry Wane Benton “Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?” (II Peter 3:12) What manner of person should you be in godliness, as you are “looking for and hastening the coming of…
Read MoreCompare the Babylonian “Coming” with the Roman “Coming”
by Terry Wane Benton Both times Jerusalem was destroyed, it was the coming of the Lord through a powerful nation. When the Babylonians invaded and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC, it was the Lord of Hosts (later named Jesus) who came in “glory” (Isaiah 2:12-22). The Lord came in His glory. He came to take…
Read MoreI Thessalonians 5:4 and the Destruction of Jerusalem
by Terry Wane Benton Is “this day” (I Thessalonians 5:4) the destruction of Jerusalem? No! If “this day” is talking to the Thessalonians about the coming of the Lord in wrath on Jerusalem: How would that day overtake the Thessalonians as a thief? How did “sudden destruction” overtake any Thessalonians? Why did everyone “escape?” (I…
Read MoreI think it’s bizarre that people do NOT think prophecy has been fulfilled
Question: Just read your article on AD 70 Doctrine. I think it’s bizarre that people do not think prophecy has been fulfilled. I mean, our Lord clearly said “this generation” will not pass until “all” is fulfilled. I do not understand why people can’t accept this. The Bible nowhere teaches the end to the physical…
Read MoreIs Hell a Biblical Subject? by Raymond Warfel
Read MorePreterism: The Eternal Kingdom by Raymond Warfel
Read MorePreterism: Jews and Gentiles by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWhen Jeremiah Said “New” – (Hebrews 8:7-13)
by Terry Wane Benton The moment Jeremiah used the word “new” in speaking of a coming “new covenant,” there was the immediate implication that the Sinai covenant, then in place, was becoming obsolete and ready to vanish away. The idea of “vanishing away” (Hebrews 8:13) is not that you would be unable to read that…
Read MorePreterism: Were the Jews to Keep the Law? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreGod’s Timing
by Terry Wane Benton “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (II Peter 3:8). “Where is the promise of His coming?” (II Peter 3:4) is the question Peter has been addressing. The argument that all things continue…
Read MoreThe Scoffer’s Starting Error
by Terry Wane Benton “For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water” (II Peter 3:5). Peter is countering the scoffer’s argument that “all things continue the same from creation.” Peter shows that the creation saw a…
Read MoreKill and Eat
by Terry Wane Benton Peter’s Vision Acts 10:9-12 In Acts 10 Peter was told by God in a vision to kill and eat the animals, and there was a wide assortment, some of which God had forbidden to the Jews under the Old covenant. God explained that those unclean animals (off-limits to the Jews before)…
Read MoreHigh Priest Before AD 70
by Terry Wane Benton Our AD 70 Hyper Preterists claim that the kingdom came in AD 70 and that Jesus did not begin His reign until that point in time when the temple was destroyed in Jerusalem in AD 70. Further, they have two laws and two systems operating from AD 30-70. They have both…
Read MoreCompare Babylonian “Coming” with the Roman “Coming”
by Terry Wane Benton Both times Jerusalem was destroyed it was the coming of the Lord by means of a powerful nation. When the Babylonians invaded and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC it was the Lord of Hosts (later named Jesus) who came in “glory” (Isaiah 2:12-22). The Lord came in His glory. He came…
Read MoreIts Own Body
by Terry Wane Benton Some brethren have gotten caught up in the AD 70 doctrine that the resurrection and only judgment happened in AD 70. They argue that the resurrection of “the body” is just a spiritual resurrection of the collective body of Christ (the church). So, they do some tripping around in I Corinthians…
Read MoreKing and High Priest Now
by Terry Wane Benton Premillennial thinking is that Jesus was not able to set up His kingdom in the first century like He planned, postponed that plan, and will come back again later to set up His kingdom on earth and reign for 1000 years. That is a mistaken view. Another view is that of…
Read MoreThe Kingdom of God Was Established in Acts 2
by Terry Wane Benton Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of four consecutive world empires (Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Roman) and in the days of the fourth kingdom on earth (Roman) God would “set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed” (Daniel 2:44) and “it shall stand forever.” Jesus Reigns as King Daniel had another vision…
Read MoreIf the Dead Are Not Raised
by Matthew W. Bassford Recently, I attended this year’s Truth Lectures, which had as their theme eschatology, the study of the end times. Many of the lectures addressed preterism, the belief that the prophecies of the Bible all already have happened. In particular, preterists claim that the prophecies about the final judgment, the resurrection of…
Read MoreMy parents have become heretics. Should I cut them out of my life?
Question: My mother and father have latched onto what I consider to be a heretical theology with fervor. My father, who is the reason I am a Bible-believing Christian today, has become a Full Preterist. He is radical, aggressive, and has tried to convert everyone he knows. Both my parents believe that Satan, Hell, and…
Read MoreIs salvation in Acts 2:21 salvation from the destruction of Jerusalem?
Question: A member of the church has told me that Acts 2:21 is talking about rescue from danger or destruction, not salvation. He told me “saved” in verse 21 is not salvation from sin, it is saved from the Jerusalem destruction. Another member of the church said in the immediate context of the quotation from…
Read MoreThe Handwriting of Requirements Was the Law of Moses
by Terry Wane Benton Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash Paul said the “handwriting of requirements” was “against us” and “was contrary to us” and “He (Jesus) has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). As a result of this, no one could judge you in food or…
Read MoreAges to Come
by Terry Wane Benton Paul spoke of God showing the exceeding riches of His grace “in the ages to come” (Epheisans 2:6-7). Thus, the gospel of God’s grace would keep spreading for ages to come. Some erroneously think that Paul wrongly thought that Jesus would come back in his lifetime, but Paul knew the end…
Read MoreThe World Is Passing Away
by Terry Wayne Benton “The world is passing away” (I John 2:15,17). But AD 70 brethren say that the world is not passing away, using Ephesians 3:21 to say “world without end,” and they say Isaiah 9:6f affirms that the “increase of His government…is without end;” therefore, the world will keep on supplying people for…
Read MoreTill He Comes
by Terry W. Benton In taking the Lord’s Supper each week (Acts 20:7) we “proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes” (I Corinthians 11:26). We proclaim that we are in communion and partnership with the benefits of His death. It is one of the ways we confess Him. Christians coming together on the first day…
Read MoreDisbelief in the Coming of Jesus by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Peter 3:1-15 I. Many false doctrines are rooted in a simple belief that word or phrase that has a particular meaning in one context has the same meaning in all other contexts. A. For example, the Greek word presbuteros in Acts 2:17 means someone advanced in age 1. So does…
Read MoreDid some prophecies in the Bible go unfulfilled?
Question: Hi! We live in a predominately LDS community. After six years we have had our first missionaries visit. We have asked them to come back and study, so I have been prepping. In doing so I have been studying Deuteronomy 18 about prophets and applying that to Joseph Smith’s prophesies, but in doing so,…
Read MoreYour website has a lot of information on preterism and homosexuality
Question: Hello, I stumbled across your website as I was trying to find information on refuting Preterism (AD 70 fulfillment). I have family members who recently found out about this, and are submerging themselves in Jonathon Welton’s teachings. Your web page has a lot of information, I hope to look through plenty of it in…
Read MoreThe A.D. 70 Doctrine
by Tommy Thornhill I sincerely believe “The A.D. 70 Doctrine” to be another in a long line of perverted gospels that has plagued the Lord’s church since I began preaching in May 1953. As a young preacher, I never dreamed that disgruntled and false brethren could dream up so many false doctrines. Since that time…
Read MoreWhen was the church in Smyrna established?
Question: Brother Hamilton, Our local fellowship of congregations has been impacted by the doctrine of Preterism, with a number of problems caused by one individual in particular who has garnered a small but aggressive group of followers holding to Max King’s teachings. In an article on your site, “70 A.D. ‘ism and the Date of…
Read More70 A.D. ‘ism and the Date of Revelation
by Carl A. Allen The doctrine of “70 A.D.’ism” demands all the writings of the New Testament books be before 70 A.D. There is no way the books could be after that date. Their doctrine is that the “Second Coming of Christ” took place in 70 A.D. If there are books after 70 A.D. that…
Read MoreWhen was the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom?
Question: When the Lord referred to “the Son of Man coming in His kingdom” (NKJV) is he referring to coming in Judgment or His return? Answer: To fully understand what Jesus said, we need to examine all three records of this particular teaching: “For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His…
Read MoreWhere does the Bible say Jesus will return a third time?
Question: I’ve been a fan of for along time. One question that haunts me is this: With Matthew 24 fulfilled (I do believe this) where does God’s word tell us Christ will come a third time? ( 1. birth – 2. A.D. 70 -3. ?) and what about passages like Ecclesiastes 1:4 “[One] generation passeth…
Read MoreDid the Old Law not end until the destruction of Jerusalem?
Question: In your lesson, “The Sermon on the Mount: The Law,” you keep to the literal meaning of Heaven and Earth in Matthew 5:18. Additionally, you argue the best understanding of the passage is to read the two “until” phrases be joined with an “or” rather than an “and.” I am currently studying with a…
Read MoreAre the seven churches in Asia still waiting for Christ?
Question: If what you speak is true in “Peter can’t be referring to the physical elements being destroyed, can he?”, then are the seven churches in Asia still waiting for Christ? Answer: I’m puzzled by your line of thought. Whether the churches in Asia are still awaiting Jesus or not does not determine whether the…
Read MoreCould Hegesippus have been mistaken and John was sent to Patmos in A.D. 70?
Question: Ran into your article, Dating the Book of Revelation, on the net. The Hegesippus evidence is actually addressed in John A. T. Robinson’s “Redating the New Testament.” Both Domitian and Nerva were in Rome during 69 and 70 AD, while Vespasian and Titus were campaigning in Palestine. They had delegated imperial authority in Vespasian’s absence. …
Read MoreThe Falling Away Comes First
by Carl A. Allen A problem confronting Timothy when Paul wrote the second epistle to him was that of some people, (Christians) believing the “resurrection is past already” (II Timothy 2:17-18). “But shun profane babblings: for they will proceed further in ungodliness, and their word will eat as doth a gangrene: of whom is Hymenaeus…
Read MoreHas the Second Coming of Jesus Already Occurred?
by Tony Mauck via Biblical Insights, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 2008 2008 is already half over and “all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation” (II Peter 3:4). From the mere standpoint of human observation, “A generation goes and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever” (Ecclesiastes 1:4). Day after day,…
Read MoreWhat does “end of the age” refer to?
Question: I am curious to know what you say the “end of the age” refers to? Does it refer to the end of the world or to a specific age? I ask this in relation to what you said about it in Matthew 28. I think some people (Full Preterists/Hyper Preterists) believe the “end of…
Read MoreCan There Be More Than One Coming? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Peter 3:1-14 I. There is a movement that has gotten popular in various churches to state that all references to the Lord’s coming refer to the destruction of Jerusalem. A. It is frequently called preterism, the A.D. 70 movement, or realized eschatology 1. “Eschatology” means the doctrine of last things.…
Read MoreDid the Jesuits develop preterism and futurism?
Question: Is it true that ‘preterism’ and ‘futurism’ were Jesuit interpretations of prophecy that were contrived during the counter-reformation? I’ve read that in a couple of places and wondered what your study has led you to about that. Thank you. Answer: Preterism is the view that the prophecies concerning destruction, especially those found in Revelation…
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