Reasons That the Local Church Assembles Download Audio by David Bunting Understanding Christ’s Church

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What Is Being Neglected or Forsaken?

by Adam Litmer The following question was recently asked: “What specifically is meant in Hebrews 10:25 by ‘neglecting’ or ‘forsaking’? Is it inferring a requirement of attendance, or is it addressing an attitude towards worship? If it is a requirement, wouldn’t that infer all opportunities (Wednesday night, etc.) set up by local elders or congregation?”…

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Taking Courage by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 28:1-16   I.         Suppose your boss never gave you any feedback concerning your job. You come in, do your job and leave, but you never hear a word of criticism or praise.             A.        It almost sounds like the ideal job. But I think most people would soon find it to…

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Drawing Strength from the Courage of Others

by Bill Hall We should be thankful for wonderful examples of courage that spur us on to greater strength in the Lord’s service. Paul was just such an example: “And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear” (Philippians 1:14). These…

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The Work of Preaching

by Doy Moyer Over time, a typical preacher will have preached hundreds of times (thousands once you figure in decades). He will have taught even more classes, again into the thousands. Don’t judge a preacher or teacher by one or two sermons or lessons. There is no way to cover the full ground of a…

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Hebrews: Encouragement to Remain Faithful by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 10:19-25   I.         The book of Hebrews interleaves evidence of the superiority of Christ, His covenant, and His church with encouragement to the brethren to remain faithful.             A.        After giving evidence that Jesus is God’s son, the writer said – Hebrews 2:1-4             B.        Jesus was a faithful son and so must…

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Ezras Still Need Shecaniahs

by Jason Hardin In God’s Image “Ezra.” If you’re familiar with the Old Testament of the Bible, you remember the name. “Shecaniah”? Probably not. But here’s something we all need to understand: the “Ezras” of the world desperately need the “Shecaniahs.” In Ezra 10, after rebuilding the temple, restoring the Passover, and contending with a…

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When It’s Time To Leave

by Joe Works Leave Peaceably That may not happen but it needs to be your goal. No good will come from “letting people have it” as you’re walking out the door (Romans 12:18; Hebrews 12:14). Leave Hopeful If people have treated you poorly maybe they will change. Pray sincerely for them. God changed you from…

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Joshua’s Encouragement

by Doy Moyer As the children of Israel were preparing to go into the Promised Land, Moses delivered a series of speeches to help them understand how important their love and obedience to God would be (see Deuteronomy 6:1-9). Moses would not enter the Land himself, but Joshua had been chosen as the successor who…

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You Encourage Me

by Russ Bowman I am thinking this morning of all those who go unnoticed in their faithful service to God — at least unnoticed by other people. So, here’s a nod of appreciation… …to all of the husbands and wives who work hard at their marriage and honor their vows, even when it’s difficult. …to…

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Be a Barnabas

by Jefferson David Tant We are familiar with Paul’s companion in some of his travels. He is first mentioned in Acts 4:36: “Now Joseph, a Levite of Cyprian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles (which translated means Son of Encouragement).” What a great description of Paul’s brother and companion. He is next…

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Mary’s House by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 12:12-17   I.         In Acts 12 we learn that the persecution of the church intensified in Judea.             A.        Herod had the apostle James killed – Acts 12:1-2             B.        It was a popular act, and so he planned to repeat it by having Peter killed – Acts 12:3-4             C.        But Peter did not…

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Encouragement by Raymond Warfel

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Being a Conversationalist

Text: Romans 12:10-18   I.         A young lady wrote and asked, “How can you be a good conversationalist? I’m so boring. I don’t know how to strike up an interesting conversation.”             A.        It is a good question because talking to people is something we just take for granted. II.        Start by listening – really listening             A.        The biggest mistake…

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Barnabas – The Encourager by Ross Ward Text: Acts 4:31-37 Barnabas’ work in Acts Acts 4:31-37 – gave of himself Acts 9:26-30 – advocated for Saul in Jerusalem Acts 11:19-24 – qualities as a servant Acts 11:25-26 – advocates for Saul Acts 15:35-41 – advocates for John Mark Being a Barnabas Barnabas sacrificed himself Giving of his property…

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The Words We Speak by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 4:17-24   I.         There is a Proverb that stands out in my mind – Proverbs 26:18-19             A.        You cannot cover up lies with a claim that you were making a joke.             B.        We are judged by what we say, even the casual things said without much thought – Matthew 12:35-37                         1.         Why?…

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Sometimes There’s No Applause

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 17:7-10   I.         What do you do when no one pats you on the back?             A.        You work hard, yet no one seems to notice your effort.             B.        Why clean when you know the kids are just going to make a mess of it in a short while?             C.        Why give that extra…

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Gathering Together I.         When we talk of worshiping God, one aspect of that worship is our gathering together             A.        Psalm 122:1                         1.         Is this your attitude, or do you feel dragged here?                         2.         To worship God requires assembling with fellow Christians             B.        Hebrews 10:19-27                         1.         The writer of Hebrews discusses the conversion of a man                         2.         Jesus consecrated a new and living way…

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How do I get others to see the necessity of attending?

Question: Hey brother Hamilton, I have a concern I know you will be able to help me address. I am a teacher at a local church of Christ. I have been doing my best teaching the congregation starting about a year ago. I am also a teenager who will be graduating this year. My concern…

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Do Not Be Discouraged by Raymond Warfel

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The Christian’s Duty to His Brethren by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:8-15   I.         Each of us come from diverse backgrounds.             A.        We come together to worship             B.        We come together for fellowship             C.        Yet that coming together is not always smooth.                         1.         Just as a family experiences times of irritation, so it happens among brethren.                         2.         Paul’s desire was for the Corinthians to…

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I almost went back home until someone saw me and smiled

Question: Dear Brother Hamilton, I have more of a story to tell you than a question to ask. First, I want to thank you for the work you’ve done on this site. It was an instrumental force in restoring me to the Lord’s church after 20 years of being fallen away. I still use it…

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We Thank God for You

by Ethan Longhenry via Biblical Insights, August 2014 We live in a time of extremes when it comes to self-esteem and affirmation. Some people are constantly criticized, derided, and put down, even by family members, and feel as if they are worthless and can never be good enough. Other people receive nothing but praise and affirmations…

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Converting a Soul by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 2:1-7   I.         When dealing with people, it should not surprise anyone that there will be disagreements.             A.        Being people, each individual has his own mix of ideas and desires.             B.        The true difficulty comes in getting others to do what needs to be done when they aren’t inclined to do…

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Amen by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Deuteronomy 27:14-26   I.          Deuteronomy 27:14-26              A.         What did it mean when the people said “Amen?”              B.         Amen started as a Hebrew word                           1.          It was transliterated into Greek and then eventually into English                           2.          Same pronunciation, but with an English spelling                           3.          It also retained the original meaning.                           4.          Interestingly, it is nearly a universal…

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How to Thank God for His Gifts

by Sam Stinson “All the women whose hearts stirred them to use their skill spun the goats’ hair” (Exodus 35:26, ESV). Ethan Bortnick is a piano prodigy. At age seven, he has memorized two hundred melodies and has composed a handful of his own. After hearing him play a piece on TV, I researched his…

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The Ten Commandments on How to Get Along with Each Other by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Introduction             A.        No man is an island                         1.         We cannot exist alone. We are in constant need of contact with other people.                         2.         In order to get along in this world, we must get along with others.             B.        As Christians, our main purpose should be to bring more souls to Christ                         1.         How can we…

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by Steven Harper  Previously, we considered the problem of discouragement, which [by definition] is depriving one of courage; this week, let us consider its opposite: encouragement. Encouragement, by definition, is to inspire with courage. It means to stimulate by assistance, approval, etc. It is, again, the opposite of discouragement and we can hopefully see which state is preferable to the…

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Some Thoughts About Offering Criticism

by William Barclay “I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first” (Revelation 2:19). There is something very interesting about this verse. The letter to the church at Thyatira is to be a letter of warning and of criticism,…

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Son of Encouragement Text: Hebrews :7-14   I.         The Scriptures tell us of an interesting man             A.        His name was Joseph and he was from the island of Cyprus, though he was a Jew — a Levite in particular.             B.        No one remembers him by his true name, everyone calls him by his nickname.             C.        “Bar” = Son of, and “Nubas”…

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