Posts Tagged ‘creation’
What about other cultures that have different creation and flood accounts?
Question: Hey Jeffrey, I have a question: I just started a daily Bible reading program and went back over the history of mankind, creation, and the generations. I am wondering: Are these the only people who were living on the Earth at this time? How would you compare Genesis with other ancient civilizations’ generations or…
Read MoreThe Bible and Dinosaurs
by Don Martin The word dinosaur, as such, is not found in the Bible. We must remember that man has named many of the animals today. The word dinosaur is associated with the Greek “dino,” meaning terrible. There are animals named in the Bible concerning which we have no definite knowledge or identity (see “greyhound,”…
Read MoreDid God create the matter we see?
Question: Hebrews 11:3 says “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Is this verse an argument that God did not create the matter we see but rather formed it into what it is now?…
Read MoreSince the Y-chromosome doesn’t activate until the fifth week, does this mean everyone starts out as female and that the first human could not be a male?
Question: There’s this meme going around that some people are trying to use against Creationism. It says, “All humans begin as female. The Y chromosome — which is only present in males — is not activated in the first 5-6 weeks of embryonic development.” Anyway, they’re trying to say that Adam couldn’t have been the…
Read MoreWhy did God create such a vast universe?
Question: Before I discovered your site, one of the things I have been wondering is “Why did God create the Universe, besides Earth?” There are so many ideas that boggle me with this question that lead to confusion, and curiosity. Sometimes, I wonder “Why has God created the Universe that is full of both wonder…
Read MoreWas Eve formed from Adam’s rib or Adam’s side?
Question: Was the word “rib” the correct translation in Genesis chapter 2? The NIV gives in their footnotes that it is a rib or he took a part from Adam’s side. So which is right? Answer: The Hebrew word tsela, can mean a rib, or a part of the side. How you translate it doesn’t matter.…
Read MoreDid God create other people besides Adam and Eve?
Question: Mr. Hamilton, I have a question: Were there any other people on Earth at the time of Cain and Abel or at the time of Adam and Eve were created? Because the Bible says Adam and Eve were the first two humans created. However, in Genesis, after Cain killed Abel, he was afraid of…
Read MoreDoes the Higgs Boson’s existence prove the Big Bang theory?
Question: Okay, so my chemistry teacher told us today that the Higgs Boson or the God particle proves the big bang. What is this Higgs Boson thing? Every day I’m getting some weird information. It’s all so confusing. Answer: Science has been trying to figure out how the world works for a long time. Part…
Read MoreIf God made all animals equal, then why are some extinct?
Question: We had a neighborhood gathering at my house, I got into a heated debate with a college student. I was defending the Bible well, then he said that if God made all animals equal, how come there are extinct animals. Then everything got very quiet as they were about to cut a cake. I’m…
Read MoreWhat was the source of light on the first day?
Question: Which light did God create on the first day? Because we know the sun is the only source of light. If there is an eclipse there will darkness on the surface of the earth. Answer: Light is a form of energy. The sun as well as all the stars produce light. Just because a…
Read MoreA Natural Defense
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton LA Times I found yet another interesting article in the paper today. Bed bugs have been making a comeback and scientists are looking for solutions that don’t involve chemicals. A traditional defense against bed bugs in eastern Europe is to spread kidney bean leaves on the floor and to the scientists’…
Read MoreWhy did ancient cultures lose the story of God?
Question: I was discussing with a friend how there is literal scientific evidence to show that the world is less than 10,000 years old. Then the question was raised: “Why did ancient cultures (Olmec, etc.) lose the story of God?” In other words, we are asking what caused these ancient peoples to have a different…
Read MoreThank you for explaining where the other people came from in Genesis 4:14
Question: Hello, I just want to say thank you for your explanation of Genesis 4:14. I was reading today and thought, “What other people?” It was nice to see some proof as to what could have happened to cause Cain’s line of thinking. It is very hard to think people lived so long, but it must be. Answer:…
Read MoreIs the biblical account of Creation not meant to be taken literally?
Question: I actually once wrote an article my junior year of high school titled “Creationism vs. Evolution”, and my entire paper was about how Creationism was right and Evolution was wrong. However, over the years I’ve come across so much evidence arguing for the sake of evolution in the world. I also have come to…
Read MoreBelieving the Bible’s Creation Account is Called “Pagan Superstition”
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day” (Exodus 20:11). WorldNetDaily released an article on May 6, 2006, titled “Bible literalism ‘pagan superstition’?” In it are quotes from a Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno. For…
Read MoreDoes God allow differing beliefs, such as regarding evolution?
Question: Hello, I really like your site. I believe you’re the real deal. It’s clear you love God. Something has bothered me and been hurting my faith. I wondered why so many people have different views on the Bible. For instance, you said the world was 6,000 years old. I was taught that the world…
Read MoreDid God just make the world look like it evolved to test our faith?
Question: Dear Sir, I am a Christian and I have wondered for a while now after I saw a documentary on how the world was created. It explains that water came from meteors, live came from a mixture of chemicals, and it explains this in a very graphic way, answering quite a few of my…
Read MoreIs the third river from Eden the Hiddekel or the Tigris?
Question: I was studying about the location of the Garden of Eden today, and I noticed you said the Bible lists four rivers Pishon, Gihon, Euphrates, and the Tigris? I don’t believe that the Bible lists the Tigris. I believe the last river is listed as Hiddekel which is found in Genesis 2:10-14. Answer: “The…
Read MoreThe Bible, Science, and Skepticism
Text: Psalm 33:4-11 I. A literal reading of the Bible tells us that God created the world, that the universe was created in six days, and the world is about 6,000 years old. A. Yet the literal reading is often rejected, not on the basis of Scriptural teachings, but because it does seem “scientific.” B. So, they…
Read MoreYou can’t claim that men can eat meat because Adam and Eve did not exist!
Question: I am not going to spend the time on pointing out the contradictions and major flaws in your ‘bible-based’ theories about why animals may be hunted,slaughtered and consumed at our peril, for the entire article and your reasoning is so deraged that it would probably be a waste of time. Just for the record:…
Read MoreGod’s Creation and the First Home by Robert Speer The Home
Read MoreIf intelligent life were discovered elsewhere, how would views of God change?
Question: Hi! I am an astrophysics student. IF life of intelligence was ever discovered elsewhere in the Universe, what do you think their opinion on God would be, and how would it affect your opinion on God and the Bible? Thanks! Answer: If life exists elsewhere in this universe, then it would have been created by…
Read MoreWhy would God make plants that are poisonous if He said to Adam and Eve they could eat all the plants?
Question: Why would God make plants that are poisonous if He said to Adam and Eve they could eat all the plants (except for the one tree)? Answer: “And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit…
Read MoreDid God create darkness or did it always exist?
Question: Genesis 1 speaks of darkness existing over the waters before creation. Was darkness something made or has it always existed? Did God create the initial darkness before He separated the initial light from darkness? I’m asking because a friend asked me this question. Also was God not light? So why was there a need…
Read MoreIf Carl Sagan was the world’s smartest man, shouldn’t he have a compelling argument?
Question: You ever look at Carl Sagan reasons why he doesn’t believe in the Christian God, since he’s the world’s smartest man he should have a compelling argument? [A link to a video clip of Sagan was then given]. Answer: “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are dying, but to…
Read MoreHow can there be a beginning if God always existed?
Question: If someone asked “where did God come from or how did he get to be” then the person asked (if a Christian) would probably say “He has always been there He still is and will always be.” Right, so if He has always been there and is eternal then how come the Bible says…
Read MoreDoes Genesis 1:1 say there was nothing except God before the beginning?
Question: Here’s another question and it may seem silly but all I want is you to answer it in the best way you can. Genesis 1:1 “in the beginning there was nothing except God.” or “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (different versions of the Bible) and I am confused about…
Read MoreHow could so many and different people come from just two people?
Question: In the beginning, when there was just Adam and Eve, I know they had kids but if they were the only ones then how did there get to be so many people on the earth? And if there was only them at first then how come people are so different? Some people are super…
Read MoreIs there microevolution?
Question: I want to make clear that I believe that God created everything according to Romans 1:20. I was with friends and the topic of a movie called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed came up. I mentioned that someone I knew said “You Creationists don’t believe in evolution, but we evolutionists believe in God.” Our evangelist said there is…
Read MoreHow Old Is the World? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 38:1-11 I. The assumption that our world is billions of years old appears everywhere in our culture. A. It is so prevalent that few stop and question whether it is true. B. But as God pointed out to Job, man wasn’t there at the beginning (Job 38:2). Everything we have…
Read MoreHow could Adam name all those animals in one day?
Question: I have a question regarding making sense of the six days of creation and 24 hour days. How long did it take Adam to name the animals? Did he name all those animals within one literal 24 hour period on day six of the creation week? Answer: “Out of the ground the LORD God…
Read MoreThe Miracle of Creation: A Stronghold for Believers
by George Hutto via Tidings, Vol. 24, No. 11, Nov. 2009. Moses laid the foundation for belief in God with the first ten words in the Bible: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Other miracles are significant, but the miracle of creation tells us our origin, gives reason for believing in…
Read MoreDid Eve commit adultery with the serpent?
Question: Is it true that Eve committed adultery with the serpent? Where was Adam when this sin was committed? If the serpent was a beast why was Cain a proper human being? What is the biblical position on this issue? Answer: Questions like these wouldn’t even come up if people read their Old Testaments. The…
Read MoreWhy is the creation of man mentioned twice in Genesis?
Question: Can you shed some light on the account of the creation in the Book of Genesis? In Genesis 1 you have man being created and then in Genesis 2 you have man being created again. Answer: Though attributed to Moses, the Bible never states that Moses was the original author (unlike the other four…
Read MoreWhy create humans if God knew most would live sinfully?
Question: So, God controls everything that will ultimately happen, but not the choices we make in order to get to that final event, correct? I’m almost positive that that’s what all of those articles were pointing to. So then, does that mean that He meant for humans to ultimately be sentenced to live in a world of…
Read MoreWas Cain fathered by Satan?
Question: I was told by a Sunday school teacher that Cain was fathered by Satan. I cannot find this in the Bible. Can you help me with the answer? Answer: “Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the LORD”” (Genesis 4:1). For…
Read MoreWhere did Cain get his wife?
Question: As I continue my journey through Genesis I find myself asking a new question. I understand Adam and Eve. I get that they had two sons, Cain and Abel, but after Cain killed his brother he was cast over to another part of the land. How did Cain meet another woman? I thought God…
Read MoreRemember to Magnify His Work
Text: Job 36:24-33 I. In outlining the sins of the people of the world, Paul noted that the Gentiles could be justly charged with sin – Romans 1:18-23 A. No one has the excuse of not knowing that God exists. B. He and even His nature can be seen in the things God has made, leaving all…
Read More“Incredible” Beginning
by Andy Diestelkamp via Gospel Power, Vol. 15, No. 30, July 27, 2008. The beginnings of things always intrigue us. We often mark them with great ceremony at the time if we anticipate their importance (weddings, ribbon-cutting grand openings, signings, etc.). We frequently research beginnings if only later do we realize someone’s or something’s importance…
Read MoreHow the Universe Began – No One Knows
by Dudley Ross Spears I am no sort or kind of a scientist, but my son is. One of his university textbooks for a physics class was “Conceptual Physics.” It was written by Paul G. Hewitt, a professor at City College of San Francisco. I lift a few sentences from the book to begin this…
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