The King James Translators’ Thoughts on Bible Translations

by Doy Moyer I recommend reading the translators’ preface to the King James Version of 1611. It’s easily found online, and some older King James Bibles may contain it. It helps provide some context when trying to see the value in various translations. People today make claims about KJV that the translators did not make.…

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Is it “end of the world” or “end of the age”?

Question: Hello, My son has fallen into the web of denominational teachings, including some off-the-wall organizations with the typical anything-goes philosophies, premillennialism, rapture, etc. He and I have finally begun to discuss the truth with the myths he believes. I have sent him several of your articles on the “End of Times, Rapture, etc” he…

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Baptism, the Godhead, and the King James Bible

Question: Hey, are you the person that is behind the answer on the La Vista Church of Christ website? Surprisingly, it looks like you have very sound doctrine, which, of course, is very rare to find considering how many false prophets and teachers there are that exist. Answer: [Note: “Then the Pharisees went and plotted…

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The Wording of the King James Bible

by Tom Edwards via The Gospel Observer It was back around 1973 when I first read through all of the King James Version of the Bible.  Having been originally written in 1611, its different wording also had an interesting appeal to me – the “thee’s” and the “thou’s” and the words with the “eth” endings,…

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What is meant by “Thou shalt not revile the gods”?

Question: Exodus 22:28 in the King James Version states we are not to revile the gods. Some explain it meaning governors while some translations state “do not revile God.” What is the true history of this verse? Thank you. Answer: The word in question is elohim in the Hebrew. This word is typically translated “God,” but…

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What is the “holy thing” in Luke 1:35?

Question: Minister, could you explain as clearly as you can what is meant by saying that holy thing which shall be born of thee in Luke 1:35? I think it has something to do with combining the three persons of God together into one. Also, might it be as Paul describes us as the new…

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Is the KJV the Only True Bible Version?

by Ethan R. Longhenry via De Vibro Vitae There has been some discussion in the world today, even in the church, that there is one Bible version which is the only true version, the Authorized or King James Version. Is this so? How can we determine which Bible version is better, if any? Let us explore…

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The Origin of the King James Version

by Ethan R. Longhenry In my personal reading, I have just completed two books that discuss the origins of the King James Version: In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture, by Alister McGrath, and God’s Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible,…

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Doesn’t Acts 12:4 mention Easter?

Question: A question I have is in Acts 12:4. What’s was the Scripture pertaining to when it mentioned Easter? “And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people” (Acts 12:4 KJV). Answer:…

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Thanks for the article on the Origin of the King James Version

Question: Hi, I read the article about the controversy of musical instruments. The article mentioned the Richmond Hills Church of Christ and I decided to google that church. My search led me to a nonsensical conspiracy site about how the new world order plans to take over the church via liberal church planters. After sifting through…

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Why is Romans 5:13 in parenthesis in the King James Version?

Question: This came up recently: Romans 5:13 is in parenthesis in the King James version. Could you please explain why? Answer: The parenthesis was added by the translators, both in the King James and New King James versions, to emphasize that this is explaining the charge made in Romans 5:12. Paul stated, “Therefore, just as…

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Why is there a “-;” in Exodus 32:32?

Question: First, this is a wonderful website, I have really enjoyed the information I have read and look forward to reading more. My question: What is the meaning of the dash and semicolon in Exodus 32:32? I heard it preached once as “the word Moses could not say” with a further explanation that the word…

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Why don’t you use the King James Version?

Question: Why don’t you use the King James Version? Answer: The problem is that the English language has changed in the last 400 years. Here are some examples: “Against” used to merely mean opposite or confronting. Thus in I Samuel 25:20 “And it was so, as she rode on the ass, that she came down by…

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Which Translation Should I Use?

Text: John 17   I.         A question that I’m asked repeatedly is which translation is best?             A.        It is a good question because in English alone, one brother made a list of 128 different translations. The majority of them have been compiled in the last 100 years.             B.        Part of the reason for the wide variety is the…

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Which version of the Bible is most accurate?

Question: I have a question about which version of the Bible is most accurate. Some believe that the King James Version 1611 is the only one that is the true Word of God. Then I hear otherwise. Also, the church I attend uses the New King James Version and the New Century Version. I was…

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Which Bible translations are the best?

Question: Which Bible translations have the highest accuracy? Answer: At one time Bible translations were an arduous task that took years, if not decades to complete. Now translations are appearing in rapid succession and it is becoming difficult to keep up with the many that are available. I’ll restrict my comments to those translations of…

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