Barnabas – The Encourager

by Ross Ward

Text: Acts 4:31-37

  1. Barnabas’ work in Acts
    1. Acts 4:31-37 – gave of himself
    2. Acts 9:26-30 – advocated for Saul in Jerusalem
    3. Acts 11:19-24 – qualities as a servant
    4. Acts 11:25-26 – advocates for Saul
    5. Acts 15:35-41 – advocates for John Mark
  2. Being a Barnabas
    1. Barnabas sacrificed himself
      1. Giving of his property for the poor
    2. Barnabas qualities
      1. Qualities of a servant
    3. Barnabas advocated for others
      1. Saul & John Mark
    4. Barnabas developed (employed) others in his work
      1. Saul & John Mark
  3. Not “the stereotype”
    1. Paul/Saul – devout Jew
    2. John Mark – was not devoted
    3. Peter, Andrew, James & John – Fisherman
    4. Luke – Physician
    5. Matthew – Tax Collector
  4. We all have a purpose and the ability
    1. Matthew 25:14-30 – The parable of the 5, 2, and 1 talent men
    2. I Corinthians 12:1-31 – various gifts
    3. Romans 12:3-9 – various abilities
    4. Ephesians 4:7-16 – various offices
    5. Titus 2:3-5 – the importance of women
    6. I Thessalonians 5:9-11, 14 – all Christians
  5. Results designed by Jesus (Ephesians 4)
    1. Unity of faith
    2. Knowledge of Jesus
    3. Complete man
    4. Attain proper moral character
    5. Not tossed about
    6. Joined together
    7. Compacted together
  6. Advocate
    1. Develop and encourage fellow workers
    2. Develop and encourage teachers and preachers
    3. Develop and encourage participation
    4. Develop and encourage elders
  7. Conclusion
    1. Serve & Sacrifice
      1. Look out for others best interest
        1. “good man” – benevolent
      2. Sacrificing self
    2. A servant
      1. Meekness
      2. Humility
      3. Forbearance
      4. Submissive