Thank you for your encouraging remarks on schizoaffective disorder

Question: My thanks to whoever wrote the statement to the man with schizoaffective disorder. I have a schizoaffective disorder that is often debilitating. I have psychotic episodes whenever there is a major change in my life and suffer many mood swings. More often than not, I cannot get support from many Christians. Only a select few…

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My husband believes I’m committing adultery when I am not

Question: Hello, I am writing to ask for advice in desperation of saving my marriage. Around one year ago, my husband accused me of adultery. I did not commit adultery, or any type of action that would be questionable. This came on out of the blue, and my husband said he just “felt it”. I…

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Destructive Complexes

by Don Martin We shall be using the term “complex” rather loosely in this article. A simple definition of “complex” is, “The term for a psychological cause, hidden or repressed, having a strong influence on one’s character; an obsession” [Webster’s National Dictionary]. In our examination of some destructive complexes, we shall not use the term…

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Will God hold a vow I made against me?

Question: Hi, I am a Christian. If you can answer this question for me, I would be very thankful. When I was a child I had an obsessive-compulsive disorder. In my thoughts, I would say things that I didn’t mean and sometimes things that I meant, but I could not control them. Now I am…

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Will I make heaven if I don’t keep God’s laws perfectly?

Question: I read “I have OCD-Religion and obsess over bad thoughts. Is there anything you can do to help me?” today that, in a way, describes my feelings. Although most of it does not concern me, some do and I am wondering if I too have OCD. My problem basically concerns overthinking things. This started…

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Is taking an antidepressant for fibromyalgia just an easy way out?

Question: Hi, I’m going to have some tests for fibromyalgia, etc., due to body pains. My doctor wants to put me on antidepressants for when I have flare-ups and for stress. I don’t want to use medicine as a crutch, and I have asked God for his help on this. I try to tough it…

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Over Diagnosis of ADHD Indicated

Source: “An ‘astronomical’ rise in ADHD diagnosis, The New York Times, published in Omaha World-Herald, 02 April 2013. I don’t know why this is so surprising. Common sense has indicated for decades that children were being drugged for no other reason than to keep classrooms calm and to allow parents to control their children with little effort.…

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I’m having trouble not doing things I am unsure about

Question: I am having trouble not doing things that I am unsure about whether or not they are sinful, such as drinking soda, eating sweets, masturbation, and whether or not I should be playing certain card and video games. On the soda and sweets, I am wondering if I am harming my body by doing…

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How can I help my boyfriend who has Tourette’s and ADD?

Question: I’m 19 years old and my boyfriend is 20. Our situation is really complicated, so I’m going to tell you about our past. Most of our relationship was before I gave my life to Christ. Let me start by saying he has Tourettes and ADD. When I first met him he was very lustful.…

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I have schizophrenia and I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately

Question: Hello brother, I have written you on other occasions about dilemmas that I was facing. At that point, I was very new to discipleship. I  had questions about a lot of things. I may have been overbearing on myself but I didn’t understand God’s expectations.  I still don’t on many subjects, but I do…

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Can medical conditions be behind negative thoughts, worries, and anger?

Question: I often wonder if medical conditions can be an excuse for how we feel? Take someone that has started having anxiety attacks out of the blue. They have never been someone that worries but because of a hormone imbalance they often have negative thoughts. Are they in sin? How can God help them? I…

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I would like to encourage those who suffer from OCD-Religious or scrupulosity

Question: Hi, I’ve been poking around the Internet. I was actually trying to find an OCD support group online but without any luck. However, I was fascinated to read the postings and questions of the individual with OCD-Religious or scrupulosity because I have gone through every single thing that individual has gone through, but I am…

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Could God speak in a still small voice today if He wanted to?

Question: Hello, I was baptized for the remission of sins about a year ago and became part of the church of Christ.  I wanted to know if it was still possible to hear God’s voice audibly or as a small inner voice speaking gently.  I know that we no longer need to hear God’s voice…

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Any suggestions for obsessive worrying?

Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church and have been since my teenage years. I am now middle-aged and have kids and a husband. For many years I have dealt with unwanted and compulsive thoughts in which they have all been pretty much related to worry and fear. I know we ought not…

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It is encouraging to see a positive attitude toward the mentally ill

Question: I cannot tell you just how encouraging it is to see Christians who have such a positive attitude toward the mentally ill. I am educated, have traveled, been a public speaker, and done all kinds of things, but I am mentally ill, too. It has kind of challenged my faith, but it is still…

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I’m scared of the thoughts in my head

Question: After days of researching everywhere to know if I am truly safe because I thought I had committed the unforgivable sin, which is the sin of having blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, I found out that I did not because to truly commit that sin, you must have your heart hardened so much that…

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Should a mentally impaired person be baptized?

Question: Scripturally speaking should an adult who is: mentally impaired, mentally retarded, unable to articulate or demonstrate an understanding of who God is, what baptism is, or what it accomplishes be baptized? Answer: A person is held accountable for their sins when they are old enough to have a knowledge of good and evil. This is why the…

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I’m obsessing over my sinful thoughts. What can I do?

Question: Hello. I am a member of the church of Christ and have been for a while now. However I have been plagued by many tormenting, fearful, and bad thoughts on a daily basis. I have talked to many doctors, psychiatrists and church counselors who chalk it up to anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, which causes…

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Can a person with schizoaffective disorder truly have faith?

Question: I suffer from mental illness of bipolar and schizoaffective disorder.  I believe in the notion that doctors’ advice of medicine helps us keep sane.  But there are mental blocks.  One is the ability to see God as Maker and Creator of heaven and earth.  I have to really mentally think about it before it is natural before I…

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Can Satan put bad thoughts into your head?

Question: I was wondering why certain thoughts are coming to my mind. Is it possible that Satan could put thoughts into a person’s mind to try to get them to sin, doubt, or think bad thoughts about God and the Holy Spirit? I’ve read different articles saying that it is not scripturally proven that he…

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The Christian and Psychology

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.        Psychology is the science of behavior           A.       It dates back to the late 1800s           B.       Since it’s founding, it has grown to influence both the Christian and non-Christian.           C.       There are many disorders that have physical origins                      1.       Injuries, diseases (such as tumors), drugs, aging                      2.       These can be treated medically           D.       But others are not organic…

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What about hearing voices in your head?

Question: What are some voices that the Bible mentions? How come some of them mess with your head? Some tell you to do things that you don’t want to do and you know is wrong. Could you explain this and help me? Answer: Our minds are amazingly complex. We are able to do many things…

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How do you handle a child with ADD or ADHD?

Question: A Christian friend has a child that has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. I keep this child once a week and I have several questions for those of you who are familiar with ADD or ADHD. The mother doesn’t want to give me much information because she feels I already have prejudiced views…

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Should a Christian use medicinal drugs that may affect the mind?

Question: Should a Christian use medicinal drugs that may affect the mind? Answer: The Bible teaches Christians to be sound of mind. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8). The Greek word translated as “sober” is nepho, which literally means…

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