Do I need to be baptized again after finally quitting alcohol?


I searched for an answer to a question and happily ran into a church of Christ site. I saw your question and answer section, and I need more specific information. As briefly as possible I will explain.

I was baptized at the age of 12. I went way off course in my life. and ended up with addiction issues.
I made very bad decisions in my life.

I left the church for a long time. I felt that I never left God, but I stayed in my sinful lifestyle.

Much later in life, I was baptized again. I repented over and over, but I couldn't or wouldn't stop using alcohol. Even though I was a church and worship leader, I continued to sin.

I am more than ashamed. I am tired of feeling the pain, guilt, and shame -- not to mention the physical damage done to myself. I'm fighting hard and I am finally able to stop.

I'm truly repentant. I am turning my life over to Christ. I've told my brothers my exact state of being multiple times and I've asked for prayers. I do not believe I should be baptized again. But your prayerful and Scriptural opinion is requested.

Sincerely, I am just a repentant sinner in need of redemption.


When a person is baptized, he enters into a covenant with Christ. That entrance is only needed once. By becoming a child of God, the past with its sins is removed (Acts 22:16), and the person begins a new life (Romans 6:3-7). This doesn't mean that a Christian is prevented from sinning or that he is expected to live a sinless life. Sins happen to even the best of us (I John 1:8-2:1). What changes is that a Christian is dedicated to fighting sin while knowing he may slip occasionally.

You left the Lord (Isaiah 59:1-2), but happily, you are fighting your way back to him. You are correct, you don't need to be baptized again. You need to buckle down to fight Satan for the rest of your life (Ephesians 6:10-18). You can't let your guard down and think you have this sin conquered (I Corinthians 10:12).

You've done well. Continue to fight the fight of faith.