Posts Tagged ‘baptized again’
Was I truly born again?
Question: Hello, I had a question regarding baptism. I was baptized a few years ago when I was around 20 years old; however, I struggled with sexual immorality and lust with my girlfriend for a long time. Eventually, we got married. After this, I started to think baptism wasn’t necessary for the forgiveness of sins,…
Read MoreHow do I know I received the Holy Spirit?
Question: Good morning, Thank you for all the helpful resources available through this website. I have found this site to be very helpful. I have read many of the articles you have regarding re-baptism, and I would like to gain further insight into this topic. I was baptized at the age of 14. However, I…
Read MoreDo I need to be baptized again after finally quitting alcohol?
Question: I searched for an answer to a question and happily ran into a church of Christ site. I saw your question and answer section, and I need more specific information. As briefly as possible I will explain. I was baptized at the age of 12. I went way off course in my life. and…
Read MoreCan taking Holy Communion miraculously heal?
Question: Dear friend, I was baptized as an adult who believes in Christ. I was told that he is our Perfector and our Savior. I had previously struggled with lust, hoping to rid my life of pornographic images. After the baptism, I would still sometimes masturbate, which a Christian friend said he once had problems with.…
Read MoreDo I need to get baptized again?
Question: Hello, I grew up in the church of Christ. I was first baptized around age 12. I later was baptized again because I became unsure if I did it for the correct reasons the first time. I thought I did it more out of fear of hell than belief and love of God. I…
Read MoreI’m not certain about my salvation
Question: I’ve been very anxious about my salvation and baptism. I was saved at around 12 years old and baptized when I was almost 14. I was so on fire for God when I was baptized. I was wondering if I should be baptized again because even though I was very genuine about it, I’m not…
Read MoreI wonder if I falsely remember being baptized
Question: Some say it is absolutely wrong to be baptized more than once and to not do it. Some say it is an outward sign to others, and one can be baptized more than once for various reasons. I have even read that water baptism is not necessary for salvation, which I can agree to a point.…
Read MoreDid I sin by getting baptized again?
Question: Hello, I hope you are well and having a blessed day. I am writing you because I have been greatly troubled. I’ve prayed about it, and I’ve tried to get past the things I’ve done. To backtrack a little bit, I was first baptized into the church when I was thirteen. I remember sitting…
Read MoreLabeling Among Brethren
by Floyd Chappelear Sentry Magazine, September 2001 I don’t like labels. I don’t like pigeon-holing people. There are many reasons. but the chief among them is they rarely convey the message that the label is intended to articulate. Let me provide you with some f’rinstances. The word “Liberal” in the political sense would tend to…
Read MoreIf I didn’t say “Jesus is Lord,” do I need to be baptized again?
Question: Hello there, Thank you for the articles and answers on your website. I believe they stand on good biblical ground and are a blessing to Christians and the world. I have a question about Romans 10:9. Many years ago, I was immersed in water for the remission of my sins. Before this baptism, I…
Read MoreI got baptized for selfish reasons. Do I need to get baptized again?
Question: I was baptized according to the Bible when I was 14. I’m now 20 years old. I have been faithful in the church. However, recently I have been questioning the motive behind my baptism. Now that I look back I knew Jesus had died on the cross for my sins and that when I…
Read MoreBecause I doubted, do I need to be baptized again?
Question: I’ve been having quite a lot of problems with doubt and worry lately. The other night I was in quite a doubt-filled, depressed mood, and I think I slipped into a period of not believing in Christ. Whether it was a minute, an hour, or five hours, I do not know for I soon…
Read MoreIf I realize that I had sins after baptism, does that mean I need to be baptized again?
Question: Hi, After spending most of my teenage and early adult life in the Baptist Church, I came upon the Interactive Bible Study by Ronald Boatwright, which talked about how to be biblically saved. I was actually baptized for the correct reason a few weeks ago. However, I’ve been wondering if I should be baptized again, mainly…
Read MoreHow do I convince someone to be baptized again when they think their past baptism is good enough?
Question: Hi again, brother Jeffrey, I had asked for your help before regarding beverages. Thank you so much for the help because it gives me clarity on what to do. I moved out from the church where I used to worship because I heard from the leader of that church that it’s OK to drink…
Read MoreI keep going back into my old sins. Do I need to be baptized again?
Question: Hi, I was recently baptized for a second time because I felt that my first baptism was invalid because I wasn’t truly converted and turned back to my old ways too quickly. But with this baptism, I feel that I didn’t repent before I was baptized because I went back to my old ways…
Read MoreI’m not sure I understood the purpose of baptism when I was baptized. Should I do it again?
Question: I was baptized when I was eleven years old (I am sixteen right now), but I am not sure that I completely understood what the purpose of baptism was. It was my choice to be baptized, but at that age, I was aware that baptism brings me to God, but I was not aware…
Read MoreDoes a person from a Baptist background need to be baptized again if he believes he has done everything God asks of him correctly?
Question: I have a question about baptism. My husband and I are setting up to teach a man who has been visiting the church where we attend for going on two years now. His background is Baptist and when I asked him was he baptized for the remission of sins he replied, yes. He says…
Read MoreShould a person be baptized again if he was baptized for the wrong purpose?
Question: Good day sir. Well done on your website. I just finished reading the “Baptism: Necessary for Salvation” posting. and quickly browsed your other links. I was encouraged by your website and the fact that you used scripture to back up what you were stating when it came to salvation. I also appreciated when you…
Read MoreDoes a person leaving the Christian Church need to be baptized again?
Question: What is your thinking (based on Scripture) on a situation where someone has been baptized in the Christian Church but says they were baptized for the remission of sins and they want to place membership in the church of Christ? Do they need to be baptized again? The argument is that we are placing…
Read MoreShould I be baptized again because I didn’t fully understand what baptism was about?
Question: I was re-baptized by a minister in the church of Christ because a brother said that if I was not baptized for the remission of sin then my previous baptism was not valid. Now I have many doubts because I feel that I accepted this baptism as a sacrament of sorts, like a ritual that…
Read MoreShould a person who was sprinkled be baptized again?
Question: I’ve been reading your answers regarding questions on baptism. Since you believe you have to be immersed in water to be properly baptized, would a person need to be baptized again if they were not immersed in water? I ask this because so many people are baptized with just the sprinkling of water. Answer: See: What…
Read MoreI was baptized as an infant. Do I need to be baptized again?
Question: I was baptized as an infant; however, I have recently found Christ and repented from my sinful ways. I know the importance of baptism and want to ensure that I am in accordance with the Scriptures. There are many different views on this subject; however, I cannot seem to find anyone to answer me…
Read MoreI don’t think I had that great of a need for baptism when I was 13. Should I get baptized again?
Question: Is it a biblical fact that those in the Bible recorded as being baptized are all in the context of being fully matured adults? If yes, is there any significance to this in regards to baptism? I was baptized at the early age of 13. I understood why, so thus I believe all was…
Read MoreSince I became a Christian, I’ve become an alcoholic. Should I be baptized again?
Question: I was baptized in my late teens. I genuinely believed at that time everything I was supposed to based on Scripture. Since then, I have done all sorts of things that are wrong and sinful and it is now ten years later. I have a serious physical addiction to drinking alcohol and dipping, which…
Read MoreI’m beginning to doubt my baptism, whether I really understood that I was to die to sin. Should I be rebaptized?
Question: I have heard of many people who have questioned their salvation because they didn’t know a particular scripture at the time. I have learned through the years that there will always be something you don’t know at the time of your baptism. A person does not need to know every single scripture in order…
Read MoreMust a Baptist be rebaptized even though he says he was baptized for the right reason?
Question: I was raised in the church of Christ. I am married to someone who was raised in the Baptist church. She has no problem with going to church with me. But she doesn’t think that she should be baptized again. She says that she was baptized for the same reason, the same way, and…
Read MoreShould I get baptized again?
Question: I read your answer about re-baptism. For a time now I have struggled with about being re-baptized. When I was originally baptized, it was done the proper way by immersion in the name of the Father, of the Son, and Holy Spirit for the purpose of becoming saved. But since then I fell away from…
Read MoreTaught Wrong and Baptized Right?
Adapted from an article by Wayne Jones via The Jackson Drive News & Notes, No. 14, April 10, 2005. Under the banners of acceptance and “unity,” many in the Lord’s church have developed an open-door policy with members of the denominational world. Many, by their own admission, have chosen not to “question” a person’s claim to…
Read MoreWhat authority is there for re-baptism?
Question: Where does the Bible authenticate re-baptizing anyone who believed in Jesus and was baptized in His name? Answer: I know of none. Baptism is an act that is done once. “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put…
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